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湖南一事业单位招聘面试只答题 试卷事后被纠错--亲稳舆论引导监测室

湖南一事业单位招聘面试只答题 试卷事后被纠错湖南一事业单位招聘面试只答题 试卷事后被纠错


Yao autonomous county, the author admit by examination organization issued by the party"[Western medicine clinical assessment]PanFen error correction that"(left)and"on[Western medicine clinical assessment]PanFen error correction to explain".The author county people club bureau for diagram

湖南一事业单位招聘面试只答题 试卷事后被纠错招考组织方纠错所依据的参考书(右)与部分考生复习参考的教科书。实习生 郎淑静摄 Admit by examination organization square error correction based on the reference books(right)And part of the examinee review reference textbooks.Interns LangShuJing perturbation


"All candidates interview questions are in 5 minutes to do a 8 questions test paper,Four word choice and four ways judgment problem,Read your answers on the spot."


For more than two months ago a like"Written examination"of"interview",WuXin still feel incredible.


On August 4,,The author ZhaoLu yao autonomous county of hunan province public(employment)Authority institution work personnel work leading group office by way of a public announcement,The open recruitment 192 business unit personnel,Township health center of professional and technical personnel 124 people."The new hire personnel of institution work personnel,Enjoy the existing staff of equality of treatment"statement,To attract a lot of the author in the county medical and health institutions work temporary employment personnel.In addition,The announcement also clear to the above mentioned the temporary employment personnel"The length of service and professional technical position accumulated points".


To WuXin etc for temporary employment personnel,This may be farewell"Temporary employment"Identity of an important exam.But let them unexpected is,The exam interview questions incredibly is 8 way the objective questions;and,The beginning of the reference answer released two problem is rectifying a mistake.


客观题代替了实际技能操作考核 Objective problem to replace a practical skill operation assessment


To prepare for the exam,In this paper, the author has a county township health centers work 3 years WuXin specially resigned from his job to review.WuXin enter oneself for an examination is clinical post,The open recruitment 47 people this year,In recent years the number of open recruitment is one of the largest.


Even after take an examination or will be assigned to the town's health center,The content of the job also won't have too big change,But in WuXin looks,Resign for information is still worth."Because can be‘Career made up’."The 80 girl told the China youth daily reporter,the"Career made up"Means work easily pay well,"And never laid off".


On August 25,,WuXin attended this time admit by examination written examination,And at the interview smoothly.The next,WuXin to all previous years to find out the contents of the interview and related experience,In the understanding to take an examination of the interview is a professional skill and operation,Check the position of clinical practical work ability,She followed her exam content seriously is prepared.


Early in the morning on September 15,,WuXin into the interview the examination room,Ready to accept professional skill and operation evaluation.But then happen let her difficult to understand,"The interview was completely written examination".


According to WuXin introduced,She in test and other candidates in the exchange of that,Many candidates interview questions are 8 ways do objective topic:Four word choice and four ways judgment problem.This 8 problem is the score of value for 100 points,There are two problem score is 20 points,Six problem is score 10 points.It is understood,The interview appeared more full marks achievements.


this,WuXin feel very helpless:"So little topic,Such a big score,And they were all multiple choice questions and judgment problem,Don't do may also have to.Have to question,Rankings can rise dozens,Written examination is very not easy to open the gap is not obvious."


After the end of the interview,Part of the candidates through the network channel such as post express dissent.


Net friend"yang99168"said,"Every year before is to take an examination of operation,Theory can be selected for interview operation.All this year at the interview,And the exam again theory.Excuse me medical only theory yao?A standard sex all have no,Why and under the banner of the whole county said fair justice recruitment."


Reporter discovery,Questioned the interview with the objective questions instead of practical skill operation assessment of the examinee most believe,The interview should examines the examinee to actual operation ability,A few word simple subject as interview is not reasonable.


"The real clinical is just a sweep of pen can do a good job,Save lives?"In the examinee TangWen looks,The author county admit by examination of department of this kind of exam arrangements"Completely do not conform to the clinical work in the actual".


组织方称“面试人数太多” Organization party says"Interview there were so many people"


Reporters from admit by examination organization party to know,County, the author of the institutions for staff by the open recruitment is the author county county party committee/County government organization,The society for the county-wide 20 township health center open recruitment staff.According to admit by examination announcement,The open recruitment of any dispute is western medicine professional and nursing,The two professional recruitment most people,The western medicine 49 people/Nursing 47 people.


"Western medicine professional and nursing professional written in the total number of 170 and 179 respectively,According to the requirements of the recruitment plan according to written examination results from high to low grade 1: the proportion of 5 determine interview candidates,The western medicine professional and nursing profession all the participants in the written examination candidates are at the interview,Because interview with a larger population,Already unfavorable use previous skill operation assessment way.The county leadership group study decided to admit by examination,Interview take answer type for,Interview questions for 8 way the objective questions,The interview time for a total of six minutes."The author county human resources and social security bureau/The author county health bureau sent to reporters[About 2012 county township health center, the author the open recruitment of professional and technical personnel related instructions](Hereinafter referred to as[Case specification])The article wrote.


