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  服务学习定义 Service learning definition


Service learning(Service - learning,This word in Hong Kong for lingnan university"Service institute")Is a kind of pay attention to service and learning relationship and teaching ideas and teaching methods,He will student's course(professional)Learning and social service combination,Through the systematic social service activities and structured reflection process,Promote the teachers and students to participate in the reconstruction of the common knowledge,In the constant meet community needs at the same time,Training students' social responsibility and promote the development of students' comprehensive ability.--[Service - learning manual]

  服务学习与志愿服务,课程实习、劳动课的区别 Service learning and voluntary service,Course practice/The work class difference


We from the above definition of service learning have a preliminary understanding and the understanding.In order to further will service learning and voluntary service/Course practice and distinguish the work class, etc,We first to this a few concept clear,And the service learning and comparison.


1. Volunteer service


Some people think that daily life benignity is voluntary service,Others think the voluntary service is can't have any paid,Others think that only money not engaging in actual service work cannot be counted as voluntary service.so,What is the voluntary service?


Volunteer service is the individual in order to promote the neighbor/community/The welfare of the society and non-profit/No salary/The professional behavior.Volunteer service form of many,From the traditional neighborhood mutual to today's to relieve pain/Conflict resolution to end poverty and the efforts to belong to voluntary service.


The United States association of social workers, think,The pursuit of public interest/In line with the self intend and selection and combination of a group of people called voluntary service organizations,To participate in this group of people called a volunteer work,And this kind of group work is called voluntary service.


Volunteer service should have the following features:(1)Voluntary behavior: out of personal embodies the mind to serve the society,His behavior is voluntary choice,Not by a third person or outside force.(2)Unpaid devotion: the use of their own time/skills/Resources and a heart for her neighbors/community/Social help,But beg dedication,Not return.(3)For helping motivation behavior: to help others,Make society better.


now,Volunteer service has developed into a rich in content/The various forms of business,Main have self-help and mutual type voluntary service/Charity career activist voluntary service/Sports and propaganda type volunteer service and so on.Along with the progress of the society,In the form of volunteer service will be more rich,It in promoting peace and development of mankind and the role of will be even more significant.


2. Course/professional practice


Course/professional practice is a to provide students with the real social situation and opportunity,Let them with all kinds of organizations or institutions of work personnel and use school knowledge and skills to participate in social practice,Get accumulated work experience education method.In this process,Students benefit from three aspects at least:(1)Gain practical work experience and to improve the classroom theory and idea;(2)In the work about personal self expectation or satisfaction;(3)For future work lay the foundation.


And community service or volunteer service comparing,Course/professional practice attach more importance to is"practice",It is in the classroom practice using the theory knowledge,And in the process of practice"service"Philosophy is less attention to.In addition,Practice involved the content for students in the field of major differences in different.This kind of the professional field practice is based on rich theoretical knowledge and some on the basis of professional skills,The main point of the classroom is to use it to further skilled professional knowledge and skills,Rather than learning new knowledge or form new skills,Not really consider will use knowledge services to the society.Should say,Course/professional practice of the main beneficiaries is the school of students,Although the practice itself can also bring a series of external social benefits,But it is not the focus in practice.therefore,Practice is not like service - learning that can make the students/Service object/Social various organizations and universities and so on all can benefit from it.


3. The work class


The work class at home and abroad from primary school to college of each phase of the school is widely open.In China,Primary and middle school stage the work class is a student of the required course,In the university stage only part of the school opened the labor course,Students are required to practice must be full of to the credits to graduate.


The purpose of open the work class,It is in order to strengthen the students' labor concept,Culture respect for labor and the employee's value,Improve the students' practical ability,Cultivate independent/Hard-working simple/Bear hardships and stand hard work quality.At the same time,The work class can also increase the students to participate in social practice opportunities,To cultivate students' take good care of the campus environment idea.but,University phase of the work class faced with many problems,Such as students and parents not identity, etc.therefore,The work class in college trap people more embarrassing situation,Some universities so had to cancel the work class.


