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英10岁女圣诞替父还愿 照顾50个无家可归者--亲稳网络舆情监控室

The gray, mike's"Family coffee shop"The provided food for the homeless.

The gray, mike's"Family coffee shop"The provided food for the homeless.
The British media reported,West Yorkshire twister "10 years old girl in the grey, that's mike,In order to realize their aspirations for a father before,Christmas day with the help of the mother,For 50 homeless provide food and to keep warm.
父亲8月份突然去世 My father died suddenly in August
现年10岁的小女孩格雷西· 麦克那蒂,居住在西约克郡迪斯伯里,曾有无忧无虑的童年。
The age of 10, the little girl gray, it's mike,Live in west Yorkshire twister",Have a carefree childhood.
Gray, Craig, the father of 38 years old this year,Is one of the local charity volunteers,Keen to charity.After several years on boxing day(The first Sunday after the boxing day or Christmas)Provide breakfast for the homeless,And promised this year Christmas day to open a cafe to help the homeless families.According to the report,Craig a in almost 1000 pounds for the local charity(10000 yuan RMB).
but"There's many a slip between the cup and the lip,will",Craig in head injury at work in August this year,Finally died.This change to gray west at a loss,Even to the children's favorite Christmas any interest also.
Gray west, 46 years old mother Sharon mike that she said to the media:"Craig after his death,Gray west quite sad,Don't know how to live this year's Christmas,Often wash a face with a tear."
Sharon said:"Craig is always as a charity volunteers,Always to help others,Basically all the time on the provide happiness for others,Only in this way can we have a happy."
通过慈善组织发门票 Through the charity organization send tickets
Craig after his death,The mother of gray Sharon:"To celebrate Christmas not appropriate,I can't imagine what could be worse than the lack of Father Christmas."
最后,格雷西说出了她的想法,同样也是父亲的愿望,全家可以在自己不能庆祝时,为他人带来快乐。做出最终决定后,莎朗开始为这次活动进行募捐,在媒体上打广告,任何愿提供帮助的单位和个人,都可进行资金和食品赞助。并期望募捐到来的物品可以为附近50名无家可归者提供帮助,莎朗经营的“Grilled And Filtered”咖啡馆将在圣诞当天11:30~14:30为无家可归者免费开放。
At last,Gray west out of her mind,As well as his father's wishes,Family can in their own can not celebrate,Bring happiness for others.After the final decision,Sharon began to raise money for this activity,In the media on advertising,Any unit or individual may provide help,Can be for money and food.And expect the arrival of donation items can be near 50 help homeless people,Sharon business"Grilled And Filtered"Cafe will be Christmas day 11:30 ~ and free of charge for the homeless.
The mother of gray Sharon,Through the local charity organization,Ahead of the Christmas day free tickets for the issue to the hands of the homeless.On Christmas day,3322 the tramp went into the cafe,Cafe offers they heat insulating gloves/Heat preservation scarf and socks,And of course coffee shop provides a Christmas dinner,Also doing enough sandwiches let them away.
Gray west said in an interview:"I feel very wonderful,When they walked one by one,I have been thinking about dad Craig,He will be proud of everything I do."
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