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When after 90"The Yangtze river slave-holding"As we push forward,We look forward to have more understanding to them.The continuous three years after the try,In 2010 some feeling.through"dialogue"The equal treatment of the platform,90 of the image in our mind is vivid rise.We tried to portrait after 90,reluctantly choose after,Leave the ten group character statement.We know that,It can't be fully,but at least is a brave start……


性格一:敢爱敢恨 Character a:Dare to love dare hate


Growing after 90 have not yet learned how to hidden depths and duplicity,Their perception of this world,Whether laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness or contempt and dissatisfaction,because all clearly written on the face.They hate affectation/refused to false/Like transparent.This generation,No people imagine in the dark and complicated.one,pull,Don't have to,Trying not,Not able to.


身边人点评: Side people comment on:


As far as I am concerned,Do not dare to love to hate,because this is also need certain courage.Side there are such a friend,I like their style,but they paid the price also is bigger,After all, if a person is very brats,Also there is always the other side,In the not yet fully understood,Said that dare to love dare hate all the premature.

  (受访者:黄凌云,学生,1991年出生;校媒记者:福建农林大学校报 王选辉)

(respondents:HuangLingYun,students,born in 1991;School media reporters:Fujian agriculture and forestry university newspaper WangXuanHui)


Actually dare to love dare hate is each generation characteristics of youth,Just because of the characteristics of the different s performance of different.After 90 at present are in teenagers,This is the normal performance of adolescence,and,because after 90 and the network grow together is a special group,Their behavior will naturally be network media attention and amplification.

  (受访者:陈璐瑶,厦门大学学生,1990年出生;校媒记者:厦门大学新闻传播学院 黄琬丽)

(respondents:ChenLuYao,Xiamen university students,born in 1990;School media reporters:Xiamen university, institute of journalism and communication Wan huang li)


After 90 dare to love dare hate personality is distinct and unique,We slow to judgment,Treatment sentiment rigorous and brave.Love or hate behave straightforward,And proceed without hesitation:Love is an alternative,Hate and refuse to break.Some people it seems hard to avoid is arbitrary,but indecision will make themselves more be all at sea,Personality independence and stubborn let we have such a bold fortitude character.We do what you think is right,Dare to love dare hate is our label,Have their own insist on,That's enough.

  (受访者:王燕美,学生,1991年出生;校媒记者:漳州师范学院青年宣传中心大学生记者团 陈若蓝)

(respondents:WangYanMei,students,born in 1991;School media reporters:Zhangzhou normal college youth publicity center college press corps Chenre blue)


90 we love life more/Love their.We will spend a lot of time in the old folks don't think the value,Such as our favourite hip-hop.We think,As long as you like,Even if again hard is worth,We just want to in their own like field to serious one,To realize their own value.but if we don't like,How again persecuted also in vain,Don't love is love.In short we are brave/confidence/The pursuit/Have ideal/Dare to love dare hate generation,This will make we sometimes appear edge too clear,Arrogance slightly arrogant.

  (受访者:Selina(留学英国),学生,1991年出生;校媒记者:福建师范大学校报 魏蓉蓉)

(respondents:Selina(Study in the UK),students,born in 1991;School media reporters:Fujian normal university newspaper Weirongrong)


Most people always think 90 is dare to love dare hate people,Actually no matter where generation,Dare to love dare hate are few.In my opinion,Dare to love dare hate also points"benign"and"recessive",benign dare to love dare hate is integrity,Is courage,In his,Did not do in personality without fear;And the proportion of dare to love to hate,Is too make public,Lack of rational.As 90,For most of the only child,Self-centered phenomenon more,The so-called dare to love dare hate also easy to become their ZaDuiEr of make trouble without a cause.

