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广东异地高考政策出台 要求在粤定居3年有学籍--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  原标题 [广东异地高考政策出台] The original title [guangdong foreign policy of the university entrance exam]

  今天消息 Today's news

  2013年起分步实施,2014年起可借考,2016年起可在广东录取 Implementing since 2013,JieKao, available since 2014,In guangdong, available since 2016

  要求在粤稳定居留3年,考生有3年完整学籍 各地异地中考政策2013年3月底前出台 Requirements in guangdong stable residence for 3 years,Students complete examination of foreign policy throughout the university three years before the end of March 2013

  羊城晚报讯 记者林世宁,通讯员粤考宣报道:今天上午,广东省异地高考政策正式向社会公布,广东从2013年开始分步实施随迁子女就地升学考试,2014年起符合条件的考生可在广东借考,2016年起可在广东参加录取。作为异地高考的重要配套政策,各地市异地中考政策将于明年3月底前出台。

Yang cheng evening news reporter LinShiNing,Correspondent yue xuan test report:This morning,Guangdong foreign policy of the university entrance exam formally announced to the public,Guangdong since 2013 implementing SuiQian children entrance examination on the spot,Since 2014 eligible candidates can JieKao in guangdong,In guangdong, available since 2016, to participate in the acceptance.As an important supporting policies of different college entrance examination,Different places around the city mid-term exam policy will be issued before the end of march next year.


According to the provincial people's government office[Forward guangdong provincial departments concerning SuiQian migrant workers children to receive compulsory education in our province to participate in the entrance examination after work on notice](Hereinafter referred to as the[notice])The requirements of the,guangdong"Different college entrance examination"Policy will be separated into three steps


The first step,Since 2013,,By integral door in our province of foreign workers/High skill talented person,Their SuiQian children from entering a fixed number of year/Learn fixed number of year, etc,Can be enrolled in the university entrance exam in our province,And can be equal to door to census register in our province examinee admitted;


The second step,Since 2014,,The county(The city/area)Approved by the competent department of the people's government in our province has a stable legal profession/Stability and legal residence and continuous 3 years hold a residence permit in our province/According to the provisions of the state in our province to participate in social insurance of 3 years or above of the migrant workers,The SuiQian children with complete secondary school three years of the university in our province,Can be in our province enrolled in secondary vocational school graduates of higher vocational college admissions test,And can be equal to our province census register examinee admitted.


At last,Since 2016,,The county(The city/area)Approved by the competent department of the people's government in our province has a stable legal profession/Stability and legal residence and continuous 3 years hold a residence permit in our province/According to the provisions of the state in our province to participate in social insurance of 3 years or above of the migrant workers,The SuiQian children in our province to participate in the tests and employment in the parents city has complete high school three years of the university,Can be enrolled in the university entrance exam in our province,And can be equal to our province census register examinee admitted.


For temporary is not in conformity with the register condition in our province the SuiQian migrant workers children,[notice]Pointed out that,Since 2014,,Consent of census register seat the admissions office at the provincial level,Can be in our province JieKao,But must be returned to the household registration of the province(The city)To admit.


For the qualification cognizance of the SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination,[notice]clear,By the education department responsible for SuiQian children in continuous fixed number of year of the school and university in our province audit;Public security department is responsible for migrant workers residence audit.Human resources and social security department is responsible for migrant workers stable jobs and attend social insurance of audit;Housing urban and rural construction department shall, jointly with the public security department in charge of the children of migrant workers and their SuiQian legal domicile in audit.


[notice]Requires all level in the people's government shall, in accordance with the provisions of the state,According to the local city especially education resources carrying capacity,To complete the junior middle school three years in the local of the university SuiQian children,Reasonable SuiQian children of tests in the local access conditions,Adjust measures to local conditions for SuiQian children take part in an examination of the specific methods of entrance examination,Submitted to the provincial education department at the end of March 2013,And started in 2013.

  京沪粤进展: Shanghai yue progress:

   上海敲定异地高考方案:家长须持居住证A证 Shanghai finalize other college entrance examination, parents must hold A residence permit card

   北京异地高考条件:要有五证 需有稳定住所

Beijing beyond the college entrance examination:There should be 5 evidence should be stable residence

  广东出台异地高考方案 不符合报考条件的可借考

Guangdong on different solution does not meet the requirements for the enter oneself for an examination of the university entrance exam JieKao


其他各省市进展: Other provinces and cities:


Shenzhen issued 2013 college entrance examination JieKao notice:Different college entrance examination hopeless

  黑龙江启动异地高考报名 已189名考生符合条件

Heilongjiang start other 189 examinee college entrance examination enrollment is qualified


Chongqing don't allow other candidates and census register examinee JieKao in strange land


Anhui foreign ZhongGaoKao scheme of candidates do not set the threshold

  江西异地高考方案后年实施 外省户籍仍回原籍

Jiangxi college entrance examination in a strange city my clother procure me scheme year provincial census register is still an ancestral home


Liaoning implement different college entrance examination at the earliest time to wait until 2014


Hunan foreign policy of the university entrance exam:Census register conflict with status is given priority to with status


15 what issued before the end of the different rules in the college entrance examination


 专题报道: Project report:《异地高考“破冰之旅”倒计时》

[Different college entrance examination"Ice trip"The countdown]
