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11名高二学生集体下乡当老师 吃住行全部自己包--亲稳网络舆情监测室

湘乡市金石镇东江明德学校,广东来的高中学生正在给孩子辅导功课。 刘建强 摄 The xiangxiang stone town dongjiang mingde school,Guangdong to high school students are give children coaching lessons. LiuJianJiang perturbation


This morning,Drizzle whistling.The xiangxiang stone town dongjiang mingde school a classroom,17 year old DengXinYan is giving the children go to art class.Although have no too many teaching experience,But she kind of explanation/Lively interaction,From time to time will the children made in a good mood.


November 11,,DengXinYan etc 11 from the guangdong come of school students came to the middle of dongjiang mingde school,When up temporary little teacher.tomorrow,5 days of love education is over,This afternoon,They and dongjiang mingde school teachers and students reluctant to part,Before I leave,They all said,This 5 day let them a lot.


用自己的钱给弟弟妹妹送礼物 With their own money to brother and sister gifts


The stone town is located in xiang country/ningxiang/Shaoshan border,Dongjiang mingde school(Formerly known as dongjiang elementary school)Is the local four natural village only primary school,The existing one to five grade.


The headmaster LuoHuiHuang said,The obligation of education to 11 students are from guangdong on country high grade school,Five girls/Six boys.They gave the 70 brother and sister everyone bought a new uniforms,Also brought the exercise book/brush/Football, etc,And to give five destitute or single-parent students funding 500 yuan each.The money,Have a plenty of saved them down pocket money,Have a plenty of through the charity sale/Charity performance/Collection together to.


"This activity,Includes transportation and accommodation expenses,We didn't want to parents support a penny,Want to use my strength to help others,Exercise capability of self-reliance."17 year old ZhiJiaoTuan members ZhangZiQi classmate say.


讲课认真,吃住行全部自己掏钱 Lectures seriously,All ChiZhuHang out of their own pockets


LuoHuiHuang said,The 11 education to the student family circumstances are good,Some parents recently has passed ten million,But they did not have certain rich subsidiary arrogance,All very polite.


mathematics/Chinese/Art...In the dongjiang mingde school for five days,Small teachers every day to lecture.They both group,Delivered to each class,Teach very attentively."On the second day of class,The first night will be careful preparation,Class also summarizes,Just like normal teacher."LuoHuiHuang said.


After school,These little teacher is not in the office sit,But with the brother and sister to become one,Sometimes family visit/Individual coaching.In the children's eyes,The brother and sister are very knowledgeable/Very kind.

  东江明德学校条件简陋,没有住房。11名支教同学临时住在韶山某旅社,离该校大约有40分钟车程,住宿费、车费都由他们自己承担,吃饭也是自己掏钱,在学校食堂吃,5块钱一餐。“他们没让学校花一分钱。”罗辉煌说。 -记者 刘晓波

Dongjiang mingde school in primitive conditions,No housing.11 tutor students temporary live in shaoshan a hostel,From the school about 40 minutes,accommodation/Fares are made by their own bear,Having a meal also is out of their own pockets,In the school dining room to eat,$5 a meal."They didn't let the school spend a penny."LuoHuiHuang said. - reporter liu xiaobo about


对话 dialogue


“希望更多人关心乡村学生” "Hope more and more people care about rural students"


reporter:How did you choose xiang country this school?


ZhiJiaoTuan DengXinYan members:We saw on the net,Mountain school of a lack of resources.To find a lot of the,Feel the school the most need of help,So they set up a team.For us,This is not only a social practice,Is also a love action.Considering the safety problem,The school also special sent a teacher with.


reporter:The other people all say you are"Rich the second generation",How do you think?


DengXinYan:We are not what"Rich the second generation",But compared to guangdong mainland business more/Economy's more active!


reporter:The education to,What gains are there?


DengXinYan:From them,I saw them the thirst for knowledge.I was a student,Sometimes hard to avoid lazy.After return,I like the students,Work harder.


reporter:It will come?

  邓欣彦:如果将来有机会,还想再来。但作为在读的高中生,我们的能力、精力很有限。希望能有更多的人来帮助、关心乡村学生。三湘都市报 刘晓波

DengXinYan:If in the future have a chance,Also want to come again.But as a reading of the high school students,Our ability/Energy is limited.Hope to have more people to help/Care for rural students.Sanxiang urban paper liu xiaobo
