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亲历者参加赛课几近崩溃 背后牵涉多方利益--亲稳舆论引导监测室


In a certain subject for the national teaching before the game day,I really unbearable,The table with AIDS a lift,The PPT courseware paging unit a fall,tears.


The game is by certain education society organization,It once every two years,A representative of each province.In order to get success in the game,I and several other teachers have been fighting for nearly one semester.A primary school to read the story of English teaching,We try to toss the schools already amounted to 26.The game tomorrow,See continuous"A slip of the tongue",Suddenly the branch of courseware,There is no master students,I'm a nervous/panic/anxiety,In a piece of ZhiZeSheng,Finally collapsed.


But the former I,Cheerful and lively,Good mood every day;And now,I expression numbness,In orbital.Since the province was selected as the only representative to participate in the class since,I have two months not seen children.I now mouth"children",You teach four class of 160 students.


"What lessons to the teacher brought?I see,The practice of the classroom as arena,Is the teacher wisdom and create the most stark challenges.


借班上课与课前“铺垫” Borrow class and class"foreshadowing"


For tomorrow's game,I can't help being worried.Because the child is never met.For a good lesson,Children often need the teacher"foil"up.How to foil,I base my hopes on the"foreshadowing"on.


During the race,Bedding is an indispensable link.foreshadowing,Before the class is for new students undertake unity touch bottom/guidance,For individual class over the words or activities,Anticipatory accumulation and drills,The key and difficult point for the class obstacles.


Bedding is a very challenging job.usually,Only experienced teacher ability competence.In this game,District teaching and research section arranged six teachers help foreshadowing,Who consolidate vocabulary/Who consolidate sentence patterns/For the students who touch bottom/Who to difficult to default,We cooperate,In an orderly way.


Bedding effect is obvious.after"foreshadowing"classroom,Can than the normal classroom actively/Joy many,Can output a lot of incumbent answer.


赛课非要“铺垫”不可吗? The class must"foreshadowing"Not??


I know,Don't understand the student's teacher,Is not qualified to stand on the podium.Don't foreshadowing,I know nothing to the student.I to the classroom interaction also shows nothing.


专家支持与“团队力量” Expert support and"Team strength"


The lesson of the competition is not personal power,But team strength.This is the game leaders constantly infusion truth.For I am ready to "class team a vast and careful.the,Has the school leader/Backbone teachers/Urban research staff, etc,Dozens of professionals.They are all authority identity and symbol,Each than formal lectures I deep qualifications,experienced.


On the eve of the class,School leaders convene a meeting all personnel,Give each a formal division of labor:"Xx is responsible for the PPT courseware deployment,Xx is responsible for AIDS put,Xx is responsible for writing teaching reflection,Xx is responsible for the preliminary defense,Xx responsible for students preheating..."We meticulously according to the instructions of the school leader action,Do their own work,individual.

  正式比赛包括授课和反思答辩两部分。在练习教学反思时,我大胆地表示了自己对教学设计的理解:“在我的教学中,我就想表达 Reading Is Fun这个主题。”话音未落,教研员李老师毫不留情就否了。他面含责备,“一堂全国展示课,你的定位太低了。”

Formal game includes lectures and reflection defense two parts.In practice the teaching reflection,I boldly expressed his understanding of the teaching design:"In my teaching,I just want to express the theme Reading Is Fun."Voice did not fall,Research staff to miss li no mercy is the no.His face including blame,"A national show class,Your position is too low."


I have carefully to speak of"explore"thinking."Explore also not line,Too esoteric the,The back of the answer to a question you cannot answer."And a teacher questioning me.


From now on I unopposed,silent.


一堂全国赛课的费用清单 The cost of a national race course list


In preparing for this lesson,I'll shoot the works.Light is game tomorrow with classroom appliance,Is the printer/Spare cartridge/A4 paper/Hard paperboard/paper/stapler/nail/sugar/Students prizes/The teacher gifts/Small speakers/scissors/Tape, etc.


It was just a overhead.I am the sun drying out a semester to cost:Give students copy reading books,Monochrome printing $9 a,A 360 yuan.Color printing 16 yuan a book,A 600 yuan.Speak before and after 26,For the children of the story book printing total cost 4000 yuan.There are various kinds of AIDS,colle/card/paper-cut,For the children of the reward"lollipop",A total of more than 1000 yuan.The school the other several backbone teacher prepares a lesson with/practice/Work overtime meals is established,More than 2000 yuan.For the class prepare clothes,2000 yuan.Plus night take a taxi home,The total had broken ten thousand yuan.


