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1、戒过度保护 1/Quit overprotection


sometimes,As a result of too pay attention to the safety of the surface,Ignore see psychological needs,Even if the child has excellent natural conditions,But a lack of development,When a child wants to run/Want to play when,Adults will be afraid children hurt and forbid him.so,The child will develop the habit of not active,The body becomes late ripe/Weak and sick,The development of the mind will inevitably hindered,Character also can become timid retreat/Lack of confidence/Unable to face the difficulty.We must understand,Concern is the heart communication,And is not the behavior of the intervention.Excessive intervention both make children dislike,Also interfere with his development potential.


2、戒过份宠爱 2/Quit too favor


All obedient child's requirements,Complete all things for him,What children not begin,So easy to change to self-centered/capricious/Rely on/Late ripe/Can't tolerance/Also don't know oneself care oneself,Although the surface looks soft gentle,But when the children to grow up,Need to face problems,May appear character mutation.


Parents' package instead of a child form of weak character, one of the important reasons.Some parents of children jump through hoops,Do not let the child do anything.This is equal to deprive the child self-expression opportunities,Cause the child independent living skills atrophy……


3、戒揠苗助长 3/Quit push them


The small child age,Basic action is less influenced by learning or training effect.Regardless of the child's developmental state,Forced him to learn early stand/Learning to walk/Learning to write……Children body and mind caused by imbalance,Lead to temper/anxiety/cold/Back problems,And and will refuse to learning,Also don't understand and harmony.


4、戒过份专制 4/Quit too despotism


Often with authoritative tone of voice regulate the child's behavior/Limit his freedom/Deny his idea,Will make the child long-term in panic,Unable to express their,Only know yes,Don't understand happiness;And made him lose confidence,tense/insecurity,In the face of things at a loss,Lose the courage to try new things, etc.In addition,In order to let off steam,The child will bully than his little children,When a child grow up,He is more likely to we being malicious psychological,The past the backlog of discontent,Out back to our body.


5、戒脸孔严厉 5/Ring face severe

  孩子无法在严肃当中感受到我们的爱,摆出严厉的脸孔,只会令他对您却步。我们应避免用苛刻字眼责备他,即使他做得不够好,也应温和地给他意见,使他容易接受。 点灯的心

Children can't in serious feel of our love,Set out stern face,Will only make him to you hang back.We should avoid using harsh words blame him,Even if he did not good enough,Should also gently to his opinion,Make him easy to accept. Light heart


6、戒忽略孩子优点 6/Quit ignore children advantages


Feel the child's strengths,Even with,Also be taken for granted,Make it a day can't be exerted.Chinese are humble,Praise children in front,Sometimes unwittingly criticize him.In fact,We to the child's assessment is established based on his self-image,If often mention his faults,The child will doubt his ability,Not only affect their self-confidence,Even can be maintained so worthless,More adventurous.


7、戒忽略孩子说话 7/Quit ignore children to speak


Children like to ask questions,We will feel very vexed,And if children interrupt,Or binding off;The somebody else asked the child problems,We often speak for children.this,Will deprive your child to practice opportunity to talk,Lead to self expression ability is poor,Children and will gradually no longer talk with us,The serious influence the communication between parent.


8、戒经常对孩子唠叨 8/Quit nagging often to the child


To mistakenly assume that boy said several times,He should know how to do,Even in comfort a child,Also volubly pointed out that his negligence,Reminds warned him should be how to do,While ignoring the child's difficulty.Children will inevitably feel numb,Become lifeless,Without confidence.In addition,Nagging still can make his temper become irritable,Mood has been unable to control.


9、戒嘲笑挑剔 9/Quit laugh at critical


Critical child's negligence,Often the faults in noises,Sharp tongue,Use call names words laughed at him"clumsy""useless", etc,Even in front of other children at grumble,All would make him feel embarrassed,Serious damage their self-esteem,Self-abasement weak,Think you really didn't have the ability to do things,Can't development potential,Memory and creativity and thus reduced,Become back/timid/Lack of confidence.Must know,The child's self-esteem once hurt,Is take a long time,Even never to set up.Another may be,Their children will we produce resentment,Not only won't respect you,Grew up will also find opportunities to take.


10、戒对孩子乱发脾气 10/Ring to the child temper tantrum


Parents emotional instability/Temper tantrum,Can make the child's character become distorted/Behavior becomes extreme:One is to become rebellious/Are regardless of/Lack of sense of responsibility;Or become autistic/Lacking a sense of security;Also may also love temper tantrum.


11、戒低估孩子能力 11/Quit underestimate the ability of children


Questioned the child potential,Everywhere asked him to follow their own thing.The child cannot learning from failure,Become dependent on heart heavy/Wont be ordered/Lack of contemplative faculties.


12、戒以偏概全 12/Quit overgeneralization


With subjective emotion and expect to see the child,Presumingly recognized his development,And in a characteristics summarized all of its character,Led to his ego gauge limit its development direction.For example,Often accused him of"And you get me into trouble""Always so!""losers!", etc,Suggested that can't change,Will give him also that feel poor than people,So give up correct,slowly,He will be considered to the direction of the development,Do a good for nothing.that,Also easy to make prejudice,Often lead to the children,To his disenchanted with you,To his influence is also relatively reduce,Even become rebellious.


13、戒漠不关心 13/Quit indifference


For children show indifference,Children in order to cause our attention,Make a variety of treacherous behavior,But go wrong.Another may be,Children think we don't care about him,Life felt disappointed,Thus to blind alley.
