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媒体称社团活动已成90后高职学生主要生活方式  11月3日,在山东科技职业学院举办的“学生全面发展社团建设”论坛上,嘉宾正在就学生社团的利与弊进行辩论。 记者 谢湘摄 On November 3,In the shandong science and technology vocational college of the host"The comprehensive development of students and community construction"BBS on,Guest are the advantages and disadvantages of student associations debate. Reporter XieXiangShe


"Higher vocational colleges must vigorously develop student club?"


"Community must and professional related?"


"Students' learning time and community activity of time conflict should give top priority to ensure that which one?"




On November 3 morning,In the shandong science and technology vocational college learned floor area C 207 held the classroom"The comprehensive development of students and community construction"BBS,On the stage 8 guests in the face of the host after the problem out,Point of view completely opposite two pie,Tongue gun lip sword,tells;The hundreds of"audience"Passion to participate in,But each time for brand the vote,Agree and opponents are almost half by half,Difficult points finish.

  显然,以学生为中心,围绕高等职业教育服务青年成长发展这一主题而召开的“第五届国家示范性高职院校建设成果展示会”,选择“社团建设与学生成长” 这一话题进行深入探讨,问题抓得很准。

obviously,Take the student as the center,Higher vocational education services around the theme of youth, growth development being held"The fifth national demonstrative higher vocational colleges construction achievements exhibition",choose"Community construction and the students' growth" This topic are discussed,Problem grasp very accurate.


In fact,To the problem of the best responder,Is students.


职业院校不应仅是学技能的地方 Vocational colleges should not only learn skills place


"Who can tell me,You graduated from now on a line of work in the vocational college students,Can advancements to managers, the number of how many jobs?"


Hangzhou vocational and technical college YeJianMing dean in another field"Growth tutor,Career best"BBS as a host.When he took the microphone beat around the classroom to step up participants when asking questions,No one of the stand up to answer.


"China's vocational colleges to student's orientation or lower,The lack of the concept of development".The Hong Kong vocational training council higher science and technology education, vice President of the college/Ningbo vocational and technical college of honor PanBingKuang noticed,At present,China's vocational education curriculum,Specific goals but content single,Pay attention to the training of the professional course,Compared to ignore the other aspects of the quality training.


"For example,If you add a little management course,Students later development may be very different.In fact,And technical personnel and management personnel,Only a little distance between them."He said.


To the growth of the students lack of the concept of development,Real education environment is a common phenomenon in the.Some people think that,To vocational school most is the family economic difficulties/Learning difficulties"dilemma"students,Through the vocational education can let them learn skill,To find a job,is"Even cause disharmony in a family".Honest in his own post to the line,What else do you want?


Never satisfy the current situation,Yearn for and pursue higher goals,This is the characteristics of young people.Xiamen university, founded a female university students have a engaged in cultural remediation/Etiquette training night school,Didn't expect to come to sign up many migrant,"The biggest power from their everyone have a dream:Want to do a clerk".


From a line tracking survey also showed that,Higher vocational students to the environment changes adaptability,Learning new technology/New knowledge learning ability,Also stronger than common secondary vocational students.


Young people in adolescence,self-awareness/Self discovery in a period of time will be in a dynamic process.And other types of schools,Vocational colleges also not suitable for make YiBang fixed life/A professional fixed life,Help students to explore potential,All-round development,Achievement is a dream career education mission and responsibility,And the student mass organization is undoubtedly help students improve the quality of the best stage.


学生社团的作用课堂不可替代 The role of student associations class cannot be replaced


To the student societies have reservations about positive role more is the school/Departments responsible for educational administration comrades.Their reason is also very full:Students spend too much time on the community,It will directly affect the quality of the students in class.besides,About teamwork and so on some improve students' quality of the training requirements,Already whole into the course design,There is no need to make a list.


In the eyes of the teacher in,Learning is mainly the classroom learning/Professional learning.Some teachers even to longly say:University years fleeting,Time is precious ah!


But the students don't look like this.They think,Community activities and professional learning can be relevant,Can also have nothing to do.Professional study is just a part of the whole life,Not all of life.They actually expected learning space and content than professional learning to much more widely.


China's higher vocational education network AD hoc's web site,According to the"My teacher"/"My campus"/"I love"/"My homework"/"With my community"Different theme,Show the students made a large number of exhibition board/Video works.


in"With my community",Students use video camera recorded the flowery colour profusion community,Recorded each student's growth story.


Jiangsu animal husbandry and veterinary vocational and technical college in some students under the guidance of the teacher,Use of major knowledge founded a"Pet beauty salon".Not long time,Month turnover reached 20000 yuan.Students WangTianTao manager said:"here,We not only gradually understand the idea of a pet,More important is to know the people how to communicate."now,In this community,"The minority is subordinate to the majority"Was no one can shake of the rules of procedure.


