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部分招考机构人员泄露考生信息 卖答案月入3万--亲稳舆论引导监测室

部分招考机构人员泄露考生信息 卖答案月入3万

  经历了去年的泄题事件后,今年注册会计师全国统一考试首次实行机考。10月13日下午,考生们在北京某考场的机房中等待考试开始。实习生 卢义杰摄

Experience last year's drainage problem after the event,Certified public accountant the unified national examination this year for the first time to be computer-based.On the afternoon of October 13th,Students in Beijing some the examination hall room waiting for the examination began.Interns LuYiJie perturbation

部分招考机构人员泄露考生信息 卖答案月入3万报考今年在职硕士生资格考试的杨江在报名后频繁收到“卖答案短信的骚扰。杨江 供图 Enter oneself for an examination in this year master of the examination for the qualifications of YangJiang after signing up, frequent received"Sell the answer"Message of harassment.YangJiang for map


On October 28,Out of"2012 on-the-job personnel study for a master's degree national entrance exam"Examination room,YangJiang take out a cellular phone,Find lasted more than three months of message harassment finally stopped.Just a day before the exam,He when signing up to fill in this mobile phone number also received quite a few claims to be able to provide the answer before the message,"Article 100 this month is almost,I don't know how they got my cell phone number,Hair so must."


YangJiang don't know,The other party may get is not only the mobile phone number.


In the author recently acquired a 2012 provincial civil service examination candidates list,Can inquire to more than 34000 examinee's personal information,Including the examinee's mobile phone number/Id number/Home address/Graduate institutes and 44 item content.The author randomly selected 15 people telephone verification,After the listener without exception is I.


The amount of information huge Excel form,In the Internet on the price but hundreds of yuan.In the middle of October,The seller told the author,They can sell the examinee personal information examination also includes:The unified national examination certified public accountants/National judicial examination/Part of the province more than 20 kinds of civil service examination, etc.


Ridicule is the examinee,After registration,They became"Hollow man".Others complain that the,Every time after registration,Why the cost of harassment by text messages are for the examinee to assume?


“收到这些短信,才会有考试的气氛” "Receive these messages,Will have an exam atmosphere"


October,Three games different types of the unified national examination,Let YangJiang and the strangers wang ying/Zhao to have almost the same experience.


YangJiang in 2011, graduated from fujian a university,Now is a college student village official.July,He in the Chinese degree and postgraduate education information network sign up for agricultural extension master's exam.It didn't take long,He began to receive the so-called"Sell the answer"Of message,SMS leave QQ number or mobile phone number.The first frequency is two a week;After the National Day,This kind of message began in his phone"Brush screen",Sometimes one day there will be SiWuTiao.


Some name names telephone also play in."The other party first asked if I was YangJiang,Reconfirm whether I ready to enter oneself for an examination master of agricultural extension,after,He started selling training institutions/Learning materials and even before the so-called answer."YangJiang said.


He also told the author,Recently there are some telephone very strange.a,Telephone that head people claim to be YangJiang classmates,Know his work unit,Also ask him how's life these days.YangJiang asked who he is,The other party refused to answer.This phone call,Sign up for in-service entrance exam colleagues also received.


For the Beijing some university senior student wang ying speaking,Received various"Help test"Harassment message had not new.In the summer the certified public accountants after the unified national examination,She received ten or so"Sell the answer"message,"Have much less than last year."


When the exam last note certified public accountants,Wang ying from July to September almost everyday can get two"Sell the answer"Of message.She knew most candidates are similar experience.


In wang ying seems,Perhaps this decrease with the Chinese institute of certified public accountants registration website about the new measures.This year on July 6,,The website notice,Known as the guarantee information security,They have passed the qualification review and upon completion of your payment information transfer.then,I even wang ying in the system also could not find his mobile phone number information.


Because the 2011 the drainage problem storm,This year October 13,/14,The national 540000 for certified public accountants of the unified national examination candidates ushered in the first machine tests.Just when KaiKao,Wang ying inadvertently caught a glimpse of the neighbor's examinee's screen,Find their topic dry length markedly different,"Estimate each examination questions sequence are not the same,Not too may have before the answer."


