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“琴师”保安单手弹奏网上走红 曾做过徽菜大厨--亲稳网络舆情监测室

洪继炳 HongJiBing


Last year,Tsinghua university JiaZuoSheng security"Ceng class"Self-study pass the college entrance examination;In June this year,Beijing university security Kennedy phase wei collection of essays[Stood up north]publishing.recently,China academy of fine arts 54 security HongJiBing also popular network,His one hand play on the piano[Butterfly lovers],Draw many onlookers and praise.It is understood,HongJiBing is za anhui province in,In shexian county from.


保安单手弹奏《梁祝视频网上蹿红》 Security one hand play[Butterfly lovers video online leap up is red]

  “忽然想去中国美院的草地晒晒太阳……于是,和这些幸福的人坐在一起,听着保安大叔弹的钢琴曲,找回了南山路上仅存的一点安逸。 ”11月11日,一位网友发出这条微博。后来,一首钢琴曲《梁祝》被传至网上,悦耳动听,更引得大家惊叹:弹奏钢琴的是中国美术学院一位保安。

"Suddenly want to go to China academy of grass in the sun...so,And these happy people sit together,Listen to the security mutombo play piano music,Find the nanshan road only to save of a little comfort. "November 11,,A net friend send this article micro bo.later,A piano[Butterfly lovers]Was preached to online,pleasant-sounding,The more that you amazing:Play the piano is the China academy of art a security.


文艺大叔54岁弹琴都是自己琢磨的 Literature and art mutombo 54 harps is studied


This song[Butterfly lovers]Equivalent to the level of the professional piano four category.The reporter understands,The literary security uncle HongJiBing name,54 years old this year,In shexian county in hunan province from,Five years ago with his wife work to go to hangzhou.

  “都是自己琢磨的,我不会五线谱,只识些简谱。 ”洪师傅说,自己从小就喜爱音乐,小学时学过二胡,中学喜欢口琴与笛子。真正开始琢磨钢琴,是2007年来到杭州以后。“我在美术馆上班,里面有台破旧的钢琴,我经常提前来练习。 ”初到杭州时,他在路边捡到一台被丢弃的旧电子琴,捡回家练习,自娱自乐。

"All diamonds,I won't staff,Only know some numbered musical notation. "Flood teacher said,From their love music,When elementary school learn erhu,High school like harmonica and the flute.Really on the idea of the piano,In 2007 came to hangzhou later."I work in a museum,Inside there is a shabby piano,I often advance to practice. "To hangzhou at the beginning of the,He pick up on the road to a discarded old electronic organ,Pick up home practice,Amuse oneself.


在家乡时是个大厨烧徽菜可拿手呢 At home is a chef burned cuisine can be? Well

  洪继炳老家在歙县坑口乡,他烧得一手好吃的徽菜。来到杭州之前,他与妻子一直在家乡经营一家饭店。红烧臭鳜鱼、虎皮毛豆腐、徽州圆子……这些都是洪师傅的拿手菜。虽然对于弹钢琴很谦虚,但聊起徽菜,他浑身是劲:“以前在镇上,我们家饭店人很多,经常要排队呢。 ”

HongJiBing their hometown in pithead in shexian county township,He can cook delicious cuisine.Before came to hangzhou,He and his wife have been hometown at the restaurant business.Stewed smelly mandarin fish/Tiger fur tofu/Huizhou dumpling...These are master specialty of the flood.Although, to play the piano is very modest,But talk about cuisine,He is a ball of fire:"In the town before,Our house hotel lots of people,Often have to queue?. "

  洪师傅说,从没想过能走红,弹钢琴纯粹是爱好。美术馆里时常有展览,赏画也是他的爱好。 “我会继续干喜欢的事,如果以后条件允许,说不定我还会在杭州卖徽菜呢。 ”(安徽商报 赵盛)

Flood teacher said,Never thought can be popular,Playing the piano is pure love.Art galleries often have exhibition,Appreciate a painting is his hobby. "I will continue to do like,After if conditions permit,Maybe I will be in the hangzhou? Sell cuisine. "(Anhui business newspaper ZhaoCheng)