  (受访者:张弘骅,学生,1990年出生;校媒记者:福建师范大学青年通讯社 钟艺泓)

(respondents:ZhangHongHua,students,born in 1990;School media reporters:Fujian normal university ZhongYiHong youth news agency)


As an after 90,My eyes peers is most dare to love to hate/Detest evil of.This is a good phenomenon,but there is another worrisome side.On the one hand,They have a clear right,At the same time have a strong personality,Not power,Would like to call a spade a spade to express your own ideas.but on the other hand,After 90 the unique personality but also often leads to their lack of calm thinking,Always, regardless of objective facts or without thorough consideration will crazily support or strongly opposed to something.so,After 90, if possible in aizeng clear pay more attention to the basis of rational thinking,Will become more mature.

  (受访者:黄曦漪,中南财经政法大学中文系学生,1991年出生;校媒记者:福建师范大学青年通讯社 费靖华)

(respondents:HuangXiYi,Chinese central finance and economics politics and law university students,born in 1991;School media reporters:Fujian normal university FeiJingHua youth news agency)


性格二:理“财”有道 Character two:reason"wealth"youdao


financial"Petty niggling"In daily life can be found everywhere.They know the throttle,Pay more attention to open source.Seniors thrift luxury nagging,For often after 90 laugh:You out the.Money earned is to flowers.They know how to enjoy life,Also know how to plan their own wealth.In 90 eyes,resources/talent/contacts/family/Health are classified as"wealth"column,Need careful care.


身边人点评: Side people comment on:


Finance this topic and regardless of age,Cannot treat as the same,After sixty have not financial,After 90 have entrepreneurs.From the perspective of the adult,After the 90 most financial management consciousness is not strong,Even worse than 80.I think one of the most critical reason,Home prices rise faster and the diversification of shopping way,Strongly stimulate the young people's shopping desire,Make finance for 90 youth is more and more difficult,And for how to help 90 to set up correct concept of financial management is also becoming more and more difficult.

  (受访者:韩晗,知名青年学者,1985年出生;校媒记者:厦门大学新闻传播学院 黄琬丽)

(respondents:HanHan,Famous young scholars,born in 1985;School media reporters:Xiamen university, institute of journalism and communication Wan huang li)


My side is 90"Financial youdao".They have fully creative thinking,Money to pay more and more attention to,Therefore has the very big burst strength,Venture earlier.They are willing to spend money on themselves,but most of the 90 after the family/relatives and friends not so generous.This may from 90 after a very independent personality characteristics,Share consciousness of.

  (受访者:刘旸,大学生,1989年出生;校媒记者:华侨大学《华大青年报》 童静)

(respondents:Liu Yang,College students,born in 1989;School media reporters:Overseas Chinese university[Huada youth daily] TongJing)


After the 90 active thinking,Courage also big,They are conditions allow for investment and financing are not called youdao,Just some 90 after spending is really smart.For the most part is still in pure consumer stage after 90,Give them with reason"wealth"Youdao label too early,because they are not really get in touch with financial education.

  (受采访者:李伟,教师,80年代出生;校媒记者:漳州师范学院 余颖)

(by the interviewer:Li wei,The teacher,born in the 80 s;School media reporters:Zhangzhou normal college YuYing)


In the financial management concept,I am very appreciate Chinese children.In Europe and the United States and other western countries,Many children serious credit card overdraft,even"In debt".Chinese children, on the contrary,They appear very rational management etc,Advocating consumption according to the actual situation,Along with the development of the network,They also turned to affordable online shops,Know to spend a little to do great things.

  (受访者:史密斯(芬兰),大学外教,1955年出生;校媒记者:福建师范大学青年通讯社 李雅琼)

(respondents:Smith(Finland),University teachers,born in 1955;School media reporters:Fujian normal university LiYaQiong youth news agency)


90 love"wealth"Is not wrong,but I think that love"wealth"First of all to learn to start from the thrift,A common waste phenomenon occurring in 90 students.If a person is not spare the people's work achievement,How about a love"wealth"??so,love"wealth"Must learn to start from the thrift,Against waste.


