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新东方实施收割策略 尽量不冒险涉足新种类业务--亲稳舆论引导监测室


In 2012, the Chinese education training industry,The development of the industry leading new Oriental continues to be market focus,Recently I beauty of the education and training industry development trend/The adjustment of the new development thought/New Oriental to such issues as the management of the chief executive officer Mr ChenXiangDong carried on the interview,The following content for the interview:


一、关于教育培训行业发展阶段和趋势 a/About education training industry development stage and the trend


i美股: I us:中国教育培训行业经过前几年的高速发展,目前培训市场竞争加剧、政策监管也更严,能否描述下目前这个市场处于一个怎样的阶段?

The rapid development of education and training industry in China after a few years ago,The training market competition/Policy has more strict supervision,Can describe the present market is in a stage of how?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:教育行业的发展速度一般是中国经济发展速度的两倍左右,在过去一段时间甚至未来2-5年都会是这样,GDP增速如果是10%的话,百姓在教育的投入和支出的增速将达到20%;如果未来中国经济增速放缓到7%,那么行业增速会在15%左右。这是第一个判断。

Education industry development speed is about twice the speed of China's economic development,In the past for a period of time, even 2-5 years in the future will be like this,If is 10% GDP growth,People in the education of the input and the growth of spending will reach 20%;If China's economic growth slowed to 7% in the future,So industry growth rate will be 15%.This is the first.


The second judgement,Any industry has a relatively good development speed,And have a good profit,So there will be a lot of people to enter,The market will be very busy.In the past few years we have seen a lot of capital in the education industry,At the same time also has a lot of individuals and small agencies also into this industry.The large amount of investment to promote the rapid development of education industry,Also makes the market competition.


The third judge,When private training blowout development to a certain extent,The government will naturally.The market development,Possible bad coin out good money,The government will be part of his role,So we focus on the many parts of the government to rectify and standardize the private education and training,There are two aspects to this standard,One kind is active,One is passive,A lot of complaints/Parents to report prompted the government to strengthen supervision.


overall,Above three will change in the coming years China's education and training industry continue to more rapid development,Based on a few major reasons:a/The world economic slowdown would lead to more step of open education resources,In the past few years this is positive correlation between the two,The United States/If Europe's economy is still now,Their degree will increase further,This will make Chinese people go abroad to study abroad will be enlarged,To study exams, and related services market will enlarge;The second/Good reputation effect will lead to the growth of the education market,Over the past few years a lot of overseas students return,Bring a good reputation,Could drive more people choose to go abroad;three/When have more high quality training services,Will bring the change of trainers and positive effect,This communication makes the heat of training gets will also increase;four/If the Chinese economy,China's parents continue to give money to children,People's uncertainty of the economy to increase investment in education,Make children have better education and jobs.


i美股: I us:如何看待目前中国教育培训行业的竞争格局?新东方一直是这个行业的老大,但是现在也有很多兴起的竞争对手,扩张特别快,新东方有没有紧迫感?

How to treat the competition pattern of China's education and training industry at present?New Oriental has been the industry's eldest brother,But now there are a lot of competitors,Expansion particularly fast,New Oriental is urgency?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:竞争是件好事情,最终消费者会受益。如果把新东方比做一头大象的话,周边小的竞争对手可以比作是狼。大象再大,再有力量,再有影响力和威望,但如果不去改革、不去创新、不去优化服务、不去提升品质,那么最后就会被群狼抢走地盘。不过,大象灵活起来也能跳舞,也能快速进攻和取得胜利,关键在于要有让大象奔跑起来的机制和平台。

Competition is a good thing,Consumers will eventually benefit.If the new Oriental than an elephant,Peripheral small competitors can be compared to the Wolf.The elephant again big,More power,More influence and prestige,But if you don't go to reform/Don't go to innovation/Don't go to optimize service/Don't go to improve quality,So the last will be the wolves take place.but,Elephant is flexible and can also dance,Can fast attack and win,The key is to have let the elephant run mechanism and platform.


