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Original title:Not in the top 30 don't let when student cadres

  本报聊城9月13日讯(记者 陈洋洋) “学习不好就不能当学生干部?”近日,聊城一中学选学生干部必须考前30名的规定引起争议,有的表示赞同,有的则认为学校剥夺了普通学生锻炼和提高综合素质的机会。

Liaocheng this newspaper on September 13, -(Reporter ChenYangYang) "Study not good cannot when the student cadre?"recently,Liaocheng a middle school student cadre must choose before 30 regulations controversial,Some agreed,Others think the school deprived of ordinary students exercise and improve the comprehensive quality of the opportunity.


recently,Liaocheng posted a middle school student cadre selection notice,This school student cadre selection requirements in addition to selection procedure and specific requirements,Also rules apply to join the student cadre must be students"Image good,excellent,In this entrance examination before 30."


The practice of this school caused the parents and students' dispute.A girl small qin said,She is always in elementary school and junior high school student cadre,Also played very good and well,To have a higher on want to enter the race,But because they were not in the top 30 had to give up,She felt the school this regulations deprived her exercise and show your ability to chance.


There are many parents and teachers for the practice of school.The school a teacher think,Students study at school is the important expression ability,Student cadres should take all the grades,If even the study is done bad,It is difficult to let all students to listen to"command".


Liaocheng university education experts say,General seems to,Study good students,More easily by teachers and students of recognition,Most of the schools selected student cadres are required"excellent",This become a teacher and students understood rules,But there are few such express provision in the situation,This kind of regulation in certain extent hurt some students participation enthusiasm and emotion.
