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大学生为“脱光”校园发帖征女友 十余学妹应征--亲稳舆论引导监测室

大学生为“脱光”校园发帖征女友 十余学妹应征昨日,南坪,“光棍侠”在为市民送上红玫瑰记者 龙在全 摄 yesterday,NaPing,"Bachelor man"For citizens to red roses. Reporter dragon in all perturbation大学生为“脱光”校园发帖征女友 十余学妹应征昨日,西南大学,李乐拿着写有“光棍节我们一起过”的纸牌。记者 李化 摄 yesterday,Southwest university,LiLe took to write a"Single day we had together"card.Reporter LiHua perturbation大学生为“脱光”校园发帖征女友 十余学妹应征数据统计 Data statistics

  大学男生为“脱光” 校园发帖征女友 引来10多位报名者,他选择了热情的学妹,两人昨天首次接触,双方感觉不错

For college students,"off" Campus post sign girlfriend draws more than 10 applicants,He chose to warm the lower classwoman,Two people for the first time yesterday contact,Both sides feel good

  商报记者 廖娴雅 实习生 李茹霜

Business newspaper reporter liao refined interns LiRu cream


Yesterday was on November 11,For four Arabic numerals"1"together,This day was the young man called"Single day".At eight last night,Southwest university junior student LiLe with"girlfriend"Beibei into the theater.And in the day before,He is still a bachelor.As soon as possible in order to"off",He specially cast in bachelor preganglionic one day in campus BBS public post sign his girlfriend.Didn't expect,His bold initiative attracted more than 10 applicants,At last he chooses the enthusiasm of the lower classwoman as a date,Two people for the first time yesterday date,All goes well.


校园论坛发帖征女友 Campus BBS post sign his girlfriend


"Single you,Haven't found true love,Single day how?...The end of this year's day,Quickly to take off the single!...Dazed and confused let us leave the end of a memory!"


On November 3,From single day and a week,Southwest university campus BBS"BBS forest"There was such a post,Called on single students with own personal profile and contact way,Cast in the single day get rid of single.Post a,Immediately be BBS stickies,Few days accumulated thousands of reply and comment.


Students LiLe is this"off"Activities of the positive one of the respondent,He wants to"rent"A 1.65 meters/Shape good/Character cheerful girl,With him a single day.In the evening of 10 8 point,He put his QQ number posted on the BBS.


LiLe behavior brought the classmates burst out laughing,FangQian laughed at his roommate:"Is not big,Courage is not small!"


有十多位妹妹踊跃报名 More than ten join sister


Just a big,LiLe about it once in love,But didn't take long for them to be brokenhearted,Then have no chance to know the right girl."Feel very narrow circle,Idle time also don't know how to send",He told reporters,Although students laugh he,But he decided to talk before graduation a magnificent and victorious in love,Therefore dared to send a post.


however,Let students glasses is below,LiLe post attracted more than 10 candidates,And the school girls.LiLe let the other side the photos to his QQ,Begin to choose the most accord with his eye edge of that person.


"A lot of people in the world will be beautiful,But talk of it but not much",LiLe said,In these the candidates,Only the enthusiasm of the lower classwoman allison to his left a deep impression,"She's feeling can discussing,What can chat,This meeting will not very embarrassed".finally,LiLe chose allison,Two people agreed,Bachelor day date."I'm going to go shopping with allison/See a movie/Eat dinner",LiLe thinking said.


首次约会双方感觉不错 The first appointment both sides feel good


Yesterday in the morning get up a,LiLe began to find a good rummage date clothes."Even pretend dating appointment,Still want to dress up a little handsome,At least to give each other to leave a good impression",He found a set of oneself very like black suit,With gray shirt,Hurriedly ran to meet agreed place etc allison.


"We recognized each other",LiLe said,The reality of allison than QQ to shy some,"Just meet or some awkward,I hasten to take her to hot pot hall for lunch,Ease once".


Eating eating,Two people from the conversation."The main topic is focus on the single day,We published their male/The girl of the different views",LiLe some embarrassedly told reporters,After the talk he found allison people quite good,It is his type.


"I believe that fate,As for what form,Is not important",Allison says,She had also hold try to apply mentality,"Results feel he and I talk about it,Development also smoothly,Can consider interaction".


meal,Two people like as lovers,Continue to go shopping chat.In order to show their sincerity,LiLe afternoon while allison do not pay attention to,Especially the beibei booked a hotel rooms."We all like food,By the way want to manufacturing point of romantic atmosphere",LiLe said,Through a day of contact,Allison agreed to continue to keep in touch,Understand each other down,"I think I basic was a success‘off’the,Next year's single day may no longer post asks the".(The college students' system alias)


专家点评 Expert comments


另类征友存在风险 Alternative sign friend risk


未婚青年应小心提防 Unmarried youth should be on the alert


Men and women in the loan of the friends of the post,Reporter also found other students leave dating information.And in the city on the other side,Chongqing university students also held a"If you are the one"Dating activities.Through this activity,12 list body men and women success in hand,Said goodbye to the single.


"Now more than college students for only children,When they meet interpersonal relationship problems,May appear anxiety/uneasy",Chinese psychology association members/Marriage love emotion psychology experts ChenZhiLin says,Many young people in emotional may suffer from family/Society and the pressure of public opinion,especially"Single day"The day that,Virtually will give single people bring certain pressure.In order to get rid of these pressure,Young people try to expand their interpersonal relationship,Seeking love partner,"Posting a sign,This may be their hope that through alternative means to cause the attention of others a way".