According to admit by examination organization party is introduced,County, the author after the open recruitment of institution hasn't had the same position"Interview there were so many people"situation,"More than 70 people at most,On the day before 11 o 'clock in the evening can be the end of the interview,One of the judges have focused on a review,One day after disposable evaluation.And the same position reached more than 186,Take before‘One of the judges a concentrated the evaluation,One day after disposable evaluation’Way interview,Need to centralized control the examinee/judges/Notarial personnel 3 days,It is not realistic."


Admit by examination organization party said,With the objective questions instead of practical skill operation assessment for an interview"Not a special case","Because interview is various forms,flexible,No fixed pattern.Every time the interview to particular case is particular analysis,And then make a decision".


"If in the future‘Interview number more’,There is no more scientific/More just/A more suitable way cases,We will consider this way for an interview,Because only the objective nonjudgmental evaluation mode,To ensure that the examinee interests,To ensure the objective/fair/justice."Admit by examination organization party added.


Admit by examination organization party the above explanation,Get some examinee's identity.


Enter oneself for an examination the nursing professional examinee ChenMeng are listed for the fourth time to attend the author county institution work personnel open recruitment examination,Three times before the reference,She didn't pass the interview this close,"But I have when eight years the nurse,My professional operation has been training very standard skilled."


On September 15, at the interview,ChenMeng got full marks."Using the objective questions this interview,The examinee answer is right or wrong be clear at a glance,The examiner can avoid the subjective factors on the influence of the examination results,Such a clear right and wrong/Clear the interview score more fair."ChenMeng said.


"The entire recruitment examination process are accepted XianRenDa/cppcc.in/County discipline inspection commission supervisory organs of supervisor the supervision,Did not find staff have committed illegalities for personal gains in violation of recruitment discipline behavior."[Case specification]wrote.


更正参考答案再生变数 Correct reference answer regeneration variable


Although ChenMeng etc the examinee thought to take the objective questions way interview more fair,But the exam organization party in the proposition that appeared on the oversight,Let this recruitment appear again variable in the western medicine professional 8 way interview in the objective questions,There are two questions in the examination of the answer is"Error correction".


According to the recruitment exam rules,The examiner will according to examinee answer direct marking,The examination room supervisor and I after examined and signed,On the spot told the examinees.


"The supervisor on the spot announce my result for 90 points.Because before examination written examination result is good,So I feel very happy at that time."WuXin told reporters,Her happy the matter also didn't last long,Two days later a public"PanFen error correction that"He let her unprepared."My score once were lopped off 30 points,From 90 points into 60 points."WuXin said.


The reporter understands,Like WuXin is modified as interview result examinee a total of 173 people,Is to enter oneself for an examination of western medicine clinical position, professional and family professional examinee,Their interview results increased or decreased by up to 10 points to 30 points.


According to admit by examination organization party is introduced,In the morning on September 16,,That is the day after the interview,County health bureau, the author from the examinee reflected,Say western medicine clinical interview assessment of the wrong answer.


"After receiving reflect,County people club bureau and health bureau attaches great importance to,Rapidly organize the relevant experts and scholars to verify,And timely and proposition on the contact unit,Then to the superior department of health further verification.Verify the existing two wrong answer,And will the right answer for the final verification."[Case specification]wrote.


then,Admit by examination organization party for the error correction,Will involve examinee's interview result in correct,And in the morning on September 17, will be corrected achievements and PanFen error correction indicating the public.


By admit by examination organization issued by the party"[Western medicine clinical assessment]PanFen error correction that"(Hereinafter referred to as[Error correction that])wrote:"For proposition given unit[Western medicine clinical assessment]Wrong answer,Lead to interview score miscarriage of justice,Hereby to correct and explanation."


Be error correction two problem is respectively:


a/choice:Single or double cardiopulmonary resuscitation in chest outside pressing and the proportion of ventilation for:

  A 15∶2 B 30∶2 C 15∶1 D 30∶1

A 15:2 B 30:2 C 15:1 D 30:1

  (答案A改为B) (本题10分)

(The answer A to B) (Ontology 10 points)

  二、判断题:插胃管成人插入长度为55~60cm。 (答案×改为) (本题20分)

two/Judgment problem:A gastric tube adult insertion length for 55 to 60 cm. (The answer × to) (The subject 20 points)


"Interview field so many judges and experts,A total of only 8 questions,How do they were not pointed out that wrong answer?"To admit by examination organization party after the practice of error correction,The examinee ZhangJie still feel puzzled.


Admit by examination organization party told reporters,In the recruitment process,The author by the county bureau of people club entrusted,County health bureau, the author related yiyang medical college hospital for interview examination proposition and the system volume.


"The score of the miscarriage of justice is due to proposition institutions work is not careful/Set the topic not rigorous in.According to the relevant provisions of the secret papers,We have no right to before the examination to the question for inspection/check."[Case specification]wrote.


