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美国小学生防弹背包热销 奥巴马将采取措施控枪--亲稳网络舆情监控室

美国小学生防弹背包热销 奥巴马将采取措施控枪


December 19,,Obama spoke from the White House,Promised to release next month the government's gun control measures,And appointed vice President biden(left)Responsible for the matter.


President barack Obama who 19 appointed vice President, Joseph biden lead research gun control measures,The latter is expected to January Suggestions,For Obama in his state of the union address this.On the other hand,The parents of the students is difficult to wait,Look to the manufacturer or bulletproof backpack,In order to encounter extreme situations to rely on.


另辟蹊径 path


Bulletproof backpack is Utah"The second correction"The company's products in a sell like hot cakes,For students to use.


Backpack unit price less than $300,Boy's backpack is avengers cartoon design,Girl's bag for the little mermaid."The second correction"From the name of the second amendment,This amendment is americans as the right to hold guns basis.


"The second correction"Propaganda says,Backpack back seam into bulletproof material,But in malignant help the shootings.


Company boss Richard Craig said:"Terrible is,You won't think of their children in such a thing.New part since the tragedy,Our sales is the previous ten times."


In addition to bulletproof backpack,"The second correction"Also sell relatively cheap bulletproof board.Another company"Resistance bomb is"The same with $150 to $200 price sales bulletproof board.


"Resistance bomb is"Vice President el horse · especially said Iraq,Board such as books, size/light/Easy to use.Connecticut 14 after the shooting,The company board sales increased by 40%,Every day about forty.


政府行动 Government action

  总统奥巴马19日宣布拟采取的应对措施。 奥巴马在白宫举行的新闻发布会上说,枪支管控并非易事,“但问题的复杂性再不能成为无所作为的借口。”

President Obama 19 announced measures be taken.Barack Obama in the White House said at a news conference,Gun control is not easy,"But the problem complexity and can't be vegetative excuse."


Obama restated,Gun control is not the only way to solve SheQiang violence,In addition to implement stricter gun control policy,The United States should provide more convenient public mental health care.


The Associated Press quotes a White House official as saying,Biden and several cabinet ministers, and will meet with law enforcement departments,Discuss possible proposal.


This month 14,Connecticut new Kingston's sandy hooker primary malignant shooting happened,A gunman killed in twenty young children and six adult suicide.Obama said,The government will not stop to tobacco control in form.

  不少美国人把持有枪支视作宪法第二修正案所赋予的权利,奥巴马认可这一观点。按他说法,政府将经过深思熟虑,既捍卫第二修正案,又确保枪支持有者承担应有责任。 新华社特稿 陈立希

Many americans take hold guns as the second amendment rights granted,Obama recognized this view.According to his statement,The government will be considered,Not only to defend the second amendment,And ensure their holders should assume responsibility. The xinhua news agency ChenLiXi feature


[特写] [feature]


枪支管制未获多数支持 Gun control has not been most support


The famous American Gallup polling agency promulgated by the company and a public opinion poll,Banning offensive weapons and half gun measures in support of only the fourth,Not the most americans support.

  盖洛普公司18日在18岁以上成年人群中进行该项调查,就“防止上周康州公立学校大规模枪击案”列出六种措施问询有效性。调查结果显示,增加学校的警察支持度排第一位(53%),增加政府对于心理健康筛选和治疗的投入(50%)、减少电视、电影和电子游戏中的枪支暴力描述(47%)分别列第二、第三位,其余依次是禁售攻击性武器和半自动枪支(42%),学校至少配一名工作人员携带武器维护校园安全(34%),新闻媒体不公布枪杀案凶犯的名字(27%)。 李大玖

The Gallup organization, and in and above the age of adults in the study,it"To prevent the public school mass shooting Connecticut last week"List the six measures effective information.According to the results of the survey,Increase the school police support degree row first(53%),Increase government for mental health screening and treatment of the input(50%)/Reduce TV/Film and video games of gun violence description(47%)Listed separately the second/The third,The rest followed by banning offensive weapons and semi-automatic guns(42%),School with at least a staff carry weapons maintain campus security(34%),The news media do not publish the name of the murderer shootings(27%). LiDaJiu