ChenZhiLin think,Love is a kind of sublimate of true feelings,Can't based on money,Also not by money can maintenance.He reminded the unmarried youth,Alternative sign friend mode has certain risk,Beware of others to illegal obtain personal interests.


现场 field


“光棍侠”轻轨站送玫瑰 劝人勇敢追求爱 "Bachelor man"Light rail station give roses advised people brave the pursuit of love

  商报记者 韩政

Business newspaper reporter HanZheng

  重庆商报讯 昨日上午,四个单身男子化身“光棍侠”,出现在南坪轻轨站,向过往的单身青年送上玫瑰,他们想借此劝说单身男女,要勇敢地追求爱情,不要因为工作而疏忽感情,并希望他们能尽快“脱光”。

Chongqing dispatch yesterday morning,Four single man incarnation"Bachelor man",Appeared in the NaPing light rail station,To passing single youth to rose,They want to take this persuade single men and women,Be courageous in the pursuit of love,Don't because of work and neglect of feelings,And hope they can as soon as possible"off".


行动:1111朵玫瑰送“光棍” action:1111 rose to send"bachelor"


At 9:30 am,NaPing light rail station hustle and bustle,24-year-old li wears a pair of black mask,Holding a bundle of roses,Followed by three young man,Behind each stick a"light"word,Finally a holding a billboard,The top write"I'd like to have a home,Single day off for".


"We are‘Bachelor man’,Come to single men and women give roses,Hope they boldly the pursuit of love,As soon as possible‘off",While LiPengBian told reporters,They 4 are still single,Biggest 26,Least 22 years old,Recently on the Internet chat the single after pain,Decided to organize the activities together,In some zeal for the net friend,Four people buy 1111 red roses,Prepare the day send out.


Because is the first organization of such activities,Li, start a little embarrassed,Holding rose standing in the light rail export,Without a word.When li the first pass a rose to a girl in front,Each other hesitated along while just received,See the sign after,The girl a captivating smile.


With more and more send out roses,Some single men and women the initiative to ask for,Even some of the elderly were added."We in addition to enjoy the happiness of give roses outside,Also hope that they can also find the other half as soon as possible,For next year is no longer a person has a single day!"Li regrets ground say.


结果:有些单身男女不买账 The results:Some single men and women not buy it


four"Bachelor man"Hand out red rose,Did not impress all of the single men and women,Li and friends give roses have been rejected.


At 10 p.m.,A man dressed in flowers lattice coat young woman came out from the light rail station,In the face of li and friends to pass the red rose,She declined.The woman told reporters,Though he still single,But he is not recognized by single day,Think single day is a few businessmen festival,Does not belong to his,"Every single men and women love,Need to rely on their own hard,And not a quarter can buy".


Li and others practice also make some dispute,A hair is turning gray aunt call a spade a spade to say:"By this way,Can no longer when bachelor?I see by spectrum,Do not know these young people is zha thought?"


相关 related


漂流瓶交友 “脱光”也环保 Drift bottle making friends "off"Also environmental protection

  首席记者 刘敏 实习生 龙宇

Chief reporter LiuMin interns long yu


Single day what did you do?now,College campus BianZhaoFa son a single day.yesterday,Southwest university environmental protection organization to carry out a"Entity drift bottle"activities,The students through the transfer drift bottle making new friends,Let the fate with the bottle drift,For single people realize"off".


"The true words and contact information written in a small pieces of paper,In a waste of the plastic bottle,Then give responsible for transfer of personnel,Your information will be random transfer out,In the school between participants spread",Activity planner is introduced,You send a message,At the same time will receive a exchange information.


"Borrow single day in the east,Environmental protection thoughts will be further popularization on campus is much more interesting."This activity planning executor fun way,"Do environmental protection or have to make a point to creativity,Attract everyone to participate in is a very important means.Entity drift bottle is a kind of new social well way,With one action is gotten more."


"We found that in the process of relay this information,Received a lot of"Anonymous letter",There is no lack of natural confession of love",The executor told reporters.

  离婚男有房有车 有娃也最受欢迎

Divorce male has the room have a car have Eva is the most popular


yesterday,Have a website for single woman do the investigation,By November 11th morning 0 point,A total of 35500 more than a single woman to participate in research.the,28.69% of the single woman attributing the objective cause,Have no channel know the right people,9.34% said they had been hurt let them can't enter another relationship,And 5.4% of women,Think that married life quality variation,Can't get married.In the investigation,Also asked will choose what men marry,Results such as the right:


数据 data


中国单身男女多达1.8亿 China's single men and women as many as 180 million


China is in the process of urbanization,Many young people survival pressure,Many people put the energy use of the struggle on the fight,Then delayed marriage age.Data display,China's single men and women as many as 180 million.

  2012年初,由民政部中国社会工作协会婚介行业委员会与百合网联合发布《2011中国人婚恋状况调查报告》显示,超过九成女性选择对方“有稳定收入”为结婚的必要条件,而近七成女性选择“男性要有房才能结婚”。有婚恋专家表示,当前社会上存在着不健康的物质至上婚恋观,个别人公开宣扬“宁愿在宝马车里哭,也不愿在自行车上笑”,这是必须摒弃的。 据新华社

At the beginning of 2012,By the ministry of civil affairs the China association of social workers, dating service industry committee and lily net jointly promulgated[2011 Chinese marriage condition investigation report]display,More than ninety percent of women choose each other"Have a stable income"The necessary conditions for marriage,And nearly seventy percent of women choose"Men want to have room to get married".A marriage experts say,The current society there are not healthy marriage materialism,Individuals publicly declare"Would rather in the BMW cry,Don't let on the bike smile",This is the must abandon. According to the xinhua news agency