In wang ying attended the CPA examination on the third day,Message began to"patronage"Fujian a university senior student of zhao.This time,Each other said is"Can we change the state judicial examination score".The aims to select the future/prosecutors/The lawyer's exam has been in September of this year end,11 month to publish their results.Out of curiosity,Zhao reach dialed the message leave mobile number.


Each other and say,They only to fail in the examinee to send a text message,Change points before payment is only 8000 dollars,Change points of the payment is to need 15000 yuan.Zhao to ask,With what believe that you can change points,The other party let him in the provinces and the examination site.Zhao to truthfully inform the:Fuzhou, fujian,.


"Your surname zhao,Called zhao of."Telephone that head answer.


Zhao to understand with their heart,In the more than 400000 people enrolled in the unified national examination,The so-called"Change points"Is undoubtedly scam,but,The cheater is from what channels for the examinee information?


Having doubts more than zhao up to a man.Micro bo on,Dozens of all candidates have upload received recently"Sell the answer"Message screen,The test has mentioned:The national civil servant exam/National associate constructor examination/International registration of internal auditor examination/The national radio and television editor/Broadcast host qualification exam, etc.


"Receive these messages,Will have an exam atmosphere."Netizens fun way.


有出售考试答案的卖家自称月入3万 Sell exam answer to the seller of income 30000


The examinee registration information was leaked?Such doubt is not without reason.


In January,The author interviewed a university law school level 2008 XuanDiaoSheng enter oneself for an examination of all the students,33 people have 31 people said,Once received the exam"Sell the answer"message.Stranger is:Roommate in several classmates,Only the candidate harassed,Online registration but never a re-examination is also received text messages,There are two mobile phone number but only when the number of the filling"ringing"...


And October of this a few field exams,The above the examinee only in the only designated registration website to fill in including mobile phone number/Id number/Home address and personal information.afterwards,Whether or not to participate in training institutions/Whether in some questionnaire leave your contact details,Many candidates are"Sell the answer"message"patronage".


In April this year,The ministry of public security officials, when being interviewed by the media said,After four months of the first large-scale special action,The national citizens have arrested infringement personal information more than 1700 criminal suspects,Dig out illegal sale citizens personal information"source"38,Destroy infringe upon citizens personal information and data platform"Large resources"161,Engaged in illegal out of debt/Illegal investigation and other illegal and criminal activities"Illegal investigation company"611.


"This kind of crime levels more/The complex relationship,In general can be divided into source/Data platform/Illegal investigation class company three levels."The ministry of public security officials said.


The survey found,In the national or provincial unified exam,Located in the third level"Illegal investigation class company"Can also be divided into concrete"Promote the so-called answer or other products of the seller".


According to the examinee messages prompt,The author in online linked to four claims to sell the exam answer the seller.Seller say,Payment before each department should be ranging from 1500 yuan to 2000 yuan,After exam pay more expensive,At the same time should be id card/Admission ticket/Units such as proof copies to express to the seller.The answer will be a day before the exam by email.


The same is,The seller will not agree to meet trading.Their reason:"If you are the police and reporters,I and my agency will be ruined."


The author says,As for information,Need two families answer,Exam after payment.A seller immediately sent to the author a bank account,And ask the author in after transfer screenshots.The account opening bank is a branch of the construction bank in Beijing,Account name Yang.


but,This is not necessarily sell household real id open account.In recent years,Media multiple exposure through the false identity card or other id open bank account of events.


then,The seller's"The personnel of the service"The other day an address,Ask express send copies of certificates and units to prove.Address is"The haidian district of Beijing college south road so-and-so number",Recipients for"Tan so-and-so".The basis of,The address is corresponding to the Beijing some financial and economics university.


In the process of small talk,"The personnel of the service"Tell the author,Only the boss alone have the answer,As a salesman is responsible only for registration examinee information."Good income 30000 yuan a month."He revealed,This line is not so nice into,With the boss a little relationship,Don't find a stranger.


