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一周接30条考试“包过”短信电话轰炸 考生崩溃--亲稳网络舆情监控室

一周接30条考试“包过”短信电话轰炸 考生崩溃考生收到的短信 Candidates receive a message

  “一个星期接到30多条有关考前答案的短信,而且每天都能接到卖答案的骚扰电话,我都要崩溃了。”2012年下半年江西省中小学教师资格证考试开考在即,南昌不少高校学生来电向本报反映,称很多“助考”机构高价卖考前答案,让正在备考中的他们心神不宁。记者调查发现, 一些“助考”机构承诺,只要肯花钱,保证提供100%的原卷和正确答案。对此,省教师资格认定指导小组表示,根本不可能有考前答案,同时提醒应考学生不要上当受骗。

"A week before the answer from more than 30 related messages,And every day to sell the answer harassing phone calls,I will collapse."The second half of 2012 primary and secondary school teachers in jiangxi province certificate test KaiKao in sight,Nanchang many college students to reflect the call,Says a lot"Help test"Agencies to sell before the answer,Let is the note they feel ill at ease.Reporter survey found, some"Help test"Agency pledged to,As long as willing to spend money,Ensure to provide 100% of the volume and the correct answer.this,Provincial teacher qualification guidance group said,Don't may have the answer before,At the same time remind students sit don't rise to the bait.

   举报: report:一周收30多条“助考”短信 The more than 30 a week"Help test"message


From the second half of 2012 teachers qualification test is less than ten days.recently,The nanchang university students began receiving report,Say many enter oneself for an examination of qualification of teacher of the students are in the test by some answers before text messages and telephone"entanglement".


"A week,My mobile phone sales picked up more than 30 test answers of message,Is really let me down."Jiangxi normal university of science and technology of the three ChenTongXue told reporters,She is in the November 15 daily the teacher qualification test,After signing up, before long,Received a lot of sell the answer of message,Has a mobile phone number/Also have cornet,Number belonging to all parts of the country have,more"enthusiasm"Help promote test institutions call before the answer.


"I'm doing the last note sprint,Every day the answer to sell information,How much will disturb my mind."Jiangxi nongda accounting professional tang classmate say,"Why to enter oneself for an examination, you have message,Don't enter oneself for an examination are not receive this kind of message,I doubt that I enter oneself for an examination information was leaked."

调查: survey:“提供原卷及正确答案” "Provide the original volume and the correct answer"


According to Chen's mobile phone short message content,Reporter contacted a QQ name"Wins education"Help test institutions.The agency QQ character signature shows such a row of characters:"Internal channels in operation:The second half of 2012, jiangxi teacher qualification test,Before 3 days to send,100% of the volume and the correct answer,Package through."

  随后,记者以考生的身份询问其如何操作时,联络人告诉记者,购买答案有三种方式:方案一:考前一次性付款1200元/科 (不需要提供任何证件);方案二:考前考后各付一半,1800元/科(提供身份证);方案三:出成绩后付款2000元/科,通过后付清。考前3天发送,100%的原卷和正确答案以word文档的方式发送到考生指定的QQ或者邮箱。

then,Reporter to the identity of the students ask the how to operate,Contact told reporters,There are three ways to buy the answer:Plan a:Before for a one-time payment of 1200 yuan/family (Do not need to provide any documents);Scheme ii:After the test before the half pay,1800 yuan/family(Provide id card);Plan 3: the result of payment of 2000 yuan/family,Paid by.Before 3 days to send,100% of the volume and the correct answer to word document way sent to the designated QQ or email.


提前预订答案还有5折优惠 Advance reservation in 5 answer discount


"We have a test,Students only need to provide admission ticket number,We can make sure that the test which is a problem,And our topic and the candidates in the test question is to ensure consistent.Our professional teacher has made the answer."When a reporter asked about now how many people buy the answer,Each other says,This is the commercial secrets,Inconvenience revealed.See reporter some hesitation,Each other and said,November 30 payment in advance booking the answer can enjoy discount 5.


Then press on the Internet and other so-called"Help test institutions"contact,Find the same basic operation skill.


说法:教育部门:勿相信“包过”信息 View: education department: don't believe that"Bag over"information

  针对此事,记者采访了江西省教师资格认定指导小组办公室,一名负责人肯定地回复:“所有试卷都是国家机密,所谓的‘考前答案’都是骗人的。” 这位工作人员还表示,之前也接到过不少考生的电话求证。

At this,The reporter interviewed teachers qualification of jiangxi province guidance team office,A person in charge sure to reply:"All papers are state secrets,The so-called‘Answer before’Deceive people." The staff also said,Before also received a lot of the telephone verification.

  “我们的报考信息他们是怎么获得的?网站漏洞,还是人为泄露?对此,教育厅相关负责人表示,目前正在核查此事。记者另外也了解到,江西教师网在11月27日,向广大考生群发了短信,让考生们不要相信考试包过等虚假承诺。(记者 汪清林 文魏勇剑 实习生 王颖 钟宏瑜)

"We enter oneself for an examination information they are how to obtain?Website holes,Or artificial leak?this,Education department officials say,At present is to check it.Reporters also learned,Jiangxi and teachers on November 27,,The candidates to mass the message,Let the students don't believe test package such as a false promise.(Reporter WangQingLin wen WeiYongJian interns ZhongHongYu wang ying)
