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[Chinese listed company entrepreneur capability indices(2012)]display,In 2011,,1939 listed companies,Only three companies entrepreneur ability assessment qualified,Is more than sixty points,were:China merchants bank CEO MaWeiHua/Camce LuoYan CEO of industry and commerce bank YangKaiSheng CEO.


 谁是当下中国最有能力的上市公司CEO? Who is the most ability of Chinese listed company CEO?


On December 9,,A name[Chinese listed company entrepreneur capability indices(2012)]report,Trying to give an answer to.The thickness of 438 - page report,Is Beijing normal university [micro bo] corporate governance and enterprise development research center in the past more than a year of research results,To crack the song of huawei expert team,Through the analysis of data,To index form,Comprehensive evaluation of domestic 1939 listed company CEO ability level,And make ranking.

  这次尝试属于国家社会科学基金重点项目阶段性成果,它构建起包括“人力资本”“战略领导能力”“关系网络能力” “企业家社会责任能力”四大评价指标体系。

At this time, belong to national social science fund key project achievements,It build up including"Human capital""Strategic leadership""Relation network capacity" "Entrepreneurs social responsibility ability"Four evaluation index system.


Reading the report part of the personage inside course of study thinks,The index to promote professional manager market development,Standard capital market and executive behavior,To protect investors rights,Is of great significance.


“关系” "relationship"


Beijing normal university GaoMingHua is corporate governance and enterprise development research center director,He told[China news weekly],Objective and fair evaluation of this group,Cannot be swayed by one's emotions,And need to have a scientific data to support the analysis structure and theoretical logic.


"We the purpose of assessment is to guide the government/Enterprises and investors should attach great importance to the position of general manager,The general manager in respect of the board of directors is at the discretion of the decisions and independent responsibility."GaoMingHua said,so,Their report of the entrepreneurs,Families are listed company CEO,Instead of the chairman of the board.


The report mentioned,In 2011,,1939 listed companies,Only three companies entrepreneur ability assessment qualified,Is more than sixty points,were:China merchants bank CEO MaWeiHua/Camce LuoYan CEO of industry and commerce bank YangKaiSheng CEO.


Born in 1949 MaWeiHua,Is the republic of peers.Starting from 1982,MaWeiHua came into work planning commission of liaoning province,Do for decades after the government officials,He in March 1999 as China merchants bank's President,So far has been 13 years.so,Whether in"Human capital"or"Relation network capacity"Show the absolute advantage.in"Relation network capacity"aspects,GaoMingHua team listing the nine secondary index,Such as:"In 2011 the government officials visited whether enterprise access""Whether the CEO in 2011 provincial level and above accompanied by government officials to go abroad to visit""If party a's \ [micro bo] representative \ political consultative conference (CPPCC), the army""Ever in a government office"etc.


"From the normative market rules Angle,‘Relation network capacity’That should not be included in the scope of entrepreneur ability evaluation,Because the relationship networks, there may be‘rent-seeking’problems."GaoMingHua said,however,China is pay special attention to the kingdom of interpersonal relationship,The interpersonal relationship and have to enterprise to bring the resources,And then can promote enterprise development,Besides these interpersonal relationship is not inevitable suspected"rent-seeking".

  在前百位排名中,有几家企业尤其引人关注,比如三一重工,这家大本营在湖南的重工企业,是该省第一家上市的民营企业,今年11月,三一集团宣布总部迁址北京,引发社会广泛关注。 而他的董事长梁稳根,既是新晋大陆首富,又是十八大党代表,前不久他的一些发言,也引起不少争论。

In the top one hundred rankings,Several companies are particularly remarkable,Such as sany,The citadel in hunan industry enterprise,Is the first listed in the province of private enterprises,November,Trinity group announced the headquarters moved to Beijing,Trigger social attention. And he LiangWenGen chairman of the board,Is new in the mainland's richest man,Is the eighteenth big party,Recently some of his speech,Also caused a lot of debate.