Liu chang is shandong commercial vocational and technical college a girl.At the beginning of the entrance,Introverted she saw with bedroom roommate enthusiastically participate in school MoTeDui activities,Heart envy.Later in the classmate's encouragement,She also sign up for the MoTeDui.In the girl to carry on physique together with their peers/Instrument training day,She gradually overcome timidity psychology,On the"Dream stage",Realize the successful I,Confident I.


Sunshine professional technology institute a boy,After admission and soon lost the sense of direction.Pause the anguish,He took part in the college computer society.In this show on the platform of the self,He hit a CuanJi won the competition first prize,After he led other students success founded China's college students' network.here,He found the feeling of success and motivation.




Some students said,Student associations,Dream is to take the stage.Through the society activities,We found the interest/Found myself,At the same time also harvested the growth of happiness and joy:Increased knowledge;Improve the management ability and the ability of organization;To improve the ability of communication and coordination;To enhance the confidence,To strengthen the responsibility consciousness;Cultivate love,Accumulated experience...These things are not what can be learned in class.


社团活动已成为90后生活方式 Society activities has become a way of life after 90


Get this show"The most popular club"The first prize is hebei industry vocational and technical college"Society may".


Five years ago,"Society may"with"We are may the ocean,Embrace with youth times"This first song of youth declared birth.5 years,"To youth I,And the youth club,Youth campus"For the purpose of"Society may"Vigor 4 shoot

  他们在校组织了一系列大赛:T恤文化设计、陶艺文化设计、“I show 我绣”校园十字绣大赛……学社成员参与科研项目,撰写“浅谈手绘墙艺术”等科研论文,用所学的专业知识测绘、建筑设计等服务区域建设、新农村建设;开发的适应学生需要的生活用品笔记本电脑床上搁置器,创造了产品价值,学习企业的运营模式。

In school they organized a series of competition:T-shirt culture design/Ceramic culture design/"I show my embroidered"Campus cross-stitch competition...Society members participating in scientific research project,writing"Discuss hand-painted wall art"Etc research papers,By virtue of professional knowledge of surveying and mapping/Architectural design and other services area construction/The new rural construction;To adapt to the development of the students need to articles for daily use notebook computer bed shelve apparatus,To create the product value,Learning enterprise operation mode.


now,"Society may"Already has more than 200 members,Its scale nothing less than a small and medium-sized companies.And they President/After the 90 LiuCheng now has a new title:Liu2 zong3.


Student organizations have become after 90 higher vocational students' main one of way of life.

  麦可思所做的一份关于“2011届高职高专毕业生参加社团活动的比例及满意度”的调查显示:高职院校有76%的同学参加过社团活动。涉及的方面有社会实践类、体育户外类、表演艺术类、文化艺术类、学术科技类 、社交联谊类,等等。这些参加社团活动的同学,每天至少花费半小时在自己热爱的活动上,最多的时候甚至长达10小时。

Michael thought do a about"The 2011 higher vocational graduates to participate in community activities of proportion and satisfaction"Survey shows that:Higher vocational colleges have 76% of the students participated in community activities.Involved in the social practice in class/Sports outdoor class/Performance art/Culture and art/Academic tech /Social fellowship class,, etc.These to participate in community activities of the students,Spend at least half an hour every day in his own love activities,Most of the time and even up to 10 hours.


"One is interested in,2 it is meaningful,This is after 90 higher vocational student society activities for the important psychological factor".Hebei industry professional technology institute youth corps committee secretary NiuXiaoYan in[In higher vocational education community organization development thinking]that,Higher vocational college students' community in the campus culture should be enriched/Create a good educational atmosphere/Improve the students' comprehensive quality/Guide students to adapt to the society/To promote students' growing employment plays an important role.She suggested that the school community administration departments of the student mass organization must play the role of the booster.


Heilongjiang vocational college dean zhao after will also found,Student associations from students interested in starting organization,Is not only make public individual character development of the new platform,or"Achievement professional"New way.He advocated the student community construction in to the school management system to.The school each year into 500000 yuan of funds,Support students' community activities.


"Profusion community/Youth vocational"Sky blue flag,Hanging in the"The fifth national demonstrative higher vocational colleges construction achievements exhibition"The centre of the/Exhibition hall and BBS.Through the higher vocational colleges community display and communication/BBS and the community activities and the style with the student mass organization award,This exhibition is expected to reach purpose:Let more higher vocational colleges to realize students' community is an important carrier in the construction of campus culture,Is the universities second classroom setters,Encourage and guide more attention in higher vocational colleges/Support community development,The students' professional development and comprehensive combining growth.

  青春作伴好成才。正如今天的一首歌所唱:“我们一起努力,我们永远珍惜,成长岁月里;我们是团结的集体,相信我们会创造奇迹”。( 谢湘 )

Youth is a good company.Just as today's a song sung:"We work together,We never cherish,Growth years;We are the unity of the collective,Believe that we can create the miracle".( XieXiang )
