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  “母亲女友同时落水,你先救谁”这个千古难题如今有了“标准”答案"Mother and girlfriend water at the same time,You save first who"The historic problem now have"standard"The answer?


Micro bo turn out the way water judicial question and answer is legal,Reporter survey found is actually counselling organization compiled exercises


Girlfriend and mother water together,Save first who?recently,Micro bo crazy turn[In 2013, judicial examination test to help the little knowledge of the criminal law]Appeared in this problem,Really quote the criminal law provisions of the answer.According to the"standard"The answer,Should save first mom,Because the son to mother has legal aid obligations,If you can save but not to save mom drowning,Will constitute a intentional homicide."Male compatriots finally no longer the dilemma!""Don't be silly,Sister going to tell you about legal?They even speak truth!"Users are forward and comment,Time micro blog very busy.But reporters found,This problem is not really judicial problem,Just counselling organization compiled exercises,According to the legal professionals said,Set the topic and analytic enough standard,Do not say to go up at"standard"The answer……


考 题 Exam question


网传司考辅导题解了千古难题 The judicial and coaching the answer key problem through the ages


不救女友没事 Don't save my girlfriend ok


不救妈会坐牢 Don't save mom will go to prison

  “妈妈女友先救谁?这道司考题似乎能解决这个问题。”12月5日,致力于犯罪心理研究的 @谋杀现场法医 在微博上发表了这样一条微博,并附上题目及答案的截图。

"Mother who save first girlfriend?The word judicial problem seems to be able to solve this problem."On December 5,,Dedicated to the research of criminal psychology @ murder scene forensic in micro bo published such a micro bo,And attach questions and answers of the screen.


The problem is this:MeiRenXing's mother and his girlfriend also fell into the river,He saved his girlfriend and no salvage its mother,Results mother drowned dead,What MeiRenXing constitute a crime?


Standard answer said:Constitute a intentional homicide.Because of its parent MeiRenXing have legal aid obligations,But to his girlfriend no legal aid obligations,It can rescue mother did not save,Lead to mother drowned dead,Constitute a intentional homicide.


Topic is beyond all expectations,The answer is surprising.Just two days,This article micro bo forwarding review quantity has nearly.Such as"Judicial examination solution the problem through the ages"/"Don't save my girlfriend ok,Don't save mom will go to prison"The discussion can be seen everywhere.

  真有这么一道司考题吗?昨天下午,记者找到了最先在微博上传该题的网友@园丁机器人。@园丁机器人 证实,这道落水难题并不是司考真题,而是培训机构出的辅导题,自己在其他网站看到觉得有趣便传到微博。更有细心网友从截图上“zhonghezhuanfu”的字样猜出,这可能是某司考培训机构出的题。记者发私信向相关机构求证但未获回应。

Really have so a judicial problem?Yesterday afternoon,The reporter found in micro bo upload this topic the net friend @ gardener robot.@ gardener robot confirmed,The word water problem and not judicial world,But the counseling training institution problem,In other web site to see and feel interesting to micro bo.More careful net friend from the screenshots"zhonghezhuanfu"Guess the words,This may be a judicial training institutions out of the question.Usually letters tell a reporter to relevant institutions verification but did not get a response.


“标准”答案遭多位律师拍砖 "standard"The answer was more lawyers clap brick


有能力救却不救母亲就犯罪? 错! Have the ability to save did not save mother is crime? wrong!


Don't save my girlfriend ok,Don't save mom but you'll end up in prison,This is really"standard"The answer, please?The reporter consulted a lawyer more than,Get negative answer."His girlfriend also precious life,May be specified in the law does not save who shouldn't save who."Jiangsu hee Canon law firm lawyers, director of the LuoLiJun repeatedly said the answer ridiculous.According to his analysis,Girlfriend and mother also fall,Man can choose to save his girlfriend,Can also choose to save the mother,Save first who generally depends on the site condition and decide,Such as who save first who from near,Or who save first who more dangerous.The man can take girl friend's save landed to rescue mother,Unless he save the girlfriend and physical strength,It deliberately not to save the mother,Lead to mother drowned dead,That constitutes a murderer.


Screenshots indicate this problem is test"Not pure not a crime".The so-called"Not pure not a crime"Refers to the person responsible for the implementation of some positive behavior of the specific legal obligation,And the ability to implement and not the forms of crime.Guangdong lawyer of humanity JiangYiFan think,The word"Water problem"A very far-fetched,Couldn't let students understand accurate test,It would be misleading.


Chiang lawyer said,Not as a crime must be responsible for the specific obligation to actor as the prerequisite,Including the law definitely prescribes the obligation,Position requirements of the obligation,Legal behavior caused by the obligation,Anticipatory behavior caused by the obligation.Parents for minor children/Responsible for the children to elderly parents to take care of the salvage obligations,This belongs to the obligation of ruled by law;The firemen even if his will fire,It belongs to the position requirements of the obligation;The others to the river/The edge of the cliff at risk to others,Must be salvage,It belongs to the first behavior bring obligations.Back to the water problem,If the mother can't swim,For her son really responsible for the legal aid obligations,If mother is son to the river,Son is responsible for the first behavior caused by the obligation.But ultimately didn't obligations,Doesn't mean constitute a crime,It is also possible that the difficulty is too large or losing ability.Not as the intentional homicide have two elements,One is not to salvage,The second is to kill the mother buy a motive.As the analysis of the LuoLiJun lawyer,Son according to the reality to save his girlfriend to save the mother and have no problem,Unless the girlfriend and save the energy,It deliberately not to save the mother,But in my heart thinking about let mother drowned dead,Just form intentional homicide.