The author finally did not buy the answer.On October 14, after the CPA examination,The author had contacted the four sell home have 3 people changed the social networking websites account personal data,I pulled into the blacklist;Another one is no on-line.


Earlier this year,The author also tried to sell and XuanDiaoSheng province exam answer several sellers contact,And choose two transactions,But the other party does not keep the answers from.afterwards,There are two vendors will pull the black,The rest of the seller never online these social networking websites account probably since then deprecated.


部分招考机构的工作人员是泄露考生个人信息的源头 Part of the recruitment agency staff is the source of the leak personal information


Located in the examinee personal information in the upper reaches of the seller,The second level is the underground industrial chain data platform.On the Internet,The author through the search to find two examinee data provider.


A supplier use QQ account for seven years,Online for long level 45 level.usually,She one day online more than 8 hours,Every time on-line will use packet software told friends:So-and-so exam again to the examinee the new data.


B supplier QQ online duration level is 39 level,Account use four years.Every day he on-line time short,Sometimes stealth or cell phone login.Conversation with him,He often reply to the author:"I work in the outside,Back to chat."


They can provide the examinee data roughly the same,Including the state judicial examination/Part of the civil service examination provinces/Associate constructor examination/In-service master's entrance exam GCT subject, etc.Some can divide buy provinces,Some must buy the national data,Then use the recommended professional software points provinces processing.Before trading in,Buyers can see first sample.


In the middle of October,In the author asked this year CPA test the examinee information,A says haven't arrival,Another said,This year's this information is large institutions the monopoly,Difficult to purchase.In contrast is,The end of October at the end of the accounting intermediate title examination,A claims to be able to provide 2 million examinee's personal information.


In addition,A supplier than b suppliers to provide more than a business:She claims to grasp enterprise President/Bank social security/owners/The old man/Neonatal specific object information.


After considering,The author says need 2012 provincial civil service examination candidates information.Two samples respectively from online,In this two containing 73 people respectively/41 people data Excel form,There are 18 candidates sorting/Information coincide.


Armour suppliers said,He can provide more than 34000 candidates of information,Price of more than 1000 yuan;And b suppliers can provide the number of slightly less,As long as hundreds of yuan.The author understands,This year the province civil service examination actual enrollment for 260000,Written examination already in mid-september end.


finally,The author chose b supplier transactions.Receive the payment,Each other through the E-mail sent Excel form,Every candidates have the name/telephone/Id number/Home address/Graduate School/Work unit/Length of service and 44 items of information.


The author randomly 15 people validation information authenticity.The result is,In addition to four people does not answer telephone outside,The rest of the examinee all information accurately.In the 11 joint in the listener,Seven people admit to enter oneself for an examination the 2012 provincial civil service examination.


This 15 people,Were from henan/anhui/guangdong/Shaanxi and other provinces,Some already is a civil servant,Have a plenty of enterprise employees,Have a plenty of students,Some return from abroad.


"Thought they only mobile phone number,Didn't expect even id number/Home address/Work units have!When signing up I will not fill it false information?Information others have,Later how to do ah?"phone,A lady vexedly asked the author.


"is,I'm XXX;is;is;Is.........Don't,not,You've dialed the wrong number,I am not XXX,I didn't take an examination of civil servants,Now very busy,goodbye."Another man at first to admit that you are so and so,But hear the author can accurately quote us so much personal information,Sound worrying to.He then denial is the parties,Hang up the phone.


Otherwise the examinee said,Enter oneself for an examination after the civil servants,She still will receive various examination of sell the answer message.And the test,She never registration.


These data platform of the upstream,Is the information leakage"source".The ministry of public security officials previously, when being interviewed by the media said:"Part of the state organs/Enterprises and institutions/Service organizations have the chance to contact with the citizens' personal information staff is out of the information‘source’,Hidden deep."

(This paper YangJiang/Wang ying/Zhao reach for alias)
