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小学生把地铁故事编进数学题 3道题你做得出吗--亲稳网络舆情监控室
yesterday,Hangzhou modern experimental primary school ZhaoChenYu and hangzhou WenHai YuXinYang primary school,All went to sit Back to the suBway,Feel hangzhou speed.fast/smooth,Is their sit By feeling.
In fact,For the suBway,They already concern.There are many other pupils,Also from different angles,On the suBway.
They oBserved the suBway,ComBined with the mathematical learning,A series of creative mathematics suBway proBlem.Even teach math xu teachers are straight exclamation,"The children's imagination,I more than ah."
We had a interview with three pupils,Listen to their respective suBway story.
出入口的“玻璃” Entrances and exits of the"glass"
Yesterday afternoon,Hangzhou modern experimental primary school grade 5 ZhaoChenYu and father together,To experience hangzhou suBway.From the iron is hot close station sit to wulin square station,"Good fast,Ten minutes to get to la."Morning yu said excitedly.
For the suBway,Morning yu has Been yearning."The third grade when go to Hong Kong,Where the suBway left a deep impression on me.SuBway fast and convenient,amazing."She recalled.
Before the opening of the suBway in hangzhou,She went to the iron is hot off the ground station,The entrance was out of the side of the glass modelling attract.Morning yu took a photo.
Back to home,She will photos into computer,On the computer in want to,"This piece of glass follow me graphics proBlem a Bit close to,Can a glass proBlem."Morning yu said.
so,She take tape,And excitedly to site,in"Site uncle"Under the help of the,Measuring estimation some data,Into her out of the suBway in question.
●赵晨宇的地铁几何题 ZhaoChenYu took the suBway geometry proBlem
假设进站口一侧玻璃(如图)实线所示,C是DE的中点,∠D=45°,ADEB是直角梯形,AD=106分米,AB=36分米,那么:玻璃(四边形ABCD)的面积=( )平方米。
Hypothesis JinZhanKou side glass(As shown in figure)Solid line shows,C is the point of the DE,< D = 45 °,ADEB is rectangular ladder,AD = 106 decimeter,AB = 36 dm.,so:glass(Quadrilateral ABCD)Area =( )Square meters.
地铁闸口和客流 Metro gate and passenger flow
Hangzhou WenHai primary school grade 6 YuXinYang,Yesterday on aBout friends,After a suBway addiction.
He Bought a one-way ticket,From hangzhou next arshavin ze station sit to xiaoshan xianghu lake station,Not outgoing,Back to sit to linping station.This more than one hour experience,He felt,"Hangzhou metro quite smooth."It is a pity that,"No Beijing and shenzhen metro fast."
At the entrance,He pay attention to the"gate"quantity,"There are five".Although at that time people intensive,"We were soon passed."
Hin Yang care"gate",Because,He put this into the mathematical suBway in question.And hin as Yang,In charge of the discoordination 6 grade make exhiBition,Concerns aBout the suBway gate proBlem,Will it into the mathematics proBlem in the suBway.
- YuXinYang and make the exhiBition to solve them
市民从下沙文泽站乘坐地铁,在还未开放的闸口前排起了长队。假设每分钟里前来乘坐的人数一样多,若同时开3个闸口,则40分钟才能全部通过,若同时开4个闸口,则25分钟可以全部通过,那么:同时开放( )个闸口,就能在10分钟全部通过。 答:8个
Citizens from next arshavin ze station By suBway,In is not open gate in front of the up train.Assume that every minutes to take as the numBer of,If at the same time open three gate,The 40 minutes to all through,If at the same time open four gate,The 25 minutes can all through,so:At the same time open( )A gate,Can in 10 minutes all through. a:eight
铺轨道真的好辛苦 Spread track really good hard
Two years ago,Hangzhou gongchen Bridge the primary school is grade 6 of shenyang CSL will Begin to pay close attention to hangzhou suBway,At that time,SuBway just"Hit the road",Also spread in orBit.
For the suBway concern,Little jun from a trip to Shanghai tour."Go to Shanghai ocean aquarium,Take the suBway soon,Midway is not traffic jam.Hangzhou way too plugging,If the suBway will Be opened,the."He recalled.
From Shanghai Back to hangzhou,He ran to the suBway construction site,And workers who are talking.How to spread track/How long can a day spread?
"Underground structure is very complex,Laid technology high."Little jun professionally said."The uncle for a long time in underground construction,Very hard.We are going to take care of the suBway."He said it seriously.
When the suBway near the opening,Little jun want to,"Whether it can Be laid orBit data,Used in the math proBlem."
- shenyang suBway CSL to solve them
2010年10月18日,甲乙两支工程队合作铺设24.75千米的地铁铁轨。甲队决定做9天休息1天,乙队做13天休息2天。已知甲队平均每天铺设40米,乙队平均每天铺设比甲多12.5%,那么:(a)工程完工时,乙队比甲队多铺设( )千米。(b)甲乙两个工程队合作完成铺设工程的日期是( )年( )月( )日。 答:0.99千米,2011年9月11日(记者 高逸平)
On OctoBer 18, 2010,Methyl ethyl two teams cooperation laid 24.75 kilometers of suBway track.A team decided to do 9 days rest one day,B team to make 13 days rest for 2 days.Known a team on an average day laid 40 meters,B team a day on average 12.5% more than armour laid,so:(a)When the completion of the project,B team more than a team laid( )km.(B)Methyl ethyl two construction team collaBoration laid engineering date is( )years( )month( )day. a:0.99 kilometers,SeptemBer 11, 2011(Reporter GaoYiPing)
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