Not only that,The cost of the school is a surprising number.Since the list of finalists sure start,Every time try to,Schools must be please different experts consultation/pulse.Since speak,Dozens of education theory experts/linguists/Researcher at the institute of education,Successively into the school guidance,Various reception/Service fee, etc,Number of,Cannot liquidation.


孩子们被迫参与成人游戏 The children were forced to participate in adult games


From the two months,I teach of 4 class,18 lesson a week,How also support not go down."Mind can't concentrated in the classroom,Think of all the day is how to modify design,How to prepare the lessons."


In order to let my heart race,School opened the green light.Four class teaching,At first other teachers take turns to substitute.however,Time a long,new/homework/Examination on,Heavy pressure,Extra burden,Other teachers also can't hold out much longer.The game with a month of time,School for I invited a full-time substitute teachers.


I am full of guilt.once,I hurried through from the dining room,Meet the class of children.He asked a word:"The teacher,Who is my real teacher?"


The course breaks the normal teaching.In formal game foreshadowing link,Borrow class children excited with nervous.Excited because a good new teacher have a class,Nervous because will be foreshadowing teacher"Allocating task".From the only three minutes,A teacher ran after the child's figure kept running,Hand waving the word card from time to time.Nasty child,Ran motioning with his hand,said:"not,The teacher,I really can't remember..."


赛课背后的“制度”与“人情” The lesson behind the"system"and"human"


Game finally came to an end.I overachieving,The children are very excited,I was agreed that the judges"New PinChu,Performance excellence",Give yourself/To school/To the province of experts and leadership,Made a"perfect"Writing papers.


I want to,The biggest gain,Is learned patience.but,My colleagues and friends,My school,For more than half a year,Day and night they,Put your shoulder to the wheel,It makes me very moved.


yes,Despite the bitter/Although tired,I'm feeling of the game is still complex,Love hate mixed.This is four years a national event,Some teachers,Standing in the lecture hall decades,Lifetime also touch not on this kind of opportunity.If the game,The teacher's professional title and honor,Such as municipal backbone teachers/Provincial backbone teachers, etc,From the ascendant.In elementary school,"Do class""The class"Is a kind of abnormal important honor,Because this is the most public career development/The most important evaluation,Is a teacher growth necessary test.


but,The class the endless modification and grinding,Let me wretched.Because the scene big,Class art was forced to become the stage art.Under the eyes of the,Any into the audience tympanic membrane and vision information can control the panel of judges aesthetic judgment.video/sound/stage/makeup/props/art/courseware/Light, etc,All this,The players have to consider.One of the teachers from the north,Just because a microphone position too far away,Class effect suffer a disastrous decline.All people couldn't hear her voice.The children's emotional also received great influence.


I am in primary school,The principal also to the class mind complaints."Lesson really necessary for a semester?It is necessary to dig slowly?The students exactly have he yiyi?"But in order to school honor,He endured for the."I can't detachment.Province with what opportunities to the city,The city with what opportunities to district,Area with what opportunities to school?"Competition is behind system,System is behind and customs."In this in the chain,Schools and teachers are in the lowest rank of professional reputation,Schools have no right to speak,More teachers have no voice.We in addition to grasp/cherish,Have no choice."The headmaster said.


赛课失真,教育的理想渐行渐远 The class distortion,Education ideal tapering off


A grand scale of the national and class,The distortion and dissimilation normal teaching level,Everybody had inured to blame.The athletes from all over the country,Without exception all need not chalk to write,Instead on the note.Teachers present PPT courseware,Its elegant and master degree,Me more than the central DianJiaoGuan works.And in all distortion behavior,The most worrisome,The way teachers create dust.


"Behind the lesson in various power.For teachers,,The temptation of occupational prestige enough to let the national and class into teachers' professional development"pyramid",Many superfine teacher,Is such conquer,Be greatly small "class all the way"incubation"Out of the.For schools,Brand is the lifeline.Teachers' professional honor is the core part of the school brand honor.therefore,School go all out,The "class as the top priority of the school calendars.For the contest for the organizing committee,They held the foundation education reform banner,Hope is that the new class through the lead,Education reform will be subject to further.however,So big to the court,sponsors/Advertisers blots out the sky,High university/Such as participation,A game is constantly creating all kinds of income,Different people are into the purse.Of course,In addition to this tripartite main body,And part of the key"Expert power",They have legitimate power,Put the class standard constantly to the form inclined/Tilt to the technology/The design of teaching innovation to excessive tilt,Led for a good lesson destination.experts/The teacher/The school/The organizing committee square form a intensified the circle,The common class to the competition/false/form.


however,Such "class what will lead China's basic education toward a what kind of future?


As the invaluable lesson,I'm worried.
