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小学生的一把玩具枪能打穿18页厚作业本 这把仿真玩具枪,其威力能击穿18页厚的作业本 The simulation toy gun,Its power can breakdown 18 pages thick exercise book

  河南商报见习记者 邱晓峰/摄

The henan business trainee reporter QiuXiaoFeng/taken


妈妈从8岁儿子手里“收缴”一把玩具枪,能打穿18页厚的作业本 Mother from 8 year old son hand"seized"A toy gun,Can play in 18 pages thick exercise book


小学附近不少商店里,都有弹弓、飞镖、玩具枪、臭屁炸弹等玩具 Many shops near the primary school,Have catapult/dart/Toy gun/Smelly fart bombs and other toys


医生称,使用危险玩具而受伤的小患者不少 Doctors say,Use of hazardous toys and injured many small patients


这类危险玩具,孩子手里还有多少? This kind of dangerous toys,How many children hand?

  河南商报记者 姬中贵

The henan business JiZhongGui reporters


This newspaper reported yesterday"Dangerous toys‘Explosion ball’Became a pupil new toy"about.


Zhengzhou citizens ms. Li call the henan business reporter said,She from 8 year old son hand confiscated a toy gun.Test found,This toy gun can easily play wear and layer A4 paper.


Zhengzhou children's hospital emergency department a doctor said,They often receive due to the use of hazardous toys and injured small patients.Similar of hazardous toys,Your children are in his hand?


8岁孩子的玩具枪 8 years old the child's toy gun


能打穿17层A4纸 Can play in 17 layer A4 paper


Citizens ms. Li said,Her eight-year-old son hand,There are many such dangerous toys,One of the most dangerous the toy gun.


Ms. Li introduced,This toy gun is imitation of the pistol,Fill is about 5 mm diameter of plastic bullets."A few days ago,8 year old son asked me for 50 yuan pocket money.Go home at night,I found his bag much this toy gun,confiscated."


Curious ms. Li tried this toy the power of the gun,Results let her surprise."Stand two meters outside playing the past,18 pages of book should be easily penetrated."


Reporter found,Stood in two meters outside,This toy gun plastic bullet can play in 17 layer A4 paper.Bullets bounce on the wall,Can pop-up 15 meters.To open fire place,Results in the meters outside the ground pick up shot out of the plastic bullets.


医生 The doctor


小孩子频遭危险玩具伤害 Children PinZao dangerous toy damage


The people's hospital of zhengzhou city, a oculist is introduced,Some toy gun of great power/Range far,If hit children's eyes,Consequence is unimaginable."Children to play with toy gun class to be very careful,Is toy gun shot wound situation happen from time to tome."


"According to the introduction,Estimate ms. Li son this toy gun range at least 50 m.Don't play in the eyes,Play in other parts of the body will make her injured."The doctor said.


The children's hospital of zhengzhou city emergency office ROM. The doctor said,Due to the use of hazardous toys and injured small patients,Is a children's hospital."Ejection class/Metals and some send out chemical gas toys,Are easy to hurt the child's dangerous goods."


"Near the school of small supermarket seen a call‘Smelly fart bomb’toys,Many children like to use it those trick.This toy will send out hydrogen sulphide,Mild suction can cause discomfort,Heavy then endanger life."ROM. The doctor said,Ejection class/Metal toys to children is often trauma,Stay with his life scar.


调查 survey


在售危险玩具多是“三无”产品 In the sale is more dangerous toys"neutral"products


The henan business reporter in a primary school near a small supermarket see,Toy gun/The article such as imitation guns accounted for part shelf space,Price in the 15 yuan to 100 yuan between,On the outer packing were not indicate the production manufacturer/The production date information,Only a few goods dimension"Not suitable for children under the age of 15".


The shopkeeper told reporters,Eight or nine years old children,Like the most is that toy gun."This gun loading plastic bullets,Effective range is 50 meters.There are many adults to buy,Change metal bullets,Can be used to birds."He picked up a kind of toy gun introduces to the reporter.


When reporters asked about the source of these products when,The shopkeeper didn't vigilantly said"Don't chat with you more than our",Put the toys back.


Reporters visited other elementary school nearby small supermarket,Found slingshot/dart/Toy gun/Smelly fart bombs and other toys have sales.When adults to ask,The shopkeeper said"no".The store when not adults,They will not put these shelves of toys to sell out to the children.

  对此,罗医生提醒,弹射玩具、带绳玩具和金属玩具,家长尽量不要为孩子购买。“尤其是弹射玩具,容易让孩子在玩耍中伤到他人和自己,要让孩子尽可能远离。”(河南商报) this,ROM. The doctor remind,Ejection toys/Band rope toys and metal toys,Parents try not to buy for their children."Especially ejection toys,Easy to let children are playing to slander others and yourself,Let the child away from as far as possible."(The henan business)