Further questions about the reporters:As a proposition unit,Yiyang medical college hospital whether have the relevant qualification?The hospital ever participate in river-crossing HuaXian institutions recruitment examination proposition?The answer to this interview mistakes,This hospital is how to explain?


Admit by examination organization reply said,They had has not entrusted a yiyang medical college hospital proposition.This is the hospital entrusted proposition,From the main consideration, the author further,Facilitate confidential.For the mistake,The hospital explanation is a proposition time rush,The second is a mistake to must rectify.


For proposition unit qualifications problem,Admit by examination organization party explained:"Yiyang medical college hospital as a proposition unit is a proposition with qualifications and level.For the open recruitment business unit,National and provincial/The city did not execute proposition qualification certification system.As long as it is accord with the basic condition of proposition,Get admit by examination unit can be recognized,Admit by examination unit may entrust a qualified units proposition."


The reporter understands,Our country[The open recruitment business unit personnel interim provisions]Did not the institutions for examination proposition institutions to make special provisions.but,Hunan province in 2011 on the introduction of the[Hunan public institutions recruiter for trial implementation measures]The provisions of article 17:"Institutions open recruitment written examination,By the government to people club department entrusted subordinate examination institution proposition/Marking and organize the implementation thereof;Can also be the person to the approval of the department of clubs,By unit of choose and employ persons or the competent authorities shall organize experts proposition/Marking and organize the implementation thereof.Written proposal shall be submitted to the examination and approval department people club."


被“纠错”的答案仍有争议 was"Error correction"The answer is still controversial


Although admit by examination organization party promptly to carry out the error correction,But the above[Error correction that]Still caused a lot of controversy.Some candidates found,Be error correction judgment of the answers and some medical textbook explanation is not the same.


According to the WuXin advice,Reporter found the people's medical publishing house[Emergency medicine]book.for"A gastric tube adult insertion length"This problem,The book page 330 suggestion is"Adult insertion length for 45 to 50 cm"And this has been the error correction"55 to 60 cm"Reference the answer is not the same.


"The word choice in the old textbooks answer is to choose A,In the new edition textbooks answer is choose B."The examinee MeiZheng told reporters,"I was asked the examiner is according to the new teaching material or old textbooks answer?Test an officer answered and said to me,You can rest assured do question it,We have the correct answer."


so,MeiZheng was full of confidence to chose B options,Was sentenced to a wrong.But two days later released[Error correction that]And let him added 10 points.


in[Error correction that]in,Admit by examination organization party lists the error correction based on the number of reference books about related question explanation.But WuXin and other four candidates then take textbooks, the author to county people club bureau report the situation to them,"The explanation was each other,We take this textbook is‘11th five-year planning’textbooks,And they are‘1025 planning’Book for reference standards."WuXin said.


WuXin etc examinee does not agree with:"Clinical professional‘1025 planning’Teaching material is not published,Now the university are‘11th five-year planning’materials.In medical health examinations and the examination of doctors' qualifications,Should with materials,Teaching material is the most has the authority.Admit by examination organization party reference is only a medical examination counselling,Take it as a reference standard according to the shortage."


In medical professional BBS"Clove garden"on,Some net PALS to published different views.


"Medical data is obtained according to the statistics,General use of the average data.Data about with individual differences,Stomach tube insertion length is related with height.Along with the continuously go deep into of the research will continue a new conclusion out,Now people generally improve the height,So length increases."Net friend"zds6368"In reply reporter's question mentioned,"Authoritative books a lot of data sometimes will still continue to use the old standard,Especially not too many people pay attention to the data or questioned."


Net friend"ZMDZFX"Also said,"In the actual clinical operation according to certain purpose and treatment effect,Methods to check and stomach tube whether or not you actually insert in the stomach,Each individual conditions exist differences.textbook‘45 to 55 cm’,This is not absolute,Is a range,Reference just,Particular case is particular treatment,Measuring patient also available for reference.The practical work can still in 45 to 55 cm the longitudinally extended for another 5 ~ 10 cm of."


Since no designated examination before the bibliography,The controversial subject set to test whether topic worthy of it?


this,The author county in western medicine clinical interview assessment of one of the judges told reporters,generally,New and old version of the reference answer can be adopted,but"This is a right and wrong judgment problem,Must choose an answer",The judges group after the study agreed,With the latest research data.


He admits,Although the research group on an answer,But the problem is the proposition"Some problems".


In admit by examination organization party announced[Error correction that]Four days later,And released a"on[Western medicine clinical assessment]PanFen error correction to explain",Explain in detail the question answer the basis of modification,And two times arrange experts to the examinee representative had a face-to-face notes to explain.


but,These interpretation work did not seem to eliminate part examinee's question,Part of the students to the relevant departments to the collective appeal.A reporter as before,Admit by examination organization party is yet to the business unit recruitment exam interview result make formal publication.


(Respondents requirements should be,The report mentioned candidates are alias)


Our newspaper Beijing on November 27 (Reuters)