In addition,For wolves,Between the Wolf and the Wolf's competition,And this competition more tragic,Most of the time is not a small company and big companies compete,But with a small company in the competition,Hope from the Wolf a little elephant,Since the childhood like a elephant,So the market not the wolves to work together to grab the elephant's site.As a new Oriental,On the one hand, on the whole telling we are elephants,On the other hand we also hard in some areas or market segment,Can also be a leading Wolf.


and,Little Wolf growth for small like to grow into an elephant,It needs a relatively long process,Much after change the pain,These new Oriental have experienced.New Oriental is the most proud of is that it for 19 years,We continuously reform and innovation,Continuously optimize and adjust,Go step by step is very stable,Is also very solid.


i美股: I us:如何看待目前政府对中国教育培训行业的监管?这种监管对行业发展的作用?

How to treat the government supervision of China's education and training industry?The supervision of the role of the development of the industry?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:第一、任何行业,都很难想象是没有监管的,有监管肯定是好事情;第二、目前人们普遍认为不是政府监管多了,而是少了;第三、政府监管的不到位,更多指的是该下大力气去监管的地方却没有监管,比如有些机构连办学资质都没有,一旦出了问题,学生和家长的利益就很难保证,这方面存在着某种程度上的监管缺位失;第四、我们鼓励监管的同时也呼吁政府提供相应的服务,给这个行业更多的关注和扶持,这点应该是更加重要的。

The first/Any industry,It is difficult to imagine there is no supervision,There are regulatory must is a good thing;The second/At present it is generally accepted that is not more government regulation,But a little;The third/Government regulation is not in place,More refers to the goal to supervision place without supervision,Such as some institutions even running qualification all have no,Once out of the question,It is hard to guarantee the interests of students and parents,That there is a lack of supervision, to a certain extent;The fourth/We encourage the supervision at the same time also urged the government to provide the corresponding services,Give more attention and support in the industry,This should be more important.


i美股: I us:未来大的培训机构是否会进一步淘汰小微培训机构?

Future big training institutions will further out small micro training institutions?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:这不会。在面对面的地面培训市场上,永远是大机构和小机构并存的,因为老百姓的需求是多样化的,有的对教学品质要求特别高,有些对服务要求特别高,有些对离家近便利要求高,能满足某些需求的小机构都有其生存的空间。但是未来在线教育、移动互联出现成熟的模式以后,大机构淘汰小机构可能成为现实。

It won't.On the ground of the face to face training market,Forever is both big and small agencies,Because of the common people with diverse needs,Some of particularly high teaching quality requirement,Some particularly high demand for services,Some of the high demand for convenient close to home,Can meet the needs of some smaller organizations have their living space.But future online education/Mobile Internet appeared after the mature model,Large organizations out smaller organizations may become a reality.


二、关于新东方由"抢占市场"到"收割策略"的发展思路调整 The second/About the new Oriental by"Race to the market"To the"Harvest strategy"The development of ideas


i美股: I us:新东方最新一个季度提出这种转变是基于什么判断进行的?为什么要做这种调整?

New Oriental latest quarter this change was put forward based on the judgment of what?Why want to do this adjustment?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:扩张一般主要是五个纬度,一是地域扩张,即进入更多的城市;二是教学网络的扩张,即开更多教学点;三、产品的种类和专业化的扩张;四是人员的扩张,储备和培养更多的人才;五是区域精耕类的扩张。从这几个角度看,过去一年我们确实是处于一个扩张的策略,开了更多的学校、开了更多的教学点、人员增加也比较多。

Expansion generally are mainly five latitude,Is a regional expansion,Namely into more of the city;The second is the teaching the expansion of the network,To open more school;three/The expansion of the types of products and professional;4 it is the expansion of the personnel,Reserves and cultivate more talents;Five is area of fine till expansion.From the perspective of a few,Over the past year we really is in a expansion strategy,A more schools/Open more school/Personnel is increased.


