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90后入职元年遇“盒饭考” 被贴过于自负等标签--亲稳舆论引导监测室


After 90 is not"Workplace small monster"


After 70:We are all a workaholic!


After 80:We refuse to work overtime!


After 90:We refuse to work!


After 70:When having a meal,We like to sit by owner.


After 80:We'd better not sit by owner,That is just unrestrained.


After 90:I am the boss!




This is the online widespread one joke,Farcicality but also there is no lack of sense of reality.No matter would like to,Each generation will be labeled as different labels.In 90 started mass when workplace,More attention spearhead to begin to turn this group will say Mars text,Dare to say NO new new mankind.


After from 90"Flash speech disturbance"to"Refused to order lunch box",In fact the event should not be top key link top line,The public the saliva is more is added after 90 of the group as the label"lead",As 90 complain about that,"Social so concerned about our group personality/rebel,An attempt to indirect proof‘After 90’Is really‘Brain damage’/Keep the gens."


In the Internet age and rich material environment grow up after 90 do with their group characteristics,But this feature is more by the time education/Caused by the social background.And in the workplace too conceited/Fail to show restraint/Purpose strong/Difficult to communicate,Don't want to accept criticism/Fear is difficult and so on"New workplace"The common fault of the,After 90 is not unique.


therefore,After 90 is not all the fault"Workplace small monster",After 80/After 70,Even after 60 are also not of awareness"Workplace autom",Who have experienced workplace rookie awkward time,so,When 90 makes a mistake,Please don't again with a mature staff's standard to ask them,Give them"More freedom of learning and cast the space that individual character,Don't kill or blame growing a little rebellious."


In 2012 is called"After 90 the first appointment".


recently,a"After 90 interns refused to help senior order lunch box"Micro bo reignite the public after 90 workplace thermal discussion.On the one hand,After 90 as emphasized personality independence,With creative thinking of the new new mankind,To workplace bring fresh vitality;On the other hand,They can't be criticized/Difficulty easy to give up,These after 90 is easy to appear the problem also let managers always have a headache.


现状:90后创造力强,追求标新立异 status:After 90 strong creativity,Pursue the unconventional

  “上班带2个iphone,还带了IPAD,你稍微一不盯紧,她就在办公桌上开始玩。安排给她的工作能拖就拖,实在拖不了,就草草了事。找她谈话,态度挺好,可下次还那样。而且一点不见外,把办公室当家了,天天带一大堆吃的来,从早到晚零食吃不停。” 说起自己的90后新下属,网站编辑袁女士一肚子苦水,“我现在经常得给她做思想工作,都快成政委了。” 袁女士觉得,伴随着互联网长大的90后,比较聪明,接受新鲜事物也很快,但个性叛逆、有点骄傲自大,“不好管”。

"Work with two iphone,With the IPAD,You are a little bit a don't stare tight,She started to play on your desk.Arranged for her work can drag will drag,Really don't drag,Just hurry.Find her conversation,Attitude is good,But the next time that also.And not a little outside,The office was alone,With a lot of every day to eat,From morning till night snacks to eat constantly." Speaking of his 90 new subordinates,Web editor yuen lady full of bitter,"Now I often have to give her to do ideological work,All quick into the commissar." Yuen lady think,Grew up with the Internet after 90,smarter,To accept new things quickly,But the rebellious personality/A little proud,"Bad tube".


Although yuen woman meet is the case,But after 90 since the workplace is controversial,Its bright individual character and strong characteristics of The Times,Both for workplace injected fresh blood,Also give managers brought deep thinking.after,Talent is WangLian in 90 after the workplace attitude with a survey,The results shows that 57% of 90 vision after personalized/PengYouShi working atmosphere,45% of the 90 will keep your opinions to yourself and style.


In 51 job still seems workplace consultant,"Strong creativity"Are the 90 new workplace characteristics,"Due to growth in the information explosion era of Internet,After 90 more informed than their predecessors,And that thought is more open, and the pursuit of personality,chase‘Do STH unconventional or unorthodox’Make them more will use innovative thinking";And after 90 is more stressed self realization and presence,It is because they live in the country's economic rapid development stage,Often family condition has been much improved than before,Because of its social role is not mature,So the stress in your life is temporary,Work is not"Make a living"means,More 90 hope that through work to prove his worth.


专家:新人多做杂事“不是坏事” experts:The couple do more chores"Not bad"


"In the workplace,New employees respect old staff/Respect the boss's rule is never out of season,To blend in the workplace as soon as possible,Get more chance to exercise,New employees must be modest and prudent,Eyes have work,To do more chores,The initiative to apply for an increase of the work content,Is not bad.New workplace in trivial work stick to it,Also for their character of experience,More mature more can withstand the pressure.And just walked into the workplace after 90,It lacks is work experience."Elite WangLian web editor-in-chief YuanHang Suggestions.


