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  羊城晚报讯 记者罗坪报道:近日,一则名为“茂名信宜初中校长当众狂抽学生耳光”的网帖在网上掀起波澜。经查视频拍摄时间为今年6月末,事发地信宜市池洞第一中学;视频中的男老师为该校校长金海,涉案学生分别为原初二的廖金云和王静岚(均为化名)。

The yangcheng evening news reporter LuoPing reports:recently,Called a"Maoming XinYi junior high school principal public crazy smoke students a slap in the face"Nets for a online waves.The basis of video shooting time is at the end of June,The land XinYi city pool hole first middle school;Video of the male teacher for the school's headmaster, YeJinHai,Students involved are the original there LiaoJin clouds and WangJingLan(Are alias).


23,Reporter toss to find the net for more than of the parties,YeJinHai response accused said,When emotion but is only"crowds".In view of the education YeJinHai improper way,XinYi city bureau of education has to make its dismissal decision.


网帖:当众狂抽学生 校长“殴打成性” Network for:In public crazy smoke students principal"Confront beating"


Online crazy the"The principal public crazy smoke students a slap in the face"video,52 seconds long.Video display,In an office door,The ground squat down two boys.A white shirt male teacher side loudly call to account a student,On top of the head of the fingers to students.


Students answered before long,The teacher on the stool to sit down,Tone heavier,Hand over the students face to swing.Video broadcast to 37 seconds,When students more loudly after answer,The male teacher start up,Left hand once again to the students,Squat students once side lying on the ground.The teacher did not come out discouraged.


Post directed at people DaRenZhe for XinYi pool hole first high school principal YeJinHai.Net post said,Underachievement and self-discipline is not strong students once discipline,Leaf the headmaster will"Harsh voice hoot",If students retort,Often can be pull hair/Fan a slap in the face/Hit the floor/Knock at the door, etc.Students face is a"Confront beating"principal.


In addition,Net post also revealed three dozen students event:One is the original a LuoMou students make mistakes,In the process of questioning,Be being strangled by the principal,With the head bump to,If the short shock.The second is the principal in the duty he was found that students who FengMou and around the students talk,In front of the whole class students face smoke FengMou two a slap in the face.Three is the student li mou because violate discipline to the teacher's office,Just see the headmaster was smoking a slap in the face.


回应:当时情绪激动 只是推搡几下 response:When emotion just pushing a few times


23,Reporters came to the land XinYi pool hole first middle school,Found in things YeJinHai principal.Its told reporters,Things happen in June this year the school during the final simulation test,There LiaoJinYun students "WangJingLan village in class send out"Summer recruitment flyer",After the leaflets were found.The teacher in charge to two people called to the office,Ask leaflet origin,But LiaoJinYun did not truthfully replacement.


At this time the principal YeJinHai is tour after class,Began to students education,In LiaoJinYun by several times after the play,YeJinHai mood became excited.


"My fingers to him(LiaoJinYun)Ruthlessly education,But look from the video,People think that I set out to do it,In fact I was only pushed him a few times."YeJinHai said,His temper is normally a nasty person,Students in the criticism without sending out leaflets to hire,Difficult to anger or two stand up criticism.As for why the students trained squatted on the ground,The school has a teacher said,This is the school of criticism of those students who violate disciplines"A kind of practice".


then,The reporter also found LiaoJin clouds and WangJingLan further checking information.At present is to read the third day of LiaoJinYun told reporters,Things really by oneself help village friends send out recruitment flyer cause,He will also have to WangJingLan leaflets.After uncovering what was the teacher asked to the office,After they obey trained squatted on the ground.For the YeJinHai waved fan a slap in the face,Two students are denied have its thing,Also revealed that the principal is normally a"Loud voice",Governance diligent severe.


处理:校长已被免职 至今未回学校 processing:The headmaster has been removal has not go back to school


This video a cause XinYi city bureau of education highly valued.According to the vice President LuoGuiLin said,After the incident education bureau sent a special three times to the school investigation,And find the party students know the situation.Since things on the Internet after exposure,YeJinHai never back to school.


LiaoJin clouds and WangJingLan also revealed,Come to school until the bureau of investigation,They didn't know"it"Who gets to the Internet.As for why the time someone candid camera,Two per capita say not clear.


23,XinYi city bureau of education director roth told reporters,Video on the Internet caused after hot debate,Education bureau of a careful investigation.In view of the education YeJinHai improper way,Education bureau decided to carry on the removal process,"We stand for the teacher to the student to persuade education,Irrational way will hurt the student emotion."Roth said.


YeJinHai told reporters,It let he felt sick,Expect students to understand his coaching 10 years of painstaking.Many teacher also said,YeJinHai work at ordinary times very diligent,But its character is too impatient,Students to his education mode at that time hard to accept.