New Oriental May 30, 2011, about 21000 people,In 2012, May 30, increased to about 31000 people,Increased more than 40% of the employees,This relative to our revenue and profit growth is relatively some more.According to our current staff more than 30000 people,Combining our teaching area/Enter the city the stationing and pattern has basically in place,Personnel also has been in place,Now we need to do is to improve the utilization rate of each school,Such as scheduling and utilization in each classroom/Each class is full of class/Each teacher of class/Each employee's work saturation, etc,In our last year on the basis of the results of the expansion strategy,Some have good cloth,People have been reserve,We next, and points are very good match,In fiscal 2013 and our business fiscal 2014"dividends"Will come out,So there will be a so-called investors"Harvest strategy"The adjustment of the.


We didn't because now economic uncertainty is slow down the steps,Only at this stage to optimize and improve efficiency,Further improving operation efficiency,Further improving operation profit margins.


i美股: I us:提升您刚才说的利用率具体有什么措施?

Enhance utilization measures what you said just now?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:这是一个比较复杂的过程,总体就是放缓地域和教学点的扩张,提升运营效率。道理说起来也很简单。我们放缓开设新教学点的速度,同时关闭一些绩效确实不好的教学点,某种程度上是拉起闸门,而招收的学生数是增长的,所以池子里的水量是增长的,现有每个教学点自然可以吸收更多的学生。

This is a complicated process,Overall slowdown is the geographical and the expansion of the school,Improving operation efficiency.Reason it is also very simple.We slowing the speed of the open the new school,At the same time close down some really bad school performance,To some extent is pulling up the gate,The recruit students number is growing,So is the growth in the amount of water in the pool,Existing each school of natural can absorb more students.


i美股: I us:刚才也提到关闭一些教学点,有什么标准?

Also mention close down some school just now,What is the standard?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:我们没有那么严格,但是有些基本的考核,比如连续三个季度的满班率、排班量低于一定水平的,同时又和周围的教学点造成一定冲突的,我们会将其关闭。

We don't have so strict,But some of the basic examination,Such as continuous three quarters of the full class rate/Scheduling is below a certain level,And at the same time around the school caused a certain conflict,We will shut off.


i美股: I us:新东方目前从集团提出放缓教学点扩张,如果各地学校有扩张冲动,如何控制和协调?

New Oriental is from group ought to slow down,If all schools have expansion impulse,How to control and coordinate?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:这个一般不会,我们的管理干部整体上已经比较成熟,我们要加强和提升的是来自集团总部的清晰的指令。当然,我们也可以通过考核来控制,比如更多关注利润增长和利润率,较少关注收入增长,更关注人均创收,较少关注总收入,更多关注每平米面积产生的收入等,通过这些考核指标很容易协调。

This generally will not,Our management on the whole have more mature,We will strengthen and improve the clear instructions from the group headquarters.Of course,,We can also through the examination to control,Such as pay more attention to profit growth and profitability,Less attention to earnings growth,More focused on earned income per capita,Less focus on gross income,Pay more attention to every square meters area of income, etc,Through these evaluation index is easy to coordinate.


i美股: I us:打算采取哪些具体措施控制成本费用?市场推广费用是否会削减?是否会裁员?

Going to take what specific measures to control the cost?Marketing costs will cut?Whether the downsizing?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:我们肯定不会减少市场费用,我们花在优秀人才上的钱也一点都不会减。能降的是什么?冗余的人员、绩效不好的人员可以做些优化,但是优化的比例不会太大,这是我们第一个可以优化的地方。第二个就是刚才我们说的教学点的深耕细作,通过提高效率来降低成本。第三个最重要的能降低成本的就是新东方的核心竞争力—集团化平台化的协同性,举个例子,新东方投放50万的广告,几年前这50万影响的是100万学员,而现在影响的是300万人次的学员,同样的投入摊下来成本就相对低了;在拿设计来举例,以前50个学校有50个设计,现在全国统一用设计,我们采用“大后台小前台”,这样更有效的利用资源,发挥集团的力量。以上三个途径都可以降低成本。

