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砍童案:嫌犯曾吊沙袋练武 男生堵门救全班同学--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

West China metropolis daily reporter RuanChangAn henan the guangshan photojournalism
14 morning,Guangshan county in henan province, a man armed with a knife cut injury at a local elementary school and students,The police received after the report,Then the control.At present,The students temporary not life-threatening.The official report says,The suspect was MinYingJun(male,36 years old,Manjusri township zou tent village peach yuan group),Has been control.
But according to the west China metropolis daily reporter survey found,Perpetrator was"MinYongJun",Has more than twenty years history of epilepsy,And once hanging sandbags practise martial arts.
受伤最多 低年级同学15日是星期六,下午5点50分,华西都市报记者在陈棚村完全小学门前看到,敞开的校门里空荡荡的,没有老师和学生,大批刑警在校园里工作。
Most injured junior students 15 is Saturday,Fifty points 5 p.m.,In west China metropolis daily reporter Chen tent village complete primary school door to see,Open the doors of the empty,No teacher and no student,A large number of cops on campus job.
The number of students, more than 300 people,There are three layer building,preschool/A second grade is on the first floor,Three or four grade on the second floor,Level 5 or 6 years on the third floor.
Witnesses say,When good suspect don't know how to enter the school,First cut up from the first floor,Has been cut to the third floor,In addition to the second floor grade three/Four grade not hurt people outside,The rest of the each class are the students cuts,And the most heaviest is on the first floor of the preschool and the second grade,Five or six years of relatively less injury level students.
In the village head Chen tent in a barber's shop,West China metropolis daily reporter met by the grade three students ChenChen(alias).
ChenChen said,On the morning he is more than 7 to come to school,"I heard someone shout downstairs"Madman kill",Is going to stretch out the head out to see from the window,And I heard someone shout"Madman upstairs the",I'm scared to hide to the end of the table down,"ChenChen said,Their class before and after the classroom has two doors,The back door is closed die,There are ten several male students stopped in front of the door,The madman also played a few JiaoMen,Don't kick in,And to break in front of the window,Saw into do not come,And to the same layer grade four away to the other side of the classroom.
Later learned that,Also because there are children blocked the door,"madman"Has not been able to enter the fourth grade classroom,Turn on the third floor again.
受伤人数 或又增加一人截至发稿前,光山县发布的受伤学生人数依然为22人,此数字自14日中午发布后再无更新。但经华西都市报记者调查发现,受伤学生人数可能会新增加一人。
The number of injured or added one before at the time,The guangshan county released by the number of students is still injured for 22 people,The digital since 14th noon after releasing no update.But the west China metropolis daily reporter survey found,The number of the students may increase a new person.
Chen tent village head of clinic ZhangDaoCheng village doctor(sound)And street barber's beam teacher also confirmed,The king pond zou small hollow(places)A name ZouDingDing(alias)Children were cut injury,At that time he had ran for five or six miles to go home,Stay at home and can't speak to your family.Wait until six o 'clock in the evening,The family found that children have been hang one's shoulder,A closer look,Children wear clothes was also cut broken,Scapula there are wounds.At 7 o 'clock,Parents take their children to Chen tent village street,Village doctor and the barber a closer look,The child scapular meat to all turn out,The blood has layer clothes dye wet a large.The man hurriedly called the police,The local police station after ChuJing manjusri township,Send their children to the guangshan county hospital.
And in the morning more than 11 o 'clock official statistics released,The injured students a total of 22 people,Then the data no update.
West China metropolis daily reporters on the matter to the relevant departments of the guangshan county verification,Don't get positive reply.
Journalists to investigate the murderer name was wrong in the guangshan county relevant departments to the media in the conditions,The name of the perpetrator"MinYingJun",But according to the west China metropolis daily reporter survey found,Perpetrator was"MinYongJun".
And coincidence is"MinYingJun"Is known not only,Also and the murderer MinYongJun village as a group,Even the Chinese zodiac age are the same.
Yesterday afternoon,West China metropolis daily reporter in an interview ZouPengCun killers when father MinZhengAn,He also clearly mentioned name son"MinYongJun",The name is the childhood name,Had never used a"MinYingJun"The name.
And in MinZheng relocation to fifty meters of a family,Also have a call"MinYingJun"people,He and MinYongJun village as a group,Manjusri in township zou tent village peach yuan group,Two people age is 36 years old.
