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大学毕业生当打饭哥 想利用学校资源实现理想--亲稳网络舆情监控室

大学毕业生当打饭哥 想利用学校资源实现理想 简振亮在华侨大学食堂做的是结账刷卡、打菜、洗菜、切菜的工作 JianZhenLiang in overseas Chinese university dining room do is credit card bill/Dozen vegetables/Wash dishes/Cut vegetables work 大学毕业生当打饭哥 想利用学校资源实现理想 晚上下班后,他会到学校的图书馆看书 In the evening after work,He'll be at the school library reading    


来源:厦门网 source:Xiamen network


Go to work every day,JianZhenLiang in overseas Chinese university dining room do is credit card bill/Dozen vegetables/Wash dishes/Cut vegetables work,In the evening after work,He'll be at the school library reading.More than two months,Almost every day so.Net friends say he is playing bread"Inspiring elder brother".the"Inspiring elder brother"Already the university graduates 6 years,Give up the original work work go to the dining room,He is wanted to use the resources of the school,Through self-study to realize my ideal.


网友:他在传递正能量,教授要收他作学生 Net friend: he's in transfer positive energy,Professor to accept him as students


JianZhenLiang at 6 o 'clock in the morning every day 20 points to work,Worked until afternoon 1:30.At half past three in the afternoon to work,Has been working in the evening at half past seven.After work,He often wear with oily be soiled clothes go to the school library to read a book."Read some management class,Now also look at history/Pursues a kind of novel."JianZhenLiang said,"In addition to see,Also remember some notes,Sometimes writing essays."


JianZhenLiang every time came into the library,Will attract many students eye,Some homecoming nodded and smiled,Some still active and greet him."Few people know my name,Everyone is nodded smile.I feel they are very friendly."JianZhenLiang said,He didn't call slip,Give a old colleague borrowed a,He usually in the library see more than 9 o 'clock at night,Library is he"charging"place.


JianZhenLiang said,His work time and student's class time"crash",Was going to go to sit on,But time didn't permit.


In micro bo on,Netizens to upload a photo of JianZhenLiang reading in the library,Has been reproduced the more than 270 times.Have net friend say he"Inspiring elder brother",A net friend say:"Too ashamed,Every morning he would eat breakfast edge reading!"The other a net friend say:"Huada xiamen campus dining room‘Dozen rice elder brother’To study in the library management,The college of business administration to professor zhang forward says it is willing to accept for students."Many netizens said,"This name‘Dozen rice elder brother’To send us a positive energy",Have net friend say"Too touching the".


同事:他放下架子到食堂打杂,值得敬佩 Colleague: he put down the shelf to the dining room char,Worth admire


JianZhenLiang said,I went to the library and read things only a few colleagues know,He is to do things you like to do,There is no need to make public.


Reporter noticed,JianZhenLiang in chicken Lin restaurant service,Note posted on the wall all service personnel photos,Ten people,Only JianZhenLiang a male,Is also the only one among read university.


JianZhenLiang colleagues XiaoCai said,Just began to,Everyone to his choice all feel strange."With his education and knowledge,To the general restaurants do a competent this should not be a problem,Didn't think he will come here."XiaoCai said,"Everyone has their own way of life,It is his own choice."


For JianZhenLiang reading in the library/Learning things,XiaoCai said never heard of.She said,JianZhenLiang very polite,The person is also very amiable.


Another is the choice of JianZhenLiang colleagues to understand that,She said,Now many college students find a job,A college student to put down the shelf to the dining room char,Worth admire.


原因: 工作中,始终没实现自我价值 Reason: work,Never realize self value


Normal mode of flash was born in 1985,Their hometown in longyan.In 2006, graduated from the wuhan an university,During the university,He studied CNC automation major.After graduation,He has done six or seven job,In machinery plant done,Done salesman,A position in the KTV and,But he felt knowledge in the work that they didn't use,Although each month also have the income of 3000 yuan,But in the work he always feel don't make use of personal strengths,Didn't realize self value.In September this year,He applies for overseas Chinese university xiamen campus of the dining room,To be a waiter."Used to work very depressed,May I have relationship with personality,Work boring,Some places make less than force."JianZhenLiang said,"In the dining room,I can communicate with everyone spontaneously and effortlessly/communication."


JianZhenLiang said,Back to school,Want to learn some useful knowledge,It is best management class.He said,He felt in management has the potential to,I hope to find a good teacher."Working years,I know my weaknesses and shortcomings,Hope I can in this period of time study recruit."


The reporter asked,You learn management knowledge have applied to the dining room in the work?He said,Sometimes colleagues work does not reach the designated position,He will fill up.


JianZhenLiang said:"Learning six months to a year,I'm going to go to xi 'an jiaotong university dining room work,Because the school reflects the Chinese existing management level."


Until now,JianZhenLiang family still didn't know he gave up 3000 multivariate work,Arrive dining room to do the waiter,Monthly income of less than 2000 yuan.JianZhenLiang said,Don't want to let the family know,Because the family have been hoping that he find a high salary/Well-paid job.In addition to the family,JianZhenLiang seldom communicate with my classmates.He said,In addition to the work,Everything else can consult with your family.

  他很少上网,不知道自己的照片被放在网上,也很少用手机上QQ。(记者 陈满意)

He seldom surf the Internet,Don't know their photos were on the Internet,Rarely use mobile phones on QQ.(Reporter Chen satisfaction)
