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黑幼儿园校车落水致11幼童殒命 7座车载15学生--亲稳网络舆情监控室
新京报讯 昨日9时许,贵溪市滨江镇洪塘村一载有15名幼儿园学生的7座面包车侧翻坠入水塘,当场致3人死亡,12人送医抢救。江西鹰潭市政府新闻办称,截至昨日17时30分,送医的8名儿童抢救无效死亡,此次事故遇难儿童升至11人。另有4名仍在医院救治,已脱离危险。
Beijing news yesterday at about 9,Help of riverside town hong tang village a contains 15 kindergarten students seven minibuses side tumbling fall pond,To three people died on the spot,12 people send medical rescue.Jiangxi city government information office said,Till yesterday and 30 points,Hospital of eight children rescue invalid death,The accident killed children to 11 people.Another four is still in the hospital,Already out of danger.
According to media reports,Car accident in addition to the driver and a teacher,All were rescued.The cause of the accident is the driver was driving fast,Improper operation,In order to avoid the park road of agricultural vehicles and on the sand,Slide pool.And picking up children van of the kindergarten,Without examination and approval.
司机即幼儿园园长 The driver is "kindergarten director
According to media reports,Accident of changan van plates for jiangxi LP2689,Licenses are complete,The car for 7,The driver called PengChunE,The principal is the kindergarten.Transport is the child of riverside town sands village lake PengGu team a call spring buds kindergarten students,These children are kindergarten class/Night./Small class students,Aged 4 to 6 years old.
Local villagers Mr Roh 5 year old nephew,Killed in the accident.yesterday,He told the Beijing news reporters,The kindergarten is run by the teacher on the van and driver.The kindergarten students basic from the surrounding villages.Mr Roh said,They pay the kindergarten 6700 yuan every month,Kindergarten is responsible for providing lunch and picking up in the morning and evening.
According to CCTV reported nets,The villagers XuYouZhen said,No suspension posted in the school bus on weekdays of van has been driven by the principal PengChunE himself,At 9 am and 5 PM every day she will be picking up the children adding and dropping classes regularly,Although the vehicle should be 7,But in order to save the cost,Will only make a dozen children crowded in a car.XuYouZhen choked told reporters,Originally next door in the village of four children won't stand in the traffic accident,Get on the car just can have a seat in advance.
The other to understand,This kindergarten has four classes,126 students.
肇事司机被警方控制 The driver was control by the police
At present,,Driver has been the police control.The child's family members also has arrived in the hospital,Consultation for work.
The dead LuYu's father said,About today,Vice governor of jiangxi province a standing parents come to see the children,Also issue the condolatory gold.Parents demand province set up the team,Given a separate survey report.The vice governor promised to the requirements of you.Up to now,Negotiating is not just compensation.
讲述 about
“拉上来时小孩已冻硬了” "Up when the child has been frozen"
yesterday,Mr Roh's wife ms zhou told the Beijing news reporter interview,Yesterday in the morning,The local temperature 1-2 degrees Celsius below zero,When she was out for a walk, to hear the noise.
"Was surrounded by hundreds of people are near the pond",Ms zhou said,She saw many villagers questioned fished in the pond,Who is that child fell down.But after a while and remove one,After a while to remove a again.Floating on the water with the children's school bags.
When get to the third,She was wrong,Busy to ask people around them:"How so many children fall?"Tell those around her,Dropped down the van in the kindergarten.
Ms zhou brain a blank.Her nephew also on the car.
Around a man crying:"My son hasn't come up,My son hasn't come up."
More and more villagers to salvage,Fire police open car came also.
"Everyone has been remove the staff,Still not see my nephew."Ms zhou said,The fire and the public security came after,Began to pull on the rope tied to the van to the bank.
But near the shore,The rope suddenly broken,Van and sank into the water.
Changed a rope,Pull up again,Finally, to shore.
"Up the car is empty,Still don't have my nephew."
At this time,The firemen began pumping.After more than two hours,Her nephew found it,The last one.
She said:"Pull up,Have been frozen,Face is blue."
"A son go don't come back"
Local children's home village children's Mr. After that her son died,His mouth have been muttered"A go don't come back".His son 5 years old this year,Has set up a file in the kindergarten school two semesters.
Ms zhou is described,Traffic accident rushed into the pond,With the local playground.There are media reports,Pool depth of 3 to 4 meters,Area of more than 10 acres.
Ms zhou said,Van driving when the accident,Reservoirs should be at the left side of the car.The right side of the car is a small river.She saw on the edge of the pond cement road,There is a width of about 1 m,About a foot deep pit,"Someone in the sand pit on the shop".
Tong said Mr.,"The side of the road there was no fence".
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校车不得以任何理由超员 The school bus indicated one with any reason
On November 16, 2011,Is rather an overloaded kindergarten school bus in gansu province,Collided head-on with a truck,Killed 21 people(The children 19 people)/43 people were injured.On December 12, 2011,Xuzhou in jiangsu province good ShouXianZhen elementary school in the center of the side of a primary school bus turned to 15 death and injury.By the end of last year at the beginning of this year,Other place also for school bus accident.
On March 28, 2012,Standing under the state council meeting presided over by premier wen jiabao,Through the review and principles[The school bus safety management regulations(The draft)].
[The school bus safety management regulations]On April 10, and effective.[regulations]Provisions of the,Forbidden to be used without a school bus sign of vehicles to provide school bus service.The number of school bus manned shall not exceed the approved,Indicated one with any reason.The school and the school bus service provider shall not require the school bus driver indicated one/Speeding the school bus.
本版采写(除署名外)/新京报记者 李超 实习生 杨锋
This board selects(In addition to the signature)/ lie color interns YangFeng Beijing news reporters
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