We won't reduce the market cost,The money we spent on talents is not at all.What can fall?Redundant personnel/Performance of bad people to do some optimization,But the proportion of the optimization will not too big,This is the place where we can optimize the first.The second one is we said just now the school to become close,Through the improvement of efficiency to reduce the cost.The third most important can reduce the cost is the core competitiveness of the new Oriental, collectivization platform of cooperation,For example,New Oriental put 500000 AD,A few years ago the impact of the 500000 is 1 million students,And now is the impact of 3 million people of the students,The same input stand down cost is relatively low;In take the example of the design,Before 50 schools have 50 design,Now the national unified with design,We use"Big background small front desk",So that more effective use of resources,Play to the strength of the group.More than three ways can reduce the cost.


i美股: I us:新东方新的策略表示"尽量不冒险涉足新种类业务",是否会影响公司内部的业务创新,是否会导致新东方错失发现新的市场机会?

New Oriental new strategy"As far as possible don't venture into new kinds of business",Whether it will affect the company's internal business innovation,Will lead to new Oriental miss find new market opportunities?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:硬币总是有两面的。但是对于现在传统的地面培训来说,我们应该不容易犯错失市场机会的事情。首先在我们目前已经进入的市场,规模足够大,抓住这些市场蛋糕能赚不少钱;第二在我们不熟悉的领域里,观望不一定是坏事,等市场机会来了,配备一定的资源投入,也不会晚;第三来讲,我们新东方对市场机会的研究和关注投入了很多精力,我们也在看哪个融资哪个行业会有什么样的机会,我们不“冒进”,但是不代表我们不“进”。但是现在什么行业会突然狼来了呢?那就是线上教育,哪天有谁突然做出来一个很好的线上产品,大家都很愿意用,那时候狼真的来了。

Coin always has two sides.But for now the traditional training ground,We should not easy to make mistakes, market opportunities.In the first place in our has entered the market at present,The scale is large enough,Catch the market cake can earn a lot of money;The second in the field of we are not familiar with,See is not necessarily a bad thing,And market opportunities,Equipped with a certain amount of resources,Won't be late;The third,,Our new Oriental studies of market opportunities and put a lot of energy,We also look at which financing which industry will have what kind of opportunities,We don't"An adventurous",But doesn't mean we don't"Into the".But now what industry will suddenly a Wolf came?That is online education,Which day who suddenly to a very good online products,Everyone would like to use,At that time, the Wolf really came.


三、关于新东方的管理 three/About the management of the new Oriental


 i美股: I us:新东方经过这几年的发展,在管理和分工上有什么变化?

New Oriental after these years of development,Is there any change in the management and the division of labor?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:公司发展的过程,也是公司组织结构不断优化、内部不断改革、不断进行利益分配的过程。新东方在上半年做了个调整,确定了我们的战略性目标——盈利性增长,在这个战略目标性,我们希望通过区域竞争+专业的扩张,利用我们集团化、平台化的协同竞争优势,在整体市场时把握有利机会。为了实现这个目标,我们的组织架构、整体资源保证上做了一定的调整,现在的业务架构分成了一些板块,有周成刚主管的留学、游学、国际高中、咨询出国等等,有沙云龙主管的国内大学、英语学习、中学、麦格森、泡泡少儿等,有李国富主管的行政、后勤、采购、资产管理等,还有独立分解出来的内容和技术结合的板块等等,不同的人负责不同的板块,同时产生一个合力。我们在调整的时候不依赖于人,而是先按照业务逻辑来划分,然后安排最合适的人。