(respondents:XueYiQing,Southwest China electric power design institute senior engineer,born in June 1958;School media reporters:JiangYan,Sichuan normal university)


性格三:国际范儿 Character three:International lun namely model


China's 90 speaks English tunnel,English song sings pure,The cultural differences with international peers are very small.After than sixty/After 70/After 80,They have a more open international vision and more powerful thinking ability.90 is the most realistic society"international"generation,They loaded the Chinese from the country to the world powers rise of hope and future.


身边人点评: Side people comment on:


Compared to those born in the other s,After 90 more trendy/modern/Agile and open,They can more quickly accept and adapt to new things,Whether domestic or foreign,So they more easily and international standards,more"International lun namely model".Want to know,Most of them still in kindergarten or elementary school or even just learning to speak to contact and learning foreign language,Early practice fluent English,Dealing with foreigners relatively smooth/Culture gap smaller.Although after 90 younger,relatively immature,but as time goes on,They should be more rational and mature.

  (受访者:胡友祯,职工,1989年出生;校媒记者:江西财经大学 周欢)

(respondents:HuYouZhen,worker,born in 1989;School media reporters:Jiangxi university of finance and economics ZhouHuan)


Despite the economic integration/Education internationalization/Influence of information network,After 90 and after sixty/Compared to 70,International condition and the foundation more mature,but to really can become the most"international"generation,remains to be our joint efforts,Especially after 90 solid hard work.Internationalization is not equal to anglicize/westernization,To train the internationalized talents,Need to pay attention to correctly deal with the world and national/Tradition and innovation/The relationship between history and reality,Should not only cultivate after 90"World vision",We have to pay attention to training"The soul of Chinese",Adhere to the unity of the internationalization and nationalization.


(respondents:ChenYi big,Associate researcher,born in 1970;School media reporters:LinEnWen,Fujian agriculture and forestry university)


性格四:有自我要团队 Character four:A self to the team

  在很多人眼里, 90后像是川辣鸡翅劲辣、古怪、自我中心、个性十足。的确,崇尚发展自我、展现自我、成就自我是他们的信念,但这显然不是他们信念的全部。他们知道什么时候可以充分展现个人风采,而什么时候应该适当收敛锋芒以便更好地融入集体、为整个集体的目标和荣誉而奋斗。

In many people's eyes, After 90 like sichuan spicy chicken wings strength hot/strange/Self center/Individual character is dye-in-the-wood.indeed,Advocate self development/Show ego/Achievement ego is their belief,but this is obviously not their belief of all.They know when can fully show the personal style,And when to proper convergence one's ability to better into the collective/For the collective goal and honor and struggle.


身边人点评: Side people comment on:


Many people say we 90 selfishness,The lack of collective sense of honor and teamwork spirit,but I think this is just a few.Some extreme cases after reports by the media magnified indefinitely,Caused the social group after 90 general misread.In our class,Most of the 90 are willing to pull together,We in the rehearsal program,Although dance moves and changes,but there are no complaints,Active increase time rehearsing,Practice students hand-on cannot be taught students.Sometimes cooperation is the words don't need the tacit understanding,Although we all have personality and self,but when needed,We are in duty bound.

  (受访者:黄杰,学生,1992年出生; 校媒记者:江西财经大学 周欢)

(respondents:HuangJie,students,born in 1992; School media reporters:Jiangxi university of finance and economics ZhouHuan)


My child and nephew is after 90,They gave me the feeling is what all don't care,More concerned with their favorite,Like around the computer and in the home,Let parents worry about.After 90 the self to show very strong,Of course they also have the ability to performance,To view things don't go with the stream,Have their own opinions,Many of the things we think that the classic are often upset them.This lets them in cooperation and teamwork is easy from isolated,May also put forward more effective solutions.I think they also need to further understand the world,To understand the meaning of team cooperation,Only society to them more inclusive,They will not be so much in force.


(respondents:Direction zhao,The teacher,born in 1966;School media reporters:Fujian putian institute,LinYunXia)


I think,with"A self to the team"As 90 keywords biased.I met several of the new colleague,On the one hand,After 90 to accept new things ability is strong,but its resistance to setback ability is bad.They work in a team like show self ability,but often can't face up to his mistakes,Prone to self to be/Over-the-top phenomenon.Some of them with spirit of cooperation,but from the whole group to see,This still need further practice.