According to local downtown's position in the family hierarchy,The murderer MinYongJun is the BeiEr grandpa,And innocent MinYingJun is son of BeiEr,Two people all sent two BeiEr.
West China metropolis daily reporter find the true MinYingJun home,He left home a 78 - year - old grandmother ZhangRunQing one at home.ZhangRunQing said:"My grandson is MinYingJun,The children call MinYongJun cut,Two people belong to the dragon,My house should be army is born April today,Cut the MinYongJun than his big months,the."
14th,The whole village knew about MinYongJun cut in school children hurt a lot,And that,The real MinYingJun guangshan county is on the construction site do coolie,Do not know how to cut down on the network has become the children.
还原行凶者凶手曾吊沙袋练武 事发前夜彻夜未归 Reducing the assailant murderer was hanging on the eve of the wushu sandbags all night did not return
According to the guangshan county people's hospital of a person in charge told reporters,The man who cut MinYongJun admission for diagnosis"psychosis/Head trauma",The 7 o 'clock just in public security personnel care finish electrocardiogram,"After finish is reception."
According to the chief introduction,The man who cut the basic can determine with psychosis,Intermittent attacks.Someone asked him after admission"Why do people cut","His answer was easy,Said he cut people,A didn't chop down dead."
病人 The patient
有21年癫痫病史 不发病会修电器15日下午2点,华西都市报记者在光山县邹鹏村找到了疑凶的父亲闵正安。头一天晚上,警方已到他家详细调查过,并拿走了儿子闵拥军的病历和剩下的药物。
21 years history of epilepsy disease will not repair electrical 15 2 PM,West China metropolis daily reporter in the guangshan county ZouPengCun found good suspect's father MinZhengAn.Head one night,The police have to his house a detailed investigation,And took MinYongJun son of medical records and the rest of the drug.
MinZhengAn WCC told reporters,Name is MinYongJun son,36 years old this year,Since 1991 have history of epilepsy,"Every time is at the mouth at once/The convulsions,After a good,What disease is remember".
therefore,The family has been to take MinYongJun guangshan county/Nearby the luoshan/Xinyang seen disease,Finally diagnosed with epilepsy.After twenty years,A human MinYongJun the doctor has been to wuhan/Beijing/Shanghai.
In order to cure,MinYongJun eat every day antiepileptic drugs,Usually once a day,Serious time a day or even three times.But since this year,He felt son lesions have serious,April,After the,Son also often run out,Often ran out to find one now.
MinYongJun already married,Have two daughters,Big more than ten years,Small only two years old.
The villagers in the village looks,MinYongJun don't the people well,drink,A man wise,Don't get ill when still can repair the TV/Refrigerator what,But the father and his son on bad terms,Two people often less than three other words with love to wrangle.
In downtown home still stopped a car half new battery car,Was last year to spend more than two thousand dollars to buy,At ordinary times is MinYongJun ride.Two days before the,He also cycle to set up a country town market's mother,Can even ride it with his wife and daughter,To his wife more than ten miles away home.
凶手 murderer
爱闹小动静 认死理不听人劝此外,闵拥军似乎喜欢“练武”,经常在家里摆弄沙袋什么的,甚至曾在门口树上绑了个沙袋,全村人几乎都见过,没事的时候他对着沙袋拳打脚踢,“他说是为了治病。”
Love make small action RenSiLi don't listen to a person to advise in addition,MinYongJun seem to like"wushu",Often at home with sandbags what,Even once in the doorway tree tied a sandbag,Almost all are seen,Nothing he beat to the sandbags,"He said it was to cure."
but,Even if not make epilepsy,MinYongJun in the village also love make a small action,Everyone is belief is,he"Some stand by one's word,RenSiLi,Do not listen to a person to advise."
A villager surnamed Chen said,"MinYongJun once and fellow villagers some conflict,Even beat village people."There is a time for the field irrigation problem,With a spade MinYongJun will push to neighbors in the paddy field,A villager recalled:"I see his spade Yang well high,Wish this chopping down also don't my regardless,At last he still didn't split,But with a spade put me down in the paddy field."
In recent years,MinYongJun usually evening in front of the house to walk behind,Even midnight turned to eight miles away land manjusri set,Someone bumps into asked him,He also don't say what's the matter,Just said"around".And his father to son MinZhengAn this move is to understand"Come on".
generally,meet"Come on out around"when,His mother zou teacher will go look for,Also often in front of the house which fields found in the son,Then he brought back,But 13 this evening,MinZhengAn couple"All don't know son turned out".
