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中国式留学:全家人筹钱 过半家庭年入不到30万--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

The friends all send children to go abroad,We can't lag behind;In order to children's future,For several years;Formal foreign diploma than the domestic university diploma popular……Now many families in order to let the child go abroad for further study,Do not hesitate"Surrender one's last resource".From study abroad agency figures show,Chongqing super 20% annual growth, the number of people go abroad to study abroad,In or to the students in the family,Annual revenue is 300000 yuan of the following accounts for 52.28% of people surveyed.
Why more and more people choose to study abroad?Study abroad brings family?Study abroad whether can really desired goals?recently,Business newspaper reporters around the above issues.
This two days,ZhangHongGuo couples,Because to send in the United States, the son of living expenses.
ZhangHongGuo husband and wife are both dives,To let the son to study abroad,Has spent all his savings,At the moment the son to living expenses,The money haven't to do……
筹留学费用 卖房又卖车 Raise in costs go and sell cars
"We only have one ran,All the hard work is to him."ZhangHongGuo said,He and his lover monthly income ten thousand yuan.Three years ago,Looked at friends' children to study abroad in succession,The couple also sit.
Go abroad to prove a certain amount of money,There is only one way to sell a house.ZhangHongGuo said,The house was originally prepared to his son to get married."At that time,I look at flowers out of the bridal chamber that decorates four months also love dearly,But the future of the son,I can only very reluctantly give up what one favours sold it,Raise the 400000."
ZhangHongGuo calculate a score,Son in the United States,At least 200000 a year tuition and living expenses,And he and his wife's income a year don't eat not to drink only around 130000.To save costs,He sold the car last year."Mainly is the car ownership is too expensive."ZhangHongGuo said,Car sold 70000 yuan.They try every means to save money now.Last year the homecoming,He planned to attend,Heard that should pay 500 yuan eventually gave up.His wife almost don't go shopping,Two people go home from work,The greatest pleasure is to video chat with your son.
ZhangHongGuo said,Insist on for three years,And then there were last year,But the money has been empty.For son to raise the cost of the next year,The couple can only face down loan to the bank and borrow money from relatives and friends.
留学当投资 全家人筹钱 To study abroad when investment family raise money
"In order to the future of the ran,We didn't what to eat bitter,Through these years."Are preparing to sending her son to study in Australia the LiuMingHui said,For son to study abroad,Brothers and sisters of the family are out some money.
It is understood,LiuMingHui couple annual income around 150000,For a year 300000/Nearly 1 million of the cost of studying abroad for three years,By the couple must hold not to live.After the whole family to discuss,Get a grant from the whole family.Children's grandparents will be $100000 endowment money also,Two aunt all paid for 20000,My aunt borrowed 50000."All expect him to be somebody one day."LiuMingHui said,Is a kind of investment,As long as the son of a bright future in the future,Everything is worth.
过半留学家庭 年收入不到30万 More than half the family annual income less than 300000
Similar ZhangHongGuo/Family LiuMingHui such students,In China a lot.
Chongqing go abroad at one's own expenses(all)Intermediary service industry association, vice President of 刘君 told reporters,Chongqing tens of thousands of people at one's own expenses study abroad this year,Choose seller/Loans for children to study abroad is not a rare working-class family.Many parents said,"Surrender one's last resource"Let the child go abroad also willing to.
"From students to go abroad to see the condition of the bank certificate of deposit account,This year the number more than doubled over the same period last year."In a bank staff said,From the deal with certificate of deposit/Study abroad loans/Purchase to international hotel reservation/Deal with credit card,They can provide all kinds of financial business for study abroad.
Chongqing study abroad agency figures show,Chongqing super 20% increase in number of students studying abroad,Among them,At the beginning of the/The majority of high school students.Kai tak education issued by the group[2011 years students study abroad intention survey report]display,In the upcoming or to go abroad to study abroad students,Family income in 300000 yuan of the following accounts for 52.28% of people surveyed.
原因 reason
家长攀比 中介推波助澜 Parents compare drives intermediary
Why difficult to support family income,Are willing to send their children to study abroad?
"I am the daughter of a relative to second grade in primary school,Sent to study in Britain."Resident zhang jing said,"I am going to send son to read high school in Britain,Enjoy English education."
She introduced,At present,,Son attended private schools,Most students family condition is good,Many parents when children are primary school started to prepared to study abroad.Zhang jing said:"Ran almost all the students to study abroad,Ran to,As the in the mind is very hard time."
"The university entrance exam is really too tired,Simply send children read international high school,After apply for foreign university directly."Yuzhong district more than the lady said,Children don't have to deal with the college entrance examination,Can solid geological knowledge."The accepting the new way of education,To return to China after may be greater potential for development."Nanan distract LiNvShi think,Formal foreign diploma than the domestic university diploma popular.
Parents want children to study abroad can be somebody,Some study abroad intermediary also in promoting.