(respondents:XiaoJinFa,engineer,born in 1963;School media reporters:Fujian college of engineering,Xiao jun)


性格五:反孤独 Character five:back alone


Acting as a"Native network"After 90,Most had been posted on the label"self"/"lonely"/"cold",but said after 90:"In fact we never think so."As the only child,They actually than have brothers and sisters are more eager to friendship/Cherish friendship.They are making friends on never deliberately,Less utilitarian.They like to set up their own circle of friends,And like to have multiple types of partners.


Side people comment on:


Who never lonely??We have no reason to worry about after 90,Also not qualified to teach them.90 no experienced political big war,Not met the great fluctuation,Their war just your heart panic.They love money/Love to play/Love yourself/Love freedom,Clique life makes them more alone I,but innovation/Ideas is one of them"lonely"'s derivatives.sometimes"lonely"And the environment is related,Such as the education system,Such as family environment,but some things are common,Such as how love,Such as the pure friendship value……Instead of worrying,As blessing!

  (受访者:艾维华,唐山晚报记者,1970年代出生;校媒记者:中国石油大学 孙婧)

(respondents:YiWeiHua,Tangshan evening news reporter,born in the 1970 s;School media reporters:China university of petroleum SunJing)


After 90 is not alone in the generation,They are filled with love,The floods/Natural disasters such as earthquake before they care about others,Especially in the Olympic Games/The world expo volunteer services,Fully showed their love for their country.Now a lot of 90 are only children,Social really do exist individual after 90 day confined to one's own little world,Heart did not open,but this kind of phenomenon is in any generation.Society should not have too much blame 90.

  (受访者:黄旺生,大学教授,1953年出生;校媒记者:福建农林大学校报 林恩文)

(respondents:HuangWangSheng,University professor,born in 1953;School media reporters:Fujian agriculture and forestry university newspaper LinEnWen)


After 90 is lonely.Most of them are only children,Parents to attach too much importance to their children,Would rather to lock them in the house,Don't let them out of the house with their peers to play with a partner.Gradually after 90 kids develop a withdrawn character,Their living in their own circle of the.recall my childhood,With their peers are partners together,Harvest straw with/Play pillow fight together.Now the child,The life condition is superior,but they are like gold cage bird looks at ease,It is lonely.

  (受访者:谢桂华,一位长期在小学工作的普通教师,1958年出生;校媒记者:福建师范大学闽南科技学院 徐珊珊)

(respondents:XieGuiHua,A long-term in elementary school work of ordinary teachers,born in 1958;School media reporters:Fujian normal university institute of science and technology south XuShanShan)


性格六:亲情现代观 Character six:Family modern view


Love the child is not pay have return,Spoil it will catch in the footsteps of children to grow up,Eliminate him up power,At the critical moment of support in order to let him to experience a outbreak strength sense of achievement.The high quality of relationship between two generations than actually unilateral father mother love is more important.To teach children stare at father loving eyes and feel mother warm hand,Less complain about/Less hate iron not rewinded into.


身边人点评: Side people comment on:


Actually a lot of people can't answer up the family is what concept,but can feel it's there.This is a kind of can't speech emotion."The world is yes parents".Each pair of parents' starting point is good for children,Although they may not be the way our appetite.So when meet contradictions,I have a serious talk with their parents,Strive to achieve the understanding and considerate.More grow up more think parents are really not easy.and,In my opinion,Whether it was born in what age,family,For us is always the most difficult to give up in the beautiful.