Human resources management consultants DongYiMing is think,After 90 more value"respect",In similar"Order lunch box"event,Managers have to reflect on their own leadership style will touch after 90 self-esteem the bottom line.meanwhile,Enterprise have to strengthen professional education,"After 90 for expertise/Professional and dedicated to distinguish degrees are not clear,The lack of specific operational cases and guidance,Can also cause for enterprise requirements are not clear.We many domestic enterprises are"Behave well/Has made achievements",But for what performance called well or what kind of result is the enterprise esteem the are no quantitative provisions,Make new workplace baffled.Enterprise need to increase operational qualitative index,Improve workplace new interpersonal ability and emotion quotient (eq)."


- 90后职场 After the 90 - work


文科生择业挑战数据分析 The school of arts living employment challenges data analysis


Cher way,In a foreign consulting company is engaged in the market analysis work,July of this year as income


characteristics:Half a year in the company to work without friends;Too much overtime will be panic;Do not like to repeat field of work;Sometimes feel hard to accept criticism


After graduated from the Chinese department of from,Cher way have no choice text class work,instead"Don't walk unusual way",And he is not good at digital dozen have a crossing,Although don't like the outside world after 90 to label the interpretation of change,But cher tao said,Choose to do the data analysis in one hand is also proved after 90 groups like challenges difficult,The characteristics of the self value sense of achievement.


Work nearly half a year,Cher way not in company make their own circle of friends,"This could be a possible problem with my personality,I'm a little self-insurance tendency."Cher tao says.


But don't want to colleagues and personal friendship very deep doesn't mean are not good at interpersonal or office relations are not harmonious.daily,Colleague a dinner,Cher way will also go to the hotel in advance of seat,Or scare up a poured tea.


Working overtime is to make a lot of after 90 have a headache problem,They are more hope to keep their own space.Working at a foreign company of this six months,Working overtime is cher way normal,"If overtime occupied much my personal time,I will be very panic.I'll have balance,See yourself whether you want."At this stage,Cher way more will work overtime as the learning process,"Even if they do not work overtime,This part of the personal time will also be used to charge,After all, is facing the new field,To learn too much."


Cher and the word is not like in the same field do repetitive work,"Our industry share very fine,I hope I can do cross-industry business opportunities.Leadership of course not willing to,But I will directly with the leadership communication,Explain your ideas."


"Sometimes will also feel hard to accept criticism.A work ill done himself filled with frustration,More want to hear is the leading encouragement not accused",Cher tao said,After 90 there will be some of the sensitive to criticism,But this does not mean that after 90 is not willing to take responsibility.He said,This is you eat a few times kui sums up the experience,"now,I have to have the skills to make a point,And let's leaders are also identified with the."


半年学会“收敛性格” Half a year to learn"Convergence character"

  兰建文, 在IT行业某上市公司从事财务工作,今年7月正式入职

LanJianWen, In the IT industry to a listed company is engaged in the financial work,July formal appointment


characteristics:Like to go it alone,Talk straight to keep to,Some work will drag


June to start work,July formal appointment,Review nearly half a year to professional life,LanJianWen feel the most obvious change is one of the"The character is convergence".LanJianWen smile said,"The past speak habit go continuously continuously,Just take over work,Like to go it alone.Often I a person take the task done,You feel good about yourself,But the leadership/Colleagues don't feel."


Enterprise financial work do not like to imagine that all the day as long as to a pile of data/statements,But with different departments involved/Different groups of communication,It makes LanJianWen special headache,"Some need and a lot of people communication to finish work,Because of the fear of I'll drag."A recent,Is delaying the,"I am responsible for work to and customer/Supplier reconciliation,Multi-lateral negotiation,To ask people much more special,I have been dragged,Results to check the progress of the department,I didn't finish for the assigned project."


LanJianWen think,Colleagues and leaders to 90 group there are still some stereotypes,She can do is to work hard,Gradually change their point of view.


In addition to work in many colleagues and the consultation,In LanJianWen outside of work more into the team,The end of the month when the collective work overtime,LanJianWen give everybody called takeout,If the leadership let I'm responsible for planning collective travel matters,Advance booking hotel, etc,I will not shift responsibility onto others,Although doing very tired,But see everybody had fun,Also will be with a sense of accomplishment.


争 辩 Contend for



  90后敏感、爱质疑,爱挑刺, 讲话过于直接,先关注“自己高兴”,独立思考欲望旺盛。遇到难题喜欢先自己琢磨,畏惧主动沟通,向经验寻求答案。

After 90 sensitive/Love question,Love nagging, Too direct speech,To pay attention to"Himself happy",Independent thinking strong desire.Have problems like to ponder,Fear active communication,To seek the answer experience.