100000 yuan to give your child a brand new life/Life is not only make us dollars/Do not need to test easily in famous overseas to find a job easily/One study family immigration……In an elevator/The parking lot channel/The primary and secondary schools nearby,Studying advertising make a person dazzling.
"Economic conditions generally most of the families choose let children study in South Korea,Economic condition better, choose the United States/Europe and other countries."Officials say a intermediary institutions,According to different family,They have different place of study.
Mr. Liu children this year college entrance examination examination of 300 points,In the domestic university hopeless,Want to send their children to study in the United States.A study abroad intermediary agencies,As long as Mr Liu will spend money,Can guarantee the first-class university in the United States.
Chongqing university professor CengGuoPing analysis says,Improve the income/Domestic high-quality education resources are scarce and the severe employment situation,Lead to increasing study abroad boom.At the same time,Conformity psychology to study abroad with a fire.
热门留学国家费用 Hot study abroad countries
美国 25万/年,每周可打工20小时
The United States 250000 / year,Can work 20 hours a week
英国 25万/年,每周可打工20小时
Britain's 250000 / year,Can work 20 hours a week
澳大利亚 20万/年,每周打工不得超25小时
Australia's 200000 / year,Work must not exceed 25 hours a week
加拿大 18万/年,只能在学校打工
Canada 180000 / year,Can only work at school
新加坡 13万/年,不允许打工
Singapore 130000 / year,Are not allowed to work
韩国 8万/年,打工方便
South Korea 80000 / year,Work is convenient
内幕 inside
“黑中介”挖坑趁机捞钱 "Black intermediary"Dig a pit which is money
To study abroad,This seemingly flourishing road thering is no lack of trap.Work in the study abroad intermediary Mr Lee said,Some of the"Black intermediary"The urgent psychology of certain many parents let their children to study abroad,Have dug a pit.
Take kickbacks for students.Chinese students and their parents don't know much about general education in foreign countries,Intermediary can help parents ignore the analysis of the students to which country/Which school learning more appropriate,Strongly recommended to its own agent of the school.After the success of the students,Intermediary can not only get a commission,Still can get a rebate.Some foreign"Pheasants university",Rebates can reach 20% of the tuition fee.
Illegal intermediary embrace students eat post.Some intermediary is not qualified,After a student to other agencies,Obtain the difference.According to the study abroad costs,The difference from thousands of yuan to ten thousand yuan.
That go abroad work income is high.Some black intermediary that go abroad can work to earn my tuition,Let the economic conditions of average family to eat"figure".In fact,Not all countries allow students' doing a part-time job.
纵深 deep
超四成海归月入三五千 Over forty percent of overseas income 35000
At one's own expenses study abroad,Less is 1.2 million,Many millions of,Students employment how?
From the UK to study abroad two years ago to qiao Yang told reporters,In the UK to learn the economic and trade professional,Come back want to find a appropriate job,But high inadequate DiBuJiu haven't find the right.This year in the company to find a job as a financial investment consulting,4000 yuan a month.
Kai tak education provided by the chongqing branch[Overseas employment force survey report]display,At present,,Seventy percent marry voluntarily choose to obtain employment.The respondents,Monthly income of 5000 ~ 10000 yuan accounted for 39%,3000 ~ 5000 yuan accounted for 32%,3000 yuan (11%),Monthly salary of 30000 yuan of above 3%,Even there are quite a few"sea"Become a"kelp".
Yang qiao said,She study in the UK for 4 years spent 1 million yuan.According to the current salary,Don't eat not to drink at least 20 years to get back to the capital.
建议 Suggestions
留学当投资风险高 To study abroad when high investment risk
出国深造须量体裁衣 Studying abroad must be fast
To study abroad,Not everyone can get approval,How to think of studying abroad?
Sichuan foreign languages institute, vice President of the LeYong said,Study abroad has certain risk,Especially in younger children.He suggested,Study abroad as part of a life planning,To which country/Learn what major/The future employment direction, etc,Must plan,Don't blindly follow suit.
Chongqing university professor CengGuoPing think,Go abroad to read high school,Should children mental relatively mature,Have self-control ability and the ability of active learning,Also have a certain communication skills and financial management skills.He thought that,Pour all to send their children to study abroad is not desirable,Because all the family expectations on students,Virtually can cause a lot of pressure to the child.At the same time,Due to family funds nervous,One thousand other difficulties,Will not be able to cope with.
Mr Yu think,Study abroad is actually a kind of investment,With my own business/future,Even family happiness for the mortgage of a high-risk investment.It must be considered in return,Study abroad before they must consider whether the investment would have good returns.There are examples of this,Some students go abroad to read is the bad conditions of the school,Investment a lot,But would not stand out in a local after graduation,Returned home because of the degree will not be admitted,Can't find a decent job.
As a matter of fact,Foreign universities to follow"Wide into severe out"The principle of,Each university has attrition rate,Famous university firms even more than 50%.
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