  (受访者:张海星,学生,1990年出生;校媒记者:福建医科大学青年通讯社 张美恋)

(respondents:ZhangHaiXing,students,born in 1990;School media reporters:Fujian medical university ZhangMeiLian youth news agency)


Most of the time,The concept of children,From family,Has nothing to do with s.I won't take the child compare yourself to others,but give him a warm embrace,A encourage of look in the eyes;I will not only care about his success,And more willing to share his growth.I wish my son to listen to,rather than blindly performance;Much experience,Instead of hiding behind the parents never grow up.I would like to give the child a belief:The family is mutual sharing and support,Is the same warmth and strength.

  (受访者:于甜,大学教师,1970年代出生;校媒记者:中国石油大学 孙婧)

(respondents:In sweet,University teachers,born in the 1970 s;School media reporters:China university of petroleum SunJing)


sometimes,Public opinion will give us buckle on his hat,When we don't know how to filial piety,Has because"unfilial"become the target of public criticism.In fact for us,The parents elder is still the most worthy of our respect for people,The most should be the people who is filial,Action will test everything.

  (受访者:李元,学生,1992年出生;校媒记者:福州大学校报 林典)

(respondents:LiYuan,students,born in 1992;School media reporters:LinDian newspaper fuzhou university)


Love as summer breeze slowly stroke,Winter steaming hot milk,It such as shadow photograph,Give us meticulous care and moved.The family is in the summer and winter vacation home part-time alley crossing dad familiar figure;Is the study/When work not sister unwearied channel;Is your spare time to listen to my mother nag nagging family;Is to go and listen to his sister failed the exam not……It from our ancestors spread to parents,Then generation after generation to follow it,Teach us how to love and"blood is thicker than water"This is a truth.

  (受访者:高碧清,学生,1990年出生;校媒记者:莆田学院校报 刘春荣)

(respondents:Gaobi clear,students,born in 1990;School media reporters:LiuChunrong putian college newspaper)


90 after the parents' attitude is contradictory,On the one hand they can realize the parents of hard or parents have done,but on the other hand is taken for granted to accept all parents to provide,rarely use some action to express love to their parents or relieve the pressure of parents.I think the most fundamental reason is that after 90 are not good at express themselves,Especially the boy.

  (受访者:李荣锴,大学生,90年代出生;校媒记者:漳州师范学院青年宣传中心大学生记者团 杨碧双)

(respondents:Lirong wenkai,College students,born in the 90 s;School media reporters:Zhangzhou normal college youth publicity center college press corps Yangbi double)


Spoiled environment let 90 has developed a lot of bad character.After the 90 most love performance is lack of patience to listen to,Especially loved ones charged nagging.90 do not pay attention to their own way to describe it,Casual tend to harm to loved ones.After 90 are not good at communicate with loved ones,They would rather to the computer to oneself mood with stranger,Don't want to put their ideas to listen to family.They continue to search for the fashion,In their heart always think parents idea behind,Thought can't keep up with the trend.

  (受访者:杨蕊蕾,学生,1992年出生;校媒记者:福建师范大学青年通讯社 周晓璇)

(respondents:YangruiLei,students,born in 1992;School media reporters:Fujian normal university ZhouXiaoXuan youth news agency)


In loose rich environment grew up after 90,Heart has his own family in the unique stick to.a[Listen to mother's words]Sing is looking forward to grow up to the psychological hoping;A song[The most beautiful song]More direct hum out after 90 for the family remember.After 90 the family concept is actually very simple,"Parents too hard,I want to make money,buy good house,Give parents endowment"Is their simple and firm ideas,They also is to love the best interpretation.

  (受访者:林颖,学生,1991年出生;校媒记者:福建师范大学青年通讯社 聂历蓉)

(respondents:LinYing,students,born in 1991;School media reporters:Fujian normal university youth news agency NieLi rong)


性格七:动漫一代 Character seven:Cartoon generation


Animation has been deeply embedded in a lot of 90 spirit structure.Cartoon bring their is not only happy,And touched/Thinking and incentive.In China the present situation of the cartoon is not very satisfactory,Just don't know,When they grow up to be the main force of the animation manufacture when,If there is power to change such situation?We can only wait and see.