女友不是亲人,不救没关系? 也错! Girlfriend is not their relatives,Don't save it doesn't matter? Also wrong!


About the relatives between the obligation to salvage,@ murder scene forensic find a real case.In 2004,,Hubei province suizhou a mother see two months old son fell into the pond,But neither to salvage,Nor for help others help salvage,But away from the,Lead to son drowning death.Court think,The mother has the obligation of salvage minor children without assistance,Constitute a intentional homicide,Sentenced to 10 years in prison.


His girlfriend is neither relatives nor wife,According to the network"standard"The answer,Man to his girlfriend no legal aid obligations,Can help.This two lawyers also issued a rebuttal.LuoLiJun lawyer said,Topic no replacement girlfriend why to the river,How is the water,If be with the boyfriend to the river,Or because her boyfriend's sake overboard,Based on the first boyfriend behavior also has the obligation to salvage.If have the ability to save her boyfriend girlfriend it deliberately not save,May not make as intentional homicide.overall,The word"Water problem"The topic too simple,And the answer and gave too arbitrary,Really do not say to go up qualified examination questions.


参与司考出题的法学教授也炮轰 To participate in the national judicial exam on law professor and shell


司法考试出题非常严谨 Judicial examination on very strict


不会出现这种误人子弟的题目 Won't appear this kind of according to subject


According to the"Water problem"Caused by the storm,Reporter interviewed a participated in judicial examination of nanjing on a university professor of law(Judicial center should be asked not to name).The professor said,Judicial examination on very strict,May not appear this kind of loopholes in the subject.The case of judicial problem set situation are very specific,The examination site also is very clear,Not be vague/Not all of the elements of things.If you don't want to take"Water problem"To investigate"Not pure not a crime",Should at least replacement girlfriend/Mother's fall position,MeiRenXing is how to save water,Save the girlfriend after what happened,etc.The given materials should be able to show that MeiRenXing deliberately not to save the mother.Said to MeiRenXing(harmonics"No human")The name,Also is very not professional,Standard questions in general with a male/Some female/Some armour/A b refers to the parties,Don't use such alternative name,Besides harmonics also allude to the direction of the answer.


The professor said,Many training institutions in order to explain a law,Will make up some extreme situation,Teach students to understand far-fetched,This is not the way of learning feedback.In compiling teaching materials and simulated roll on the set,Some training institutions is irresponsible."I have a graduate student,Last year was a training institution, please write to judicial review materials,I heard that very angry,Have a lot of problems he still didn't understand,It was foolish to write teaching materials,This is not harm a person?"The lifetime are studying law professor think,Law is a very serious matter,Should not far-fetched/misleading/misrepresentation.


@网络上 @ the network


到底该先救谁 What save first who


网友答案五花八门 Net friend answers ranged


"First launching save mother,Then I will out,To jump in the water with you sink."


This is the most affectionate answer,Net friend is recognized as the best answer


"I hand a at the same time to save up,You may rest assured,I promise I will deliver you up!!"


This is the most perfunctory answer


"I jump down first,See to leave who recently, save first who it."


This is the actual answer


"If I and your dad at the same time the water,You can only save one,Who will you save?"


This is the most cunning rhetorical question type answer


"Crystal just married to solve the problem of the world:Guo never asked him,I and your mother and fell into the water you save first who.so,Have to go to learn swimming."


This is the most fun answer


多说1句 Say one sentence


先救母亲还是女友 To save the mother or girlfriend


本不该成为“命题” This shouldn't be"proposition"


"Your mother and I also fell into the water,You will save first who?"This question is really a lot of people ever heard of or met problems,Also let many men feel very difficult question to answer,So just had long been a storm and all sorts of multifarious answer.Why is there this problem?Investigate its first,Should be have a girl friend want to know your boyfriend really love you have much deep,Heart even looking forward to her boyfriend can answer to save himself,Seems like this can appear in the balance of love of the component.so,A lot of girls would have been"silly"To ask.


obviously,We have been very clear,"What save first who"Itself is a"False proposition",Is a no accurate answer question,For who can accurate answer,Because different Angle position will be different.Maybe a lot of people is the first choice"Save mother!"This is a very direct answer,Mother gave us life,To save the mother god's truth.But change a point of view,Now girlfriend is also the mother of the future,Don't shouldn't save?And when his girlfriend the day become a mother,At that time and how to answer?Just like above the net friend said"Your father and I fall together,Will save first who"Same cannot answer.

  因为这个问题,曾经发生过极端的案例,有的女友竟然真的因为男友回答“先救母亲”,而心生埋怨甚至提出分手。其实,每个人的生命对于我们来说都是重要的,无论是母亲还是女友,抑或是其他不认识的人。从这个意义上说,“救人”本就没有先后之分。所以,像这样的话题作为彼此之间的玩笑是可以的,较真了可就是无趣又无聊了。 编 者

Because this problem,Happened extreme case,Some girlfriend actually really answer because her boyfriend"To save the mother",And mind blame even break up.In fact,Everyone's life for us is important,Either the mother or girlfriend,Or other people they don't know.In this sense,"save"This is no has the points.so,Such topics as each other's joke is ok,Truer be dull and boring. Knitting is