Can't criticism can coax,All of the leadership to the evaluation of things is often interpreted as on people's discontent


For elders and his colleagues compared the attitude"cold",Interpersonal skills honed need.


90后 After 90


We sometimes do like a person independently,Encounter problems also hope to their first come up with corresponding solutions.If we can solve the problem,Independent thinking should be encouraged.Direct speech is that we haven't completely from the school means of communication to the workplace interpersonal habits.


Work problems was already filled with frustration,More hope to get leadership encouragement.If the leadership criticism to things not people,And if the is not my responsibility also all boil down to our head,Natural to fight it out.


Say a bit poor communication for granted,It also depends on enterprise/Division of labor of.How to just calculate"heat"?Every one into the office and then smile seems a little fake.


- 点评 - comment on


努力培养“心理弹性” cultivate"Psychological elastic"


still,51 job professional consultant


Too conceited/Fail to show restraint/Purpose strong/Difficult to communicate,Actually these are"New workplace"The common fault of the,After 90 is not unique,Recollected that time after 80 when uncommon also met with similar criticism.These so-called"shortcomings"Completely through a period of time's work to change.Today's workplace,The employing unit system and system perfect,The role of the individual can rise gradually weakened,The role of team continuously outstanding,For those who emphasize self new workplace will constantly through the practice and even go to the wall aware of the importance of cooperation,This process is what they get rid of disadvantages,The process of maturity.


In order to be able to make after 90 in the workplace less after go some crooked road growth as soon as possible,In communication should be standing in the other's shoes transposition thinking,With other people are more likely to accept the way of communication,Especially new workplace,In don't have any qualifications under the situation of more should be modest and prudent,Abide by"Guild regulations",Only in this way can more easily accepted by others and into the team.


In addition to release pressure after 90/Improve the compression ability,This trained in the superior environment for grew up after 90 is very important,Try to cultivate your own"Psychological elastic".

  - 给90后的建议

After the 90 - give advice


1. Count their social circle age.If your IPhone4 stored in more than 200 contact, almost all of whom were words of peers,It is necessary to fore-and-aft development about the contact circle.Change workplace successful people consult,But remember to call"you".


2. Admit that unfair,But should not give up efforts.


3. There is a victory that with softness.Lots of ideas in your work,And think brillant,Mean or don't say it?The answer is to use clever everyone can accept the way to speak out,At the same time, the courage to try and take the consequences.


4. Outfit is tender and sell sprout don't always work.On-the-job field,Many young people will be in the workplace initial use"Gay repellent/Opposites attract"principle,Seize the chance to ask someone for help work.But smart may not always work!


5. The happiness.The pursuit of real happiness no problem,But if you understand happiness is part and enjoy/Sacrifice work efficiency or public interests during words,As each conquer a business little difficulty get happiness really some more.


6. Learn to control mood.If you have no so pissed-off criticism,At the same time can't tolerate wrong about you blame,Special want to send an E-mail or crying,Might as well take a deep,Leave the office for a minute,After a not so angry E-mail reply again,Put things can be clear,No one seemed to understand what anyone else with emotional negative evaluation.


7. The competition must have cooperation.


DongYiMing,Human resource management consultants,Human resources training division


琐碎是通往职业理想的阶梯 Little is the gateway to vocational ideal ladder


Period of winter,58 city vice President


After 90 and 80 into the workplace features similar,Only after 90 showed more obvious.Our company also has some 90 staff,Their personality independence,The pursuit of dreams to have more strong will.Because in 90 after a generation of the whole growth process,Whether family environment or social environment are in the period of great change,Material conditions are good,After the 90 general on matter less concern,But in the face of the parents is also higher expectations.


An example of the role of after 90 more,But this example also don't like 80/After 70 that limited to some areas,China's culture to the influence of after 90 smaller,Their values orientation is more general significance.At the same time,Because contact information rich and diversified,After 90 in thought more the pursuit of self realization and personality independence.They will feel formalism irrelevant,But pay more attention to reality.In addition,After 90 for future expectations will be higher,Expect in a short time to realize success or more goals.After 90 more envy entrepreneurial success,The concept of money to more rational,The expected to pay more directly,They can stand in vocational initial a low salary,But this period must be short,Otherwise, they will choose to leave or job-hopping.


I remind after 90,The daily trivial work is the gateway to vocational ideal ladder,Contacts of the accumulation of/Responsibility of the accumulation of/The accumulation of knowledge will take this can be realized.(MiaoChenXia)


(Sources: Beijing news)