Side people comment on:


I like[Any lift],Like after 90[naruto].Though I haven't seen[naruto],I suppose it must be unique,Maybe it can through the fantastic story,Novel creative,Let the children understanding to the book/In the movie also even more fresh sense it.The impact,More vivid,More plain.If anime can at the same time bring leisure and comprehension,I want to,It can be a reason for growth.

  (受访者:王翠红,唐山一中教师,1960年代出生;校媒记者:中国石油大学(华东) 孙婧)

(respondents:WangCuiGong,Tangshan one teacher,born in the 1960 s;School media reporters:China university of petroleum(East China) SunJing)


性格八:清纯现代观 Character eight:Pure modern view


Compared with 70,After 90 is in accordance with the scientific feeding of the greenhouse/shed/The sun/fertilizer,Everything is enough,So raw like ripe,As there is no green at a.but they are still innocent,Only the pure not zhang yimou idea of"1975"version,but 2010 edition.


Side people comment on:


In my heart,"pure"Is simple to thought/A clear girl's word.but now after 90 girl,Don't like a child,They have a mobile phone/computer,Wear clothing brand,Growth in the complicated world,They informed,Mind don't blame.Pure may be an era of nouns,Contains green/ignorant,Even ignorance and poor.Now pure,Has lost its growth of nutrient,but with the appearance of more seductive or temperament of pure and fresh and relates in together.since"cooked"the,how"rejuvenation"?Maybe time go too fast,Our thinking just can't keep up……

  (受访者:何柏青,退休工人,1950年代出生;校媒记者:中国石油大学(华东) 孙婧)

(respondents:HebaiQing,retired workers,born in the 1950 s;School media reporters:China university of petroleum(East China) SunJing)


admittedly,After sixty/After 70/80 people from green to mature,They have experienced difficulties after 90 is hard to imagine,Their fighting spirit is worthy of respect and learning.but there is no denying the,In the Internet era of rapid expansion,After 90 the world contact than a generation to wide,A lot of Japanese TV drama/Korean dramas/beautiful play filled with network,After 90 and dressing/behavior and the generation of different,It is a natural thing,As long as not excessive imitation,The appropriate change and are not going?

  (受访者:薛皓仁,大学生,1989年出生;校媒记者:西安交通大学 徐盼)

(respondents:XueHaoren,College students,born in 1989;School media reporters:Xi 'an jiaotong university xu wish)


性格九:娱乐精神 Character nine:Entertainment spirit

  宣称“我每天可以吃的有限,穿的有限,花的有限,但是开心必须无限”的90后,是娱乐能力超强的一代。在他们眼中,娱乐是天性的释放,是让自己更开心的生活方式。相比我们任何一代人,他们都更加希望 “在娱乐中生活,也在娱乐中学习和成长”。

claims"Every day I can eat limited,Wear co., LTD.,,Flowers co., LTD.,,but happy must be infinite"After 90,Entertainment is a generation of super ability.In their eyes,Entertainment is the release of nature,Is to make themselves more happy way of life.Compared with us any generation,They are more hope "The entertainment life,Also in the entertainment of the learning and growth".


Side people comment on:


In fact each s people are looking forward to myself like 90 children live happy easily.90 is a generation of happiness,They have enough time and energy,Can through the entertainment rich amateur life.Although sometimes they look very crazy is very wild,but in fact many of them know how to play while learning,Compared with our generation,They are the most person who enjoys life.

  (受访者:周伦才,农民,1963年出生;校媒记者:江西财经大学 周欢)

(respondents:ZhouLunCai,farmers,born in 1963;School media reporters:Jiangxi university of finance and economics ZhouHuan)


Most of the 90 don't have too much worry do not have enough to eat wear not warm,Thus have more time and energy to pursue the spiritual comfort.Entertainment is the life of spice,Appropriate entertainment can relax/Slow release pressure and eliminate worry,but after 90 cynicism/The game of life"Flood more entertaining"Phenomenon is also worth vigilance.

