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13岁幼女遭男子诱奸后被转交机关干部 再遭侮辱--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  本报讯(记者郭玉红 实习生王荣)2009年8月22日,年满13周岁的女中学生灵灵和同学小斌一起在学校对面的茶屋聊天。其间,小斌的叔叔成某加入其中,没多久便提出到宾馆开房继续聊天。就这样,成某将两人带往宾馆,并以购买啤酒为名支走了小斌。与灵灵发生关系后,成某又电话约来某行政机关干部赵某,后赵某开车将灵灵带往另一家宾馆与其同床共枕。次日一大早,赵某给灵灵留下120元钱后离开。事后,彻夜未归的灵灵在其养父母追问下道出实情,后灵灵家人报案。12月19日,兰州市中院对该强奸案作出一审判决,成某被判有期徒刑3年2个月,赵某领刑3年3个月。

Report from our correspondent(Reporter GuoYuGong WangRong interns)August 22, 2009,At least 13 years old female high school living spirit and XiaoBin classmates together in the school the tea house with measured steps to chat.meanwhile,XiaoBin uncle into a join them,Before long he puts forward to the hotel check in continue to chat.so,Into a two people take to the hotel,And in order to buy beer as a go XiaoBin.And spirit spirit after relationship,Into a telephone and about to a certain administrative organs ZhaoMou cadres,ZhaoMou after a spirit spirit taken to another hotel and its bed-fellows.The next day early in the morning,ZhaoMou spirit spirit to leave 120 yuan left.after,Not all night to spirit spirit in his adoptive parents ask what the truth,After the spirit spirit family go to the police.December 19,,Lanzhou city then the rape a verdict,Into a was sentenced to three years imprisonment for two months,ZhaoMou bring punishment 3 years 3 months.


(Parties involved in per capita system alias)
