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自主招生报名开始 高考三大联盟打生源争夺战--亲稳网络舆情监控室
高考三大联盟打响生源争夺战 College entrance examination three major league began the students
Independent recruitment of students registration today,Cuhk more Chinese middle school recommend strength increase quota,Peking University and tsinghua university retrial to accept physical test
College entrance examination three major league independent recruit students begin to sign up today,Students race officially began.14,South China university of technology in 2013"The measures for the implementation of independent selection admission"announced,The range of ordinary high school all can directly to the south China science and technology recommend outstanding graduates.Sun yat-sen university also announced last night[Sun yat-sen university in 2013, the measures for the implementation of independent selection admission],School in 2013 independent selection admission to recruit students to plan for the undergraduate enrollment plan 5% of the total(400),The humanities class/Social science class/Economic management class/Science foundation class/Information science and engineering/Resources environment class/Medicine such as seven subject categories for independent selection admission.
华南理工 South China science and technology
每校可至少推荐两名 Each school can recommend at least two
Last year of south China university of technology, worked in guangdong province pilot implementation independent selection"Stars plan",By high school is by south China university of technology to recommend outstanding graduates,Got high school/Candidates and recognized by the society.In this year's independent selection in the measures for the implementation of the admission,South China university of science and technology will be the plan to the whole China.
According to the plan,Nationwide middle school of south China university of technology, all can to recommend outstanding graduates,Recommended for the secondary school places for last year of south China university of technology, independent selection at qualification and be accepted number 2 was two(That is at least every school south China science and technology to recommend two outstanding student).the,Signed outstanding student base alliance cooperation agreement of middle school can be based on this add six.
Participate in the selection of the south China science and technology independent candidates can on December 15, prefer to 12 months and days between 24:00 online registration(Online registration address for / excellent_student).
中大 cuhk
千所中学获推荐名额 Thousands of middle school was recommended places
Cuhk increase this year high school recommended strength,Give the nearly middle school recommendation quota(The school recommend code will be official letter form sent to school),Recommended students can directly obtain the qualification test,The guangdong recommend middle school more than 200.Students can also be submitted by expert recommendation letter for cover,Approved individual outstanding student can obtain the qualification test.
The students from 15 to start the day can login comprehensive university independent selection admission joint test online application system(www.ccuut.edu.cn)For applications,Material receiving application deadline for December 30.Written link,The school of science living the appraisal subject for natural science foundation(mathematics/physical)/The school of arts living assessment subjects for the humanities foundation(Chinese/mathematics).
Remind guangdong candidates is,Cuhk this year will not separate written organization,The written test qualified candidates should attend unified comprehensive university independent selection admission joint test(namely"NATO"Entrance exam).
北大清华 Peking University and tsinghua university
考生复试要接受体测 The retrial to accept it has been revealed
It is reported,Peking University this year/Tsinghua university students are in accepting the physical test.
In order to further reflect social justice,In 2013,,Beijing university continue to strengthen the rural middle school students and rural household registration policy,Will be in independent selection accepted first trial/Retrial and determine the links such as candidates to further improve the rural household registration in proportion,Make independent selection admission candidates in the proportion of the rural household not less than 20%,And the national clear focus on rural poverty through development area give key support.
The NATO alliance online the registration time for 15 December 2012 to prefer in December 2012, and 24:00,Each has the greatest number of candidates for 3 universities.
This year,Tsinghua independent recruit students physical test requirements for:Through the test,Can voluntarily choose to participate in according to[National student physical health standard]The physical testing organization.Test score good,In the independent deemed appropriate to offer.
Apply to join the tsinghua university(Admissions office)etc"Warsaw pact treaty alliance"The selection of the independent candidates must attend"2013 high level of university autonomy selection academic ability test"(Referred to as"AAA test").The web site for / aaa_student.(Reporter LinShiNing/Correspondent LuQingLei)
(羊城晚报 也即“北约”联考)
(The yangcheng evening news namely"NATO"Entrance exam)
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