  (受访者:况娟,大学生,1990年12月出生;校媒记者:江西财经大学 周欢)

(respondents:KuangJuan,College students,born in December 1990;School media reporters:Jiangxi university of finance and economics ZhouHuan)


性格十:爱现 Character ten:Love is


After 90 has a real line power.Do they want to do,Without thinking,Like a challenge.They say:"In fact,We don't complicated,Only need one expression of space."They also say:"Give me the sun,I was brilliant;Give me space,I will grow."


Side people comment on:


With many of the same after 90,I will be glad to performance,At the right time to highlight the own existence/Show personal style.however,This move will often be a teacher or other older people misinterpreted as too to show off and don't understand humility,Even by batch for don't know immensity of the universe.In this case,I usually don't talk back with them or to wrangle.In my opinion,As long as it does not violate the law and discipline/Don't touch the moral bottom line,You can decide to do things to do,Why to see others glances?beat the suspicion, the best approach is to use action.We will also be silent after 90 efforts,To fight,Prove that we are not inferior to others.

  (受访者:王庆峰,大学生,1991年出生;校媒记者:江西财经大学 周欢)

(respondents:WangQingFeng,College students,born in 1991;School media reporters:Jiangxi university of finance and economics ZhouHuan)


Someone said that after 90 performance and show off their love,Arrogance is,but I think this is not common phenomenon.rather than go to college students,Although after 90 more self a little,but if really deep interact with them will find,They are more easily with the teacher and heart to heart,As long as you sincerely to them,They soon and close to you up.A lot of people don't treat them from the heart,Or with their little contact/Deep understanding that led to this or that kind of misunderstanding.

  (受访者:魏丽艳,大学教师,1977年出生;校媒记者:江西财经大学 周欢)

(respondents:WeiLiYan,University teachers,born in 1977;School media reporters:Jiangxi university of finance and economics ZhouHuan)


"90后"的典型特征 "After 90"Characteristic of


1. In front of an acquaintance talking all the time,Say nothing in front of strangers;


2. There will be a hobby is sleeping;


3. Never think that other people can't understand yourself;


4. Do not ask questions,Only check Google and baidu;


5. Keen to study astrology for luck;


6. The computer must have a chat tool;


7. Glasses degree increase fast;


8. To anime have a special liking,Especially in Japan and South Korea animation;


9. QQ number level in a more than the sun;


Hair message speed and bMW Z4 a spell;


11. Sit in front of the computer can take to bottom smoke;


12. Like to make thorough individual programs,Then don't implement;


13. Nothing like check mobile phone have message;


14. All the appliances at instruction;


15. Hate parents comparing yourself to other people;


16. Night high efficiency;


17. In the presence of all pass zealotry;


And, like a person at home;


19. Often eat breakfast lunch together;


Every day,Home - school - home,Two point one line;


21. The bad news;


22. Can't guarantee brush my teeth twice a day;


23. Will use Mars text;


24. Long drink a brand of drinks;


25. At least have a backpack;


26. The most widely used is called"students";


27. Pass by a mirror reflection place will pay attention to your appearance;


And, at least two weeks the cleaning once a;


29. Never know their money where to go;


30. Will a two dialects;


31. Like cool girl or a beautiful boy;


32. Write bo,but never agony;


33. Net friend to become friends,A friend become a net friend;


34. Can borrow books,Never borrow dish;


35. At least one was idol and now ashamed to admit star;


36. r&r/r&b/Hip - Hop,At least like a;


37. You can use pinyin with each word,but can not write;


And. Call less,Often send text messages;


39. The keyboard wear out very quickly;


Forty. On Monday at two change;


41. With more than one MP3;


42. Watch more than 500 words of the post;


43. Always not satisfied with his hair;


44. Love to shop taobao;


45. The"After 80"despise;


46. Like QQ don't like MSN;


47. Dinosaurs team/Altman will be seen;


And. Two minutes often this arrangement:One minute is worship,After a minute into contempt;


49. Always want to try the advertisement of new products;


Fifty. Never find his pen.