Service learning emphasis on learning and service relations pay equal attention to,therefore,It with the traditional voluntary service/course(professional)Practice and related concepts such as the work class there's a big difference between.The different from other concept is the most essential feature of the: service - study combines the course/service/Reflection and civil consciousness cultivation factors,And voluntary service/The labor course mainly focuses on its service,Ignore the reflection and cultivation of citizenship awareness,And and course also no direct link.Although the volunteer service and labor services in the process also make the participants in the knowledge/Harvest skills,But this is not elaborate organization planning has the need to achieve specific goals.Course/professional practice basically to learn the main,Purpose is to train students to use professional knowledge and technical ability,But ignore the quality of service, and cultivation of citizenship awareness.And service learning requirements and service is carefully organization planning,To meet the real needs of the community activities;At the same time,Service learning also have specific learning goals,Must provide students with empirical study experience,The service will be integrated into the academic course,Make the students for community service process can be applied to new knowledge of review of the actions,To make the students in class the knowledge and skills they get to promote,In this process,At the same time, strengthen students' sense of social responsibility/Promote the citizen consciousness cultivation.Can say,Service learning is not only the starting point for the community attempts to provide services to promote the students' knowledge of learning,Must be able to cultivate students' citizen awareness/Social responsibility/Dedication and teamwork spirit, etc.


Service learning in different countries and regions development present situation


Service learning originating in the United States,Has extended to more than 20 countries and regions.But the service - learning in different countries and regions's experience is not exactly the same.The following will be to the service - learning in different countries and regions are briefly introduced the development of,In order to make everyone to the service - learning have more in-depth understanding.


(a)The United States the development of service learning

  为鼓励青少年参与社会服务并提升学生学习效能与质素,美国联邦政府制定了各种法案和教育政策。自1980年起,传统的社会服务(Community Service)开始走向服务学习(Service Learning)。服务—学习强调参与社会的服务,通过有系统的设计、规划、督导、省思及评量来达成设定的学习目标,是“服务”与“课程学习”的相互结合。服务学习作为美国教育中新兴的一种学与教模式,有超过 40个州的社区学院在推行。

To encourage teenagers to participate in social service and improve students' learning efficiency and quality,The federal government of the United States established all sorts of legislation and education policy.Since 1980,The traditional social services(Community Service)Began to service learning(Service Learning).Service - learning emphasizes to participate in social service,Through the design of the system/planning/supervision/Reflection and evaluation to achieve set learning goals,is"service"and"course"combined.Service learning as the United States education in emerging a kind of learning and teaching mode,There are more than 40 states community college in implementation.

  1984年,美国首次全国服务学习调查显示,在美国27%的高中学校有提供服务课程,其中9%有服务学习的课程,这些服务学习的课程也结合了其他正规的课程。到1999年,全国调查结果显示,83%的公立学校提供了服务课程,其中49%提供了服务学习的课程。以十二年制中小学教育(K-12)来看,有64%的公立学校学生参与了由学校安排或组织的社区服务活动,其中32%的学校将服务学习活动引入学校课程中并应用于各级及不同学习领域中。资料显示,在83%的提供服务学习的公立学校中,有给予课程负责教师在服务学习上不同程度的支援( National Centre for Education Statistics,1999)。1999年美国国家教育统计中心暨快速反应调查系统(National Center for Educational Statistics Fast Response Survey System)显示,约有12605740名学生参与了服务学习。此外,不少大学也设有服务—学习课程,并作为毕业前的必修科;社区组织及机构亦提供网上资源供参考。

In 1984,,For the first time the United States national service learning survey,In the us, 27% of the high school offer service course,9% of them have service learning course,These service learning course also combined with other normal course.By 1999,The national survey,With 83% of all public school has provided the service course,49% provides the service learning course.In primary and middle school education system of twelve years(K - 12)To see,With 64% of all public school students in the school participated in the arrangement or organization of community service activities,32% of the school will service learning activities into the school curriculum and applied in the field of learning at all levels and different.Data shows,In 83% of service learning in public schools,Have given course is responsible for the teacher in the service learning in different degree of support( National Centre for Education Statistics,1999).In 1999 the United States national education statistics center and rapid response survey system(National Center for Educational Statistics Fast Response Survey System)display,About 12605740 students participated in the service learning.In addition,Many universities also offer services - the course of study,And as graduation front required section;Community organizations and institutions provide online resource for reference.

  全国青年领袖理事会(National Youth Leadership Council) 每年举办全国服务学习会议。

The national youth council leader(National Youth Leadership Council) The annual national service learning meeting.


