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重庆90后写给未来一本书 昨日发布--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
重庆90后写给自己的《未来重庆》新书发布,肯德基对话90后之《未来重庆》完美落幕 昨日下午,重庆90后们历经三年创作的《未来重庆》新书在重庆大学城熙街隆重发布。这本书集科幻、情感、现实与理想等众多元素于一身,凝聚着重庆90后们的创意、责任感、团结协作和不凡的文学才华。
Chongqing after 90 to their own[The future of chongqing]Released new,KFC dialogue after 90[The future of chongqing]Perfect ending Yesterday afternoon,Chongqing after 90 after three years of the creation[The future of chongqing]New books in chongqing university city street was issued.The book collection of science fiction/emotional/Reality and ideal, and many other elements at a suit,Embodies the chongqing after 90 the originality/responsibility/The unity cooperation and uncommon literary talent.
Always follow and organize the book creation[The future of chongqing]Electronic magazine editor in chief,From sichuan province foreign language college senior student HaoShuJing told reporters,This is our chongqing after 90 to your future a book.
with[The future of chongqing]To future
In 2010,,[The future of chongqing]Electronic magazine was established.More than twenty name talented 90 from more than 500 applicants to the fore,Served as chief editor/editor/MeiBian etc,created[The future of chongqing]The first part of more than 60000 characters of science fiction[Chongqing through 2030],Describe how your heart twenty years later of chongqing beauty.In 2011,,creation[The future of chongqing]The second part,90 in chongqing after the current status to subject matter,completed[Through chongqing 2030 regression].
In 2012,,Born in 1990 after 90 age of 22 years old,One of the most are graduated from the university,Begin to enter the workplace.Their growth since 2012,Started in the workplace,With their own hands to create the future.so,"KFC dialogue after 90"Activities in this year around workplace topics to spread.
After 90 the stepped out into the workplace,Dream and reality of the distance is far or near it?So there will be a[The future of chongqing]The third part:[The future of chongqing workplace,We come].[The future of chongqing]book,Will three years after the creation of the chongqing 90 the essence of present together.
[The future of chongqing]Will be in the bookstore open sale
In yesterday's[The future of chongqing]Book conference,[The future of chongqing]Electronic magazine members get together again.Three years ago,They don't know each other,Every year there are old members for academic suspend campaign,And a new members added in,No matter the old and new,[The future of chongqing]Put everybody together tightly.
As a representative of the 90 stone MaoGuo husband/LiShiYi,Talked about their career ideal."No matter what is engaged in professional,As long as it is suitable for their own,It consistently good."
Inside and outside the classroom magazine editor in chief deputy NieRong said,From 2010 years of fantasy,Continuous three years,he"KFC dialogue after 90"Activities after saw 90 changes.
In the new conference,Writing the book after 90 are seem a bit excited,HaoShuJing said,This is her life the most memorable moment.
Chongqing KFC co., LTD., operations manager Mr. GaoHui new hands,And after 90 from excited,He said,This logo to belong to 90 times really coming.
It is understood,[The future of chongqing]Series of new books on Sunday in the release site,After the 90 by the chase after hold in both hands,The along while and sold thousands of this.then,[The future of chongqing]Will be in chongqing bookstore/Newsagent channels such as began to retail,Not to the scene after the 90 are also can share.Article/DaiYu
Dialogue after 90>
昨日,新书《未来重庆》在大学城熙街举行首发仪式,作者和嘉宾启动首发触摸球。重庆晨报记者 胡杰 摄
yesterday,book[The future of chongqing]In the university city street starting ceremony held,The author and the guests start first touch the ball.Chongqing morning paper reporter HuJie perturbation
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