事情进展 come
河南光山22学生被砍伤续:7名学生伤重转院治疗 Henan the guangshan 22 students for cuts:Seven students hospital injury treatment
Guangshan county in henan province"12 · 14"The campus ShangHaiAn of 3 of the local hospital,So far,22 cuts in students have seven students seriously and for hospital treatment.On December 14 at 7 o 'clock,Manjusri guangshan county township Chen tent village complete primary school massacre:At the age of 36 ZouPengCun manjusri township MinYingJun villagers into the school,Cut injury 22 students,Mass a.then,In the surrounding the help of the villagers,The criminal suspect shall be manjusri downtown garrisons township police station police control.The students and the masses also were sent to the guangshan county people's hospital/County hospital of traditional Chinese medicine chord honesty hospital 3 hospital for treatment.[detailed]
校园安全管控疏漏 The campus safety control omissions
河南光山县22名学生被砍伤时该校无人看守 Henan the guangshan county and students presented no cut the guard
In the media reports,We found a surprising fact,This has hundreds of students to school,During the school gate was unattended.2010 years after the occurrence of a series of campus of a murder,Relevant departments have requires all schools should equipped with security,To strengthen the school organization human around the security patrol.In big cities,A hundreds of people kindergarten or primary school,Equipped with two security is a very common thing,Can the guangshan county the rural elementary school,How do the gate unattended,Students don't swap horses when security how missing?[detailed]
进一步进展 Further progress
河南光山一小学22学生遭砍伤 凶手认定有精神病 Henan the guangshan a primary school and students were cut down the injury that is mentally ill
According to the guangshan county party committee propaganda department news,Forty points at 7 a.m.,The guangshan county township police station received manjusri report says,A man armed with a knife in GaiXiang Chen tent village primary school students at the door completely cut injury.Manjusri township police station immediately to the police,In the help of village cadres,Rapid will be the criminal suspect control.The basis of the criminal suspect MinYingJun,36 years old,Manjusri for township zou tent village peach yuan group.The preliminary determination with psychosis,Intermittent attacks.According to the villagers introduced,Downtown has more than twenty years history of epilepsy.[detailed]
官员回应 Officials say
官员回应“砍学生嫌犯是否精神病”:有啥意义 Officials say"Cut the suspect whether students mental illness":Have what meaning
14日,光山22名小学生被砍伤后,家属悲痛欲绝,一 些留守孩子的父母匆匆往家赶。记者到县里采访,村干部因为私事不在家,教育局的人在办公室玩游戏。记者核实犯罪嫌疑人有精神病的消息是否准确,县委有关领导却说, 讨论这有啥意义?[详细]
14,The guangshan and pupils have been cut down after injury,Grieving families,A some left-behind children parents hurried to drive home.Reporter to interview county,Village cadres for private affairs not at home,Bureau of the people in the office to play games.Reporter to verify the criminal suspect is mentally ill news is correct or not,County party committee the leaders said, To discuss this have what meaning?[detailed]
悲剧不断上演 Tragedy is staged continuously
盘点近年校园安全事故 Inventory in recent years, campus safety accidents
近年来,针对学生和儿童的伤害案屡见发生,人们不会忘记那些昔日在凶手面前倒下和受伤的孩子: 2012年9月21日14时许发生在广西贵港市平南县的砍杀儿童事件致3死13伤,案发后,受伤儿童被紧急送往医院抢救。22日凌晨,记者进入平南县人民医院康复楼,看到诸多家长在照顾受伤的小孩。一对夫妇含泪告知,他的小孩头部被砍了一刀,目前没有生命危险。至当天下午,这些小伤员全部被转移至安全区看护,以免遭受外界打搅。[详细]
In recent years,In view of the student and children is often seen in ShangHaiAn happened,People don't forget the former in the fall before the murderer and injured child: On September 21, 2012 at about 14 happened in guangxi gug flat of no cut kill children event to 3 death and injury,After the,Injured children were rushed to hospital.At 22,,Reporters into flat pingnan county people's hospital rehabilitation floor,See many parents to take care of the injured child.A couple with tears told,His children head was cut a knife,There is no danger.To in the afternoon,These small the wounded were all transfer to safety nursing,In order to avoid from outside disturb.[detailed]
在全球,近期校园安全事件处于高发期? In the global,Recent campus security incident is at a peak?
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