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苏州老子雕塑吐舌卖萌 网友戏称“吊死鬼”(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室(3)

以唇齿比拟刚柔,雕塑诠释了老子思想的核心 In order to can be compare with,The core of the sculpture interpretation of Lao tze thought
Lao tze"Spit tongue"Sculpture is a net friend calls for"The neck",This statue"Style is weird"Lao tze of sculpture why can appear in most modern style of suzhou culture art center beside?Suzhou industrial park administrative committee staff said in an interview with reporters,At the Lao tze"Spit tongue toothy"Sculpture is in September this year,Huayi brothers media co., LTD. The chairman WangZhongJun,To suzhou culture art center two sculpture of a donation.For the strange shape of Lao tze statue,Suzhou industrial park of micro bo said,This is art,Sculptors of creative originated from Confucius to Lao tze to consult what is firm soft,Lao tze spit tongue uncover teeth/In order to can be compare with.Micro bo also links to a paragraph about the creator TianShiXin production reason of the statues,Guide to approach the art.
Ten thousand people look up to the Taoist sages why should such a design"For sure"The image of the?Released in suzhou industrial park micro bo in the video,Sculpture is the author of the TianShiXin earlier in an interview with reporters,Made the corresponding interpretation.TianShiXin explanation says,Lao tze"Spit tongue uncover teeth"In early in the history of allusion.To Confucius asked Lao tze"The way of firm soft",Lao tze silence,Open the mouth,Showing teeth,Spitting on the tongue.The tongue is soft,As a symbol of"soft"One side of the.The tooth is"hard"the,As a symbol of"just".Time goes by,"just"Teeth already fast fall off,and"soft"Tongue is still intact.Lao tze answer with the parable of the image of Confucius"The way of firm soft"The problem of,Has a"Into silence"The wisdom of great wisdom.
Sculpture creator TianShiXin think,This statue[Conducting way of Lao tze can like]The core of the sculpture interpretation of Lao tze thought,"Nature of the tao"/"To themselves".Confucius"China's entry into wto",Lao tze"Was born",Lao tze than Confucius seems to be more detached.In order to can be compare with,Is a kind of pursuit,Is also a kind of warning.
看看吴为山的老子雕塑 See wu wei Lao tze sculpture
“天人合一老子”雕塑获卢浮宫美术展金奖 "Lao tze harmony between human and nature"Sculpture in the Louvre art exhibition
Paris time 15 December night,By the French artist association"2012 the Louvre international art exhibition"The Louvre museum in Paris carrousel hall awards presentation ceremony.The only category sculpture by China famous sculptor wu wei,At the same time the Chinese famous traditional Chinese painters HeGuYing and DuDaKai reach painting gold medal and"Kurt award"Landscape highest accolade.
Chinese sculpture of wu wei bronze sculpture"Lao tze harmony between human and nature"Body part adopts hollow,Be moulds the modelling of a tripod,In the moment[by],To show humility, after Lao tze of wisdom in the mind and,Reflect the harmonious and inclusive of Chinese culture.Works to freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese and western of the combination of abstract writing style.It is understood that the work was wu wei solo exhibition exhibition at the UN headquarters in New York in September,Wu wei solo exhibition exhibition in November in Rome Italy national museum,Have been high.
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