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来源:东北网 source:Northeast network
  东北网11月9日讯 10月10日这天晚上6点,在大庆市一家大型国企工作的刘梅(化名),准时回到家中。进屋后,忙了一天的刘梅打开手提包,发现里面的钱包不见了。钱包里不仅有身份证、银行卡等各种证件,更主要的是,自己给单位里两名同事取的3000元工资还放在钱包里,还有自己的700元钱。刘梅拨打了“110”报警电话。在民警的多方提示下,刘梅的脑海中浮现出一个熟悉的身影。但是,她很快又排除了这个念头。怎么会呢?那个人是自己十分要好的闺蜜。她叫董希(化名)。 Northeast China network on November 9, - October 10 day 6 PM,Daqing city in a large state-owned enterprises work liu mei(alias),Returned home on time.entered,Busy day liu mei open the bag,Found it wallet is gone.Not only have id card in the purse/Bank card, etc. Various kinds of certificates,More major is,To the unit two colleagues take $3000 salary the purse,Have their own 700 yuan.Liu mei dialed"110"Alarm telephone.In the police many cues,Liu mei's mind a familiar figure.but,She quickly ruled out the idea.How can?The person who is his own very good, honey.Her name is DongXi(alias).
Liu mei is hesitant to don't say DongXi colleagues,The police asked again and again next,Liu mei hesitantly said:"A colleague,The morning and I go to take the money,At noon,We also go to wanda plaza, the KFC restaurant to have a meal,When I go to the restroom among,Let her help seen handbag."
监控录像记录 Surveillance video record
Police immediately with liu mei,Came to the two girls repast of daqing a square KFC fast-food restaurants,Obtaining surveillance video store.screen,Liu mei and DongXi first came in from outside,Two people to sit down,Liu mei got up and moved over to the bathroom.At this time,DongXi reach out to table next to a package.Liu mei before go to the bathroom,Expressly told DongXiBang my to value handbag,Didn't expect,Unexpectedly directly on the wallet in surrender,Is really the heart every belly.
The seven point about 30 points,According to liu mei provide clues,Criminal investigation five team two policemen came to plainclothes daqing a shopping mall,Will is and friends DongXi eat put,And bring them back to substation.After interrogation,DongXi replacement the day noon and liu mei during meals,While the other party on the bathroom opportunity,Liu mei who stole my wallet criminal facts.
女贼竟是80后公务员 Female thief is after 80 civil servants
DongXi says,In school period,And a man surnamed lee's classmates is better.recently,The students outside owe some money,Find themselves to borrow money,But in his hand, don't pay to lend to each other,Helpless under,His had to move up the idea of stealing.In the see liu mei after go to the bathroom,He took the liu mei's wallet.After break up with his colleagues,First she wallet will be 3000 yuan of money to students to borrow money,The rest of the $700 is put into their bank accounts.Police DongXi from the dormitory to the victim's wallet back,And all the money to pay return back to the victim.
DongXi after Monday,Performance insouciance.DongXi says,Himself after graduation,Daqing city successfully signed a large state-owned enterprises,In 2012 the civil service examination,Be daqing a agency unit employed,Own culture/Understand law."I the most business is a administrative punishment."


Cases after find out,DongXi be criminal detention.On October 16,,For the police to deal with the guarantor pending trial.