The process of development of the company,Is the company organizational structure to optimize/Internal reform continuously/Ongoing process of distribution of interests.New Oriental made an adjustment in the first half of the year,Sure of our strategic goals - profitability growth,In this strategic goal,We hope that through the expansion of the regional competition + professional,Use of our group/Platform of synergetic competition advantage,When the overall market seize the favorable opportunity.In order to achieve this goal,Our organizational structure/Overall resources guarantee to do some adjustment,Now the business structure is divided into some plate,Have the charge of "study abroad/study/International high school/Consulting abroad, etc.,Have ShaYunLong competent domestic university/English learning/Middle school/McGonagall's/Bubble children etc.,Have LiGuoFu competent administrative/logistics/purchasing/Asset management, etc,And independent into the content and the technical combination of the plate, and so on,Different people in charge of different plates,At the same time produce a resultant force.At the time of the adjustment does not depend on us,But first division according to business logic,And then arrange the most suitable person.


i美股: I us:新东方2012年在管理上提出"以条为主、条块并重"的调整方案,能否具体阐述下?

New Oriental management put forward in 2012"Give priority to with article/Measure to pay equal attention to"The adjustment of the scheme,Can be more concrete?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:新东方现在全国有50多个学校,我们要把平台化的优势发挥出来的话,需要把总部的经验复制到全国去,那就要从制度和架构设计上,全面提升总部的管理和领导水平(条),这样才能够更好得激发地方学校的创新和发展活力(块)。"以条为主、条块并重"就是专业的条上的人发挥更大的作用,让块上的人也发挥作用,互相打配合。这样或许会有些担忧,是不是条上的权利增加了,块上的权利下降了呢?从狭义上来看,貌似是这样,条上的“权利”增加了,但是背后是责任、能力、服务范围的增加;块上的“权利”看似减少了,表现来看是这样,但是他要做的事情、要做的沟通和整合工作责任更大了,因为块上需要更多的协调、更多的资源调配、更多的战术部署,这些都是非常重要的。现在总体上来看,我们的改革是比较成功的。

New Oriental now has more than 50 schools throughout the country,We want to play the advantage of the platform,Need to copy the experience of the headquarters to the country,That is from the system and architecture design,All-round development of the level of management and leadership of the headquarters of the(article),So that can better stimulate the innovation and development of local school(Piece of)."Give priority to with article/Measure to pay equal attention to"Is a professional of the people of the article play a bigger role,Let the people on the block also play a role,Play with each other.So may be some concerns,The article is on the right to increase,Piece on the right down?Judging from narrow sense,Looks like it is,In the article"right"increased,But there is responsibility/Ability to/An increase in service scope;On the block"right"Seem to reduce the,Performance is like this,But he want to do/To do the communication and integration of work responsibility,Because of the need more harmonious/More resources deployment/More tactical deployment,These are very important.Now in general,Our reform is successful.


i美股: I us:新东方近年"标准化、信息化、系统化"的成果如何?未来如何进一步加强和发挥"三化"对新东方发展的作用?

New Oriental school in recent years"standardization/The information/systematic"How the results of?How to further strengthen and play in the future"three"Effect on development of new Oriental?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:三化是一个无止境的动态工作,小到一个流程的处理,也会是业务的变化,而业务发展中,标准会变化,信息会变化,最后系统也得随之发生变化。另外,虽然有动态的变化,但是也有静态的点,我们如何来整合所有的部门,最后产出好的输出结果,比如,新东方有个教务管理部,它在整个三化的结合作用是相对各个项目部而言,是各个项目部的小部门,为各个项目提供课程设置、教学服务等;反过来,各个项目部相对教务而言又是教务管理部的小部门,所有项目的课程体系必须纳入到统一的教务框架体系中去。这样就互为因果,互为部门,我中有你你中有我,这样的结果就是相互的两个部门都产生紧密联系,这就是系统化的一个过程。系统化过程的背后又是标准化的过程,能够把系统化、标准化粘合起来又是信息化的过程,三化有序地结合在一块,不能分割。我们的三化做的比较晚,在员工2万多的时候才开始做,但是进展还不错,蛮顺利的。