 二)亚太地区服务学习发展 two)The asia-pacific region the development of service learning

  1. 台湾地区

1. Taiwan


Taiwan university service education origin very early,The university of the east China sea in 1955 when the school that has been implementation,And Taiwan university/Successful university/Providence university and the university of yuan ze university have service learning courses and related measures for the implementation.In 2006,,About 87 schools already set service learning courses,Service learning into the number of faculty meter about 1373 people,College students' participation in the curriculum hours a week average 1.3 hours,The number of students to participate in about 62212 passengers.Taiwan has in since 2007,The education department issued a college service learning scheme,Expect through the implementation of the scheme,Let more students through the service learning benefit

  2. 香港地区

2. Hong Kong

  岭南大学服务研习处(Office of Service-Learning, OSL)自2006年开设以来,致力把服务学习概念融入本地博雅学府的课程当中,结合了学术知识和服务实践。服务研习处自2007年开始,每两年举办亚太地区服务学习会议。

Service in lingnan university study(Office of Service - Learning, OSL)Since the 2006 years since its inception,Dedicated to the service learning concept into the local liberal arts universities of course,Combined with the practice of academic knowledge and services.Service study place since 2007,Held every two years in the asia-pacific region meeting service learning.


(3) the development of service learning in mainland China


The mainland of China universities though in early have the work class/A program under which officials and similar service learning practice,But the real use service learning concept to promote education reform,And further make it become a kind of new teaching methods and ideas,Is still in its beginning stages.Along with society for higher education of the desire to enhance the service learning both at home and abroad and the rise and rapid development,Service learning has been more and more people know,In some colleges and universities in the,For the teacher to attempt and exploration.


Nankai university in the United Nations children's fund, under the guidance of the,In 2007 will service learning set to face the public elective course,To encourage the students to carry forward the volunteer spirit,To participate in volunteer activities,Social services.The United Nations children's fund project officials baby bo is in nankai university and executive vice President che hong talks,Highly praised the nankai university in promoting service learning course construction spirit of innovation,Encourage service learning teaching team efforts to find out suitable for a Chinese service learning curriculum.At present,Nankai university for two batch from different departments professional students took service learning courses and participated in the to the community service,Service learning received the good effect.


Shantou university and the university of Hong Kong in April 2008,In the form of medical poverty relief in the theme of"Blessings peering"Service learning activities,And in December 2008 in shantou university held explore China's development model of service learning seminar.


Nanjing university/Nanjing normal university sociology professional social work,Will arrange students each year into the community,Approached the old/disabled/Disabled children and homeless people,Carry out"Service learning"activities.


Sun yat-sen university department of human ZhuJianGang teacher open service - the course of study[citizens/Society and development].The course adopts the method of service learning,To explore citizen action/Social transformation as well as the development of the relationship between the three aspects of people's livelihood,This paper studies civil society organizations how to participate in community development,And influencing the policy and the public,And then discusses the civil society organizations in the development of the role and function.This course also study these organizations action to the influence of the social values of the citizens,And to further explore the globalization process and civil society organizations interaction.


Yunnan university in Asia Christian higher education joint board of directors(UB)support,In July, 2006, formally started the exploration of service learning.The project by the public school of management institute of social work project team execution,Will service - learning work development based on social work education,Emphasis on the participation of multiple disciplines,Paying attention to the community partnership establishment.Nearly three years,The project has tried and community combination/And curriculum action research and combine the project forms of three kinds of service learning mode.Service learning attracted from sociology/Social work and law professional nine more than 200 teachers and students' participation,There are nearly 15 course introduces service learning methods and ideas.In addition,In order to make more different students have the opportunity to participate in the service work,Service learning project team also have field service learning public elective course --[The third department and social services].This course opened since two semesters,A warm welcome by the students,At present has attracted from different colleges different professional nearly 150 students take as an elective course,The students in small groups form to carry out different themes type of service learning action.Yunnan university service study attempts to present China's higher education are faced with the problem to make positive response,Especially for social work professional education problems made very good response.


Changsha civil administration college try to use the concept of service learning in three aspects: one is the social work professional community volunteer services.In the student volunteers"service"Based on,strengthen"learning"elements,Through the"learning"Reflection improve"service",Enhance service professional level and service effect.The second is to emphasize the combination of service learning and curriculum,If LiuZhanQi teacher opened[Social work administrative]course,Is the service learning methods and ideas into among them.Three is to service learning concept and methods used in department of social work students in professional practice.
