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In August of this year,4 ministries and commissions under the state council on forwarding the ministry of education, etc[Preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children accept compulsory education in local entrance exam after work],Required by the end of the year,Come around"Different college entrance examination"Specific policy,The Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou three concern.yesterday,In the distance the deadline less than two days,Beijing announced SuiQian children entrance examination work plan.Since 2014,,SuiQian children can take part in the higher vocational school enrollment,Or choose JieKao the university entrance exam in Beijing.

  (一) (a)


Since 2013,,All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,A stable and legal residence,Legal stable career has been full booked for 3 years,Successive pay social insurance in Beijing has reached the age of 3 years,The SuiQian children with the city and the university has set up a file in the Beijing continuous read the junior middle school three year study life,Can attend the exam of Beijing municipal secondary vocational schools.The students from rural areas and agriculture etc in conformity with the stipulations in the relevant professional students who study enjoy free education for municipal secondary vocational