Is such a often occupy the newspaper news page of the enterprise,Sany XiangWenBo CEO,Only a ranking.This was born in 1962 in hunan people,In many industry in the publicity materials,He was called"China's first gold medal professional managers",he"Human capital"There is quite a score on the advantage,But in the networking capability,Such as"Accompanied by provincial officials to go abroad to visit"Projects such as,Not too high points.But his opponent,Zoomlion CEO ZhanChunXin ranking in the seventh.The results,let"Old rivals"Contest between,With the newest kind of talk.


 “责任” "responsibility"


Ranking 23rd of Erie shares PanGang CEO,In 1992, was assigned to Ely group predecessor hui milk food products factory,It was initially undergraduates,Become chairman of Erie,In central college of business administration to study the EMBA [micro bo] degree.He is no overseas study [micro bo] experience and overseas work experience,"Human capital"Score isn't high,But he is one of the advantages,In the Erie work for twenty years,Is the most familiar with Erie people,Will the development of enterprises and social responsibility of the connection,Play to the best state.


Erie development process met two crises,Just these two crises PanGang achievement.


In 2004,,Yili in 22 years/The chairman of the board of directors and senior ZhengJunHuai yili embezzlement case is being arrested,The company's share price the service from 14 yuan fell more than $8,Once the dairy boss gamblers.At 35 years old PanGang formal advancements Ely group chairman of the board of directors,He decided to let the media reporters/Investors visit Erie,questioned,Transparent efforts,Gradually the Erie will bring out the shadow.

  后来他被央视评为“2005 年中国经济年度人物”,给予他的颁奖辞是:“挽狂澜于既倒,撑大厦于断梁……”

Later he was awarded CCTV"In 2005, China economic annual figure",Give him the award is one:"Pull raging waves in both fall,Brace building in broken beam……"


By 2008,Melamine incident broke out,Erie suffered heavy losses,PanGang decided to invite consumers to the factory for a visit,And in the factory installed cameras,In the major website to broadcast live.This is the first domestic food industry"Digital visit platform".


In the aftermath of the crisis temporarily remove public trust,Enterprise's management crisis not solved.In 2008,,Erie net loss of 1.687 billion yuan,Reduced loss per share 2.11 yuan,Erie with ST hat.Since then PanGang and from many aspects such as management of mange,Putting the enterprise,On June 7, 2010,Erie shares finally took off ST hat.


"The PanGang examples,There are some advantages can make you topped the."GaoMingHua said.


 “富二代” "Rich the second generation"

  在本报告的1939家上市公司中,CEO 年龄在35岁及以下的仅35家,占样本总数1.8%。其中19人是因为父辈为上市公司的实际控制人而成为CEO,占比为54.3%。

In the report of the 1939 listed companies,CEO age 35 years old and under only thirty-five,Accounted for 1.8% of the total sample.The 19 people because parents for the listed company's actual controller and become a CEO,Accounted for more than 54.3%.


"Although they have different inheritance type and industry difference,But as a young and"Rich the second generation",As a public company CEO,They are some of the common feature is worth us carries on the observation and analysis."GaoMingHua said.

  截至2011年底,上市公司 CEO 平均年龄为48.2岁。而第二代企业家的平均年龄为31.85岁,其中年龄最小的上市公司 CEO 是宜华木业的刘壮青,年仅25岁,他也是中国上市公司中最年轻的CEO。

By the end of 2011,The listed company CEO an average age of 48.2 years.And the second generation entrepreneurs at an average age of 31.85 years,The minimum age of a listed company CEO is appropriate China LiuZhuangQing of wood,Only 25 years old,He is also the most young Chinese listed company CEO.

  19家样本企业中没有 ST公司,其所处的行业除了有1家是农林牧渔业,1家房地产行业外,其他17家企业都是制造业上市公司,均属于竞争性行业;除2家属中部地区、1家属东北地区外,其他16家企业都来自中国东部地区,其中浙江6家,位居各省第一位,广东3家,福建、山东各2家。

19 sample enterprise without ST company,The place of the industry in addition to have 1 home is animal husbandry and fishery,1 the home real estate industry,Other 17 enterprises are manufacturing listed companies,All belong to competitive industry;In addition to the central region 2 families/1 family outside in northeast China,Other 16 companies are from eastern China,The zhejiang six,The first in the provinces,Guangdong three,fujian/Shandong every two.


In the above and listed companies,In addition to united chemical science and technology is the mother-daughter relationship/Dahua intelligence is mother and child outside inheritance,Other companies and the actual controllers of CEO and the relationship between father and son relationship is;In the 19 in the company,The chairman concurrently general manager of four,Dongshan precision YuanYongFeng CEO and chairman of the board of directors YuanYongGang is brotherhood,In addition to the other 14 listed company's chairman of the board of directors is the actual controller as,And not fully to the second generation.Even in two hats in the unity of the enterprise,In addition to dahua intelligent,The other three companies as the founder of the parent company is in charge of the holding,For remote control command.


19 the sample company entrepreneur capability indices of the mean is 35.82,Above all the listed company entrepreneur ability index of average 34.47.


"Many people put China in shanxi steel LiZhaoHui as a second generation of representative,From his participation in financial perspective the second generation entrepreneurs innovation characteristics,But LiZhaoHui on stage because his father was killed LiHaiCang suddenly,Not typical;Dahua intelligent CaiXiaoRu is not so much the second generation,But rather a first generation."GaoMingHua said.


From the listed company at present the second generation of the CEO,It is fuyao glass CaoHui have some common characteristics of the second generation.


Fuyao glass industry group CaoDeWang founder,From the township and village enterprises began to contract,Become one of China's most famous entrepreneurs.Starting from 2006,The eldest son of CaoDeWang CaoHui began working as fuyao glass general manager,So far six years.

  曹晖是个1970年出生的年轻人,高中毕业后在父亲的企业打零工,非常能吃苦。1999 年,福耀集团在美国开拓业务中出现一些问题,曹晖担任美国绿榕玻璃工业有限公司财务总监,后成为公司负责人。

CaoHui is a born in 1970 young people,After graduating from high school in his father's enterprise's doing odd jobs to turn an,Very hard.In 1999,,Fuyao group to expand the business in the United States appeared in some problems,As the United States CaoHui green banyan glass industry co., LTD., chief financial officer,Become the company controller.

  2001年,美国PPG公司在美国和加拿大对福耀出口的汽车维修玻璃提出反倾销调查申请,福耀从2002年开始被加征 11.8%的反倾销税。曹晖作为前线“总指挥”,在整个过程中对美国对手“又拉又打”,开始在企业运作中崭露头角,凸显第二代企业家的特点。

In 2001,,The United States PPG company in the United States and Canada to fuyao export car maintenance glass on anti-dumping investigation application,Fuyao since 2002 were imposed on 11.8% of the anti-dumping duties.CaoHui as the front"Commander in chief",In the entire process to the opponent"And pull again dozen",Began to come to the fore in the enterprise operation,Highlight the characteristics of the second generation of entrepreneurs.


In an interview,CaoDeWang had talked about CaoHui son of a story:In 2004,"When I was in America, a good friend Alan and fuyao business,Because the relationship between by with me,He put the CaoHui to price pressure very low.Alan think,He is my friend,Low price point is also possible,And find I,But CaoHui just don't agree with,In CaoHui seems,If Allen price low down,So the price of other customers have to press this low price,Or to others is not fair,It does not accord with the business of the rules of the game.Finally in CaoHui insistence,Alan was forced to accept the price of CaoHui."


"CaoDeWang about aiko story reveals a sense of pride,Don't know did he think of this kind of proud son may be strategic missing another expression."GaoMingHua said.


Japan managerialist house too a in the[Rise and fall of the organization]Once pointed out that in,The successor in the wings to live more than there are three kinds of path:One is the business and system completely imitate the former,Don't make any change;The second is completely trust the former leadership of the reuse of henchmen/The old minister,His opinion without disclosure and intention;Three is completely get rid of the leadership of the former way.

  高明华说,目前中国上市公司第二代 CEO中,多数属于前面两种情况,即使略有改变思维的曹晖,也只是在日常管理中突显了个人的一些理念,尚无法从战略高度形成新的模式。

GaoMingHua said,China's listed companies in the second generation of CEO,Most belong to the first two kinds of cases,Even if a little change CaoHui thinking,Only in the daily management of highlight the personal some idea,It is not from the strategic form a new pattern.
