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郭晶晶读商学院摆脱草根形象 房产现估值过亿--亲稳舆论引导监测室


The feet,And mountain building in accordance with the Chinese style single-family villas strewn at random sparse.The front elevation of the spring design,Rich covery corridor space,Slope roof peace roof draws the outline of rolling skyline.

  这里被外界冠以 “北京顶级私人豪宅群落”,也是郭晶晶、霍启刚这对刚跑完爱情马拉松的小夫妻爱巢所在。 11月12日凌晨,郭晶晶和霍启刚聘请的香港公关公司宣布,两人在香港会展中心举行的婚礼正式结束。

Here is the outside words "Beijing's top private a person of extraordinary powers curtilage community",Also guo/Kenneth fok this to just run the marathon love the small couples in love mew. On November 12, morning,Guo jingjing and Kenneth fok employed by the Hong Kong public relations company announced,Two people in the Hong Kong convention and exhibition center officially ended at the wedding.


According to local intermediary is introduced,Here enclosing garden villa at present appraisal in 30 million yuan or so.Reporter preliminary statistics is found,Guo personal name in Beijing several sets of property valuation over hundred million,With the most expensive is a Beijing siheyuan,The value of one hundred million yuan.But the former sports suction gold female number one in other cities also have investment layout.


郭晶晶的“嫁妆” Jingjing's"dowry"


2004年开始买房现估值过亿 2004 start to buy a house now valuation over hundred million


At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games after the title of the party,The popularity of the value of the spiral up guo was the truth"Not interested to the entertainment industry".From her later development path to see,Many sports stars and compared,To seat magnesium light is not how to catch a cold"Diving queen"More favor investment banking low-key style of reality.


The Athens Olympic Games after a row,Begun to take advertising value of guo resolutely out 60 more than ten thousand yuan to buy a house in shijiazhuang two stories of the luxury villa.Reporter noticed,This is about she was a year of endorsements.Because in 2004 the second line city house price valuation is on the low side,Now the price of compared,Villa has soared more than three times.


In 2009,Although the macro regulation of the real estate and effect,On the springboard has super the control force guo or sniff out a policy message.So she and decisive will name is located in a set of chongwenmen bicyclic intermediate house out of hand.The reporter understands,The house in the south-east of tiananmen nearly ten minutes,2005 years of bid price is about ten thousand yuan per square meter s,Change hands profit more than doubled.


then,In addition to huo house as a dowry of a person of extraordinary powers curtilage courtyard,Guo private name have house property and several sets.One set of 2009 years in the first anniversary of the Beijing Olympic Games,Qinhuangdao one real estate company to HeBeiJi Olympic champion present housing reward.Another set of is located at Beijing tricyclic marshal near the mouth,By the national sports general bureau to the house of reward.


巅峰五年收入逼近一个亿 The top five income approximation a


In 2009 to sell your house guo obviously and is not lack of money.According to[Forbes list of Chinese celebrities]statistics,In 2009, guo annual income is 30 million yuan,Charts fourth single,After yao Ming,Zhang ziyi,yi,And chongwenmen residential final price is in 4.5 million yuan or so.


Guo was ring NaGong think the sports world suction gold female numero uno.As early as in 2004 Athens after the title,the"Forbes list of celebrity"Figures will show,Guo income reached 10 million yuan.


In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games released before[Chinese sports of the world's billionaires]in,Guo annual income in 15 million and ranked third,That is 2006 years/In 2007, guo annual income is in 15 million yuan or so,Compared with 2005 increased by 50%.


After the Olympic Games in 2008,They won two gold status guo surge again,In 2008, a year of the comprehensive income guo throughout the year at least 22 million;Year after year 2009 into the 30 million or so"bill".


According to the reporter incomplete statistics,Guo since 2008 speak of brand of not less than 20,Product range dabble in drink/Fast food/Laundry detergent/cosmetics/Wei yu even tire.And the title twice before and after the 2005-2009,The top five years of gross income of more than 90 million yuan.


To the end of 2009,Guo to submit application for retirement,There is no longer match performance support guo also difficult to escape endorsement is worth shrink rule.It is reported,2010 all kinds of commercial activities make its have 3 million yuan reward the account,Total value not less than 5.5 million yuan,But endorsements worth already from must level slumped to a level.


求学商学院积累人脉资源 Accumulation of human resources, study business school


Guo in fade out national team/Encounter commercial value after depreciation,Begin to be devoted to accumulate intangible assets.In recent years about gingle rumors of marriage can be heard,The quasi rich also continue to prepare in the society.


In 2010,,She signed up for a Chinese people's university business school MBA course.And before commencement of the new term,Guo and through the li ning foundation invited a English teacher,For English.The second year,Got MBA degree guo,And without a stop began to read IMBA diploma.It is reported,IMBA whole English teaching,Term two years,For full-time off-the-job learning.


Reporters access to Chinese people's university business school official tuition standard,IMBA tuition fee is 148000 yuan.Paid tuition fees,To let the glide guo brings the first is active society identity card.

  令她心有余悸的是,四年前一次赛后发布会上,郭晶晶直呼竞争对手为“加拿大那个胖子”。另一次活动上,她竟身穿印有英文 “你若是单身就来夜店交际吧”暧昧语句的T恤出席,由此一度被贴上低文化素养的标签。

To her ex-marxists is,Four years ago a post-game conference,Guo call a rival for"Canada the fat man".Another activities,She was wearing a printed with English "If you are single to club's communication"Ambiguous statement T-shirt to attend,This once be labeled as low cultural quality label.


In addition to get rid of the grassroots image,guo"bubble"In the university three people/Four years of accumulated business contacts,Is also believed to for future investment even venture paving.


霍启刚的“聘礼” Kenneth fok's"dowry"


将来从父处可“继承”约20亿 In the future where the father can be"inheritance"About 2 billion


Over the long love marathon,Finally embrace get"treasure"Return Kenneth fok is Hong Kong late famous fok ying tung capitalists of the eldest branch eldest grandson,For the fok ying tung the eldest branch HuoZhenTing and GangJie ZhuLingLing's firstborn.So the future can inherit from parents to property is undoubtedly Kenneth fok inherent first bucket of gold.

  霍英东生前是香港炙手可热的资本家,地产界的地王,一生中慈善方面的巨款就有150亿元之多。 2006年霍英东在北京逝世后,留下约240亿人民币遗产,主要分配给长房三个儿子。去年长房三子霍震宇诉长房二子霍震寰,指其侵吞14亿元港元遗产,今年在香港前特首董建华与政律司司长梁爱诗的介入下,这场家族遗产纠纷得以解决。最终,将霍英东300亿港元遗产的中100亿元分给二房、三房的家族成员,另外的200亿港元则由长房三子霍震霆、霍震寰、霍震宇平分。

Fok ying tung's hottest capitalists in Hong Kong,Property of the left,Life the charity money 15 billion yuan more than the. 2006 years after the death of the fok ying tung in Beijing,Left about 24 billion RMB heritage,The main distribution to the eldest branch three sons.Last year the eldest branch HuoZhenYu jahaziel the lawsuit, the second son of the eldest branch HuoZhenHuan,To show its embezzle $1.4 billion hk dollar heritage,Before this year in Hong Kong chief executive tung chee-hwa and administration law department priests elsie leung intervention next,The family heritage to solve disputes.finally,Will the fok ying tung hk $30 billion heritage in 10 billion yuan to ErFang/Three members of the family room,Another 20 billion hk dollar is composed of the eldest branch HuoZhenTing eliphelet/HuoZhenHuan/HuoZhenYu divide.

  也就是说,正式分家的三兄弟每人分得约65亿港元 (约52亿人民币左右)。由于霍震霆个人还身兼多家公司的董事和高层,并拥有普乐道和尖沙咀文逊大厦等个人物业,个人身价估约有60亿人民币左右。因为霍震霆共有三个儿子霍启刚、霍启山、霍启人,如果按照平分原则,这60亿元的家财中属于霍启刚的部分大约为20亿。

That is,Formal split between those three brothers approximately hk $6.5 billion per person (About 5.2 billion yuan or so).Because HuoZhenTing men also body and many companies of the directors and top,And a general claiming and Tsim Sha Tsui wen amazonian mansion and other personal property,Personal social status estimation about 6 billion yuan or so.HuoZhenTing because there are three son Kenneth fok/HuoQiShan/HuoQiRen,If, in accordance with the principle of divide,The 6 billion yuan house belongs to Kenneth fok part is about 2 billion.


接棒体育事业打“晶晶牌” After great sports play"Jingjing brand"


Although with huge wealth gold spoon was born,Kenneth fok with many different macaroni,In the Hong Kong media has been the vision image is healthy positive.

  在外界看来,迎娶郭晶晶的背后重大推力很可能来自霍氏家族的认可。事实上,从霍英东到霍震霆,再到少年霍启刚,这个华人巨富家族和奥运会有着千丝万缕的关系。 2001年霍震霆成为香港第一个国际奥委会委员,是霍英东全力扶持接棒的“体育大使”,而霍老先生本人则是北京申办奥运会的幕后活动家。不仅有着持续数年的申奥斡旋,2004年申奥成功后,还慷慨解囊,捐出2亿港元。而在霍氏家族内部,霍震霆是父亲的体育事业接班人。 “晶刚婚”之前,霍震霆因要重投澳博董事局,成为执行董事,并直接参与管理一间赌业公司,所以早已有意将体育事业交于长子打理,郭晶晶的辅助意义不言而喻。

In the outside world seems to,Guo married behind major thrust probably came from honneth hesitates family recognition.In fact,From the fok ying tung to HuoZhenTing,To the young Kenneth fok,The Chinese family wealth and the Olympic Games was closely related to the relationship. 2001 Hong Kong HuoZhenTing become the first member of the international Olympic committee,Fok ying tung is to support joint great"Sports ambassador",And huo the old man I is Beijing's bid for the Olympic Games behind the activists.Not only has lasted for years's mediation,2004 years after the success in the Olympic bid,Also generous,Donate hk $200 million.But in family internal honneth hesitates,HuoZhenTing is father's sports career successor. "Gingle marriage"before,HuoZhenTing because he would back to Macao bo board of directors,Become executive director,And directly participate in the administration of a bookmaking company,So have the intention to do sports into YuChangZi,Guo auxiliary meaning is self-evident.

  霍启刚子承父业的迹象明显。2011年,由霍英东集团公司投资的广州市南沙港发展项目被列入国家 “十二五”规划,定位为华南地区海上休闲体育中心。新建设的奥林匹克广场和南沙游艇会也由霍家掏腰包,霍启刚未来全面接过家族体育事业的接力棒指日可待。

Kenneth fok wentworth earl obvious signs.In 2011,,Fok ying tung group company investment by the city of guangzhou nansha port development project has been listed in the national "1025"planning,Positioning for the south China sea leisure sports center.The new construction of the Olympic square and the nansha yacht club also by huo house dig down,Kenneth fok future comprehensive took the family of sports of the baton can be expected soon.

  晚报记者劳佳迪 制图 任萍 Evening news reporter LaoJiaDi drawing RenPing
