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“考试表情图”走红网络 大学生热衷对号入座--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

“考试表情图”走红网络 大学生热衷对号入座考试表情图”走红网络 "Examination expression map"Popular network


Before and after the exam,Different types of students, is what kind of state?recently,Called a[The exam students differentiate the types of diagram]Pictures in wuhan universities campus BBS in widely reproduced,Many students from the post,Many people said they smile is one of them.


Reporter in the wuhan university of science and technology city academy in the post see this picture,It with head portrait expression form reflects the different types of students examination before the state.For example,Efforts to model a week before began to struggle,Results the test day and after the release of a very relaxed/happy;Lazy type only before play,Results the test day silly eye,Results after the announcement was in tears;Intelligent type only a day before the assault,Can laugh about the exam;Don't be saved type is from exam achievement to after the release of all in a good mood.

  “我的室友小李就是典型的聪明型,画得太像她了。”该校11级财务管理专业学生小梦告诉记者,小李把课堂时间利用得很好,课后很少见她泡图书馆、啃专业书,可每次考试小李都名列前茅,学期末还能评上专业奖学金。“我是典型的普通型,每次都是到考前3天才开始努力。”该校学生小杜笑着说,可就算临时抱佛脚也得有扎实的基础,他平时上课听得很认真,考前突击一下,把重要的知识点梳理几遍也就能应付考试了。也有不少同学坦言自己是懒惰型,“考前不认真复习,考试时两眼一抹黑,考完后欲哭无泪。”武汉外语外事职业技术学院学生小向不好意思地说,图上的表情几乎就是他的真实写照。“我带的学生大多是聪明型和普通型。”武汉科技大学城市学院的老师范琰笑称,被划为笨蛋型和没得救型的学生只是在某一阶段有点迷失,只要适当地指导或点拨一下,他们也能变成努力型或聪明型。“考试只是检验学习效果的一种方式,同学们不要把它看作是任务或者负担,要积极正确地对待。”范琰提醒说,只有珍惜每一节课,每一次测试的机会,大家才会在人生路上笑到最后。(楚天金报 记者宋锐 通讯员龚靓、阮婷)

"My roommate xiao li is typical intelligent type,Drawn too like her."The 11th level financial management professional students little dream told reporters,Xiao li the class time well spent,After class she bubble library is rare/Chew professional book,But every time the exam xiao li comes top,At the end of the semester also can judge on professional scholarships."I am the typical ordinary type,Every time is to begin to work before 3 genius."The students of XiaoDu said with a smile,But even cram for also have a solid foundation,He usually listened carefully in class,Before assault a,The important knowledge carding several times also can deal with the exam.There are many students said frankly that he is lazy type,"No serious review before,When the exam two eyes a bring shame on,After the test too deep for tears."Wuhan foreign language foreign affairs vocational and technical college students small to said shyly,Drawing expression is almost his true portraiture."I took the students are mostly intelligent type and ordinary type."Wuhan university of science and technology city academy old normal Yan smile said,Are delimited fool type and not be saved type students just in one stage a little lost,As long as the proper guidance or show how the,They also can become hard type or clever type."Examination is testing a way of learning effect,Students don't see it as a task or burden,To actively treated correctly."FanYan remind said,Only cherish every lesson,Every chance to test,You will be in the life on the road the last laugh.(Chutian 27 reporters SongRui correspondent kung beautiful/RuanTing)