Three is a endless dynamic work,Small to a process of processing,Will be changes in the business,And business development,Standard will be change,Information will change,The final system changing, too.In addition,Although there are dynamic changes,But there is also a static point,How can we to integrate all the departments,The final output good output,Such as,New Oriental is a academic affairs management department,It in the combination of the three is relative to all projects,Is each section of the department,Provided the curriculum for each project/Teaching services;In turn,,Various projects department relatively small in terms of academic and educational administration management department,All items of the curriculum system must be unified into the academic frame of system.This reciprocal causation,Each department,I'm to have you in,The result is of the two departments have close connection each other,This is a systematic process.The process of systematic process behind and standardization,Able to systematic/Standardized marry up is the process of informatization,Three orderly combination in one piece,Not divided.Our three makes the comparison of the night,At the time of more than 20000 employees began to do,But progress is good,Quite smoothly.


i美股: I us:新东方有3万多员工,这么多员工,新东方是如何对这些员工进行有效的激励和管理?

New Oriental has more than 30000 employees,So many people,New Oriental is how to carry on the effective incentive for the employees and management?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:大概做三件事。第一件事是让人才在薪酬上具有绝对的竞争力,这是重中之重,可以激发员工无限的战斗力;第二是加大学习和培训,比如目前我们在投资几千万构建新东方的员工知识管理平台,可以让员工有各种各样的学习和培训机会;第三方面比较高的层面,就是文化价值的沟通和培训,新东方今年上半年确立了我们的价值观:诚信负责、真情关爱、好学精进、志高行远。

Should do three things.The first thing is to let people in the absolute competitive salary,This is the most important thing,Can inspire employees of infinite battle effectiveness;The second is more learning and training,Such as at present in our investment tens of constructing new Oriental staff knowledge management platform,Can let employees there are all kinds of learning and training opportunities;The third aspect is higher level,Is the cultural value of communication and training,New Oriental has established our values during the first half of the year:Honesty is responsible for/True love/School years/Chigo do far.


i美股: I us:浑水事件给新东方的启示是什么?

Muddy water events to new Oriental what is enlightenment?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:一是好投资者保持畅通的沟通和交流是非常有必要的;二是加强公司的结构治理、优化流程,能够第一时间对负面进行回击,新东方这次也做到了及时的回应;三是对于公司而言,如果有了负面,团队最重要的还是要做好服务做好产品,这是根本。

A is good investors keep smooth communication and communication is very necessary;Two is to strengthen the governance of the company/Optimize the process,Can be the first time to counter the negative,New Oriental this would be a timely response;Three is for the company,If there is a negative,Team is the most important still is to service well,This is the fundamental.


i美股: I us:能否描述下您心目中新东方最理想的管理是怎样的?

Would you describe the management of the new Oriental school is the most ideal is what kind of?


陈向东: ChenXiangDong:新东方的管理干部大多都是从当年的大班教师中提起来的,都很可爱、有梦想、有追求,我们今天面临细分与差异化的竞争格局下,除了在理想人文等,迫切需要更加精细的管理,所以需要大家在精细管理上下功夫。第二,现在我们提新东方的领导力模型,领导力更重要的是帮助同事取得成功才是真正的成功,能征善战不是以牺牲别的部门利益、资源和以不畅通的合作为代价的。第三,目前我们的管理模式是不是最好的?现在还不错,但这是个动态优化的过程,企业只要发展,他的组织架构和分工是不断变化的。一个优秀的企业,不在于人的变化而架构和根基也变化了,而在于人变化了,架构和根基是不变的。

New Oriental's management cadre mostly from mentioned in class the teacher of the year,Are very cute/Have a dream/There is the pursuit of,Under the division and differentiation in the pattern of competition we are facing today,In addition to the ideal human, etc,The management of the urgent need to be more careful,So I need you in fine management fluctuation kongfu.The second,Now we ask new Oriental leadership model,Leadership is more important is to help colleagues to success is the real success,Can not edgy competitiveness at the expense of other departments/The cost of resources and not to smooth cooperation.The third,Our management mode is the best?Now is good,But this is a process of dynamic optimization,As long as the development of the enterprise,He's organizational structure and division of labor is constantly changing.A good enterprise,Is not the change of the people but also changes in the structure and foundation,But in the change a person,Is the same structure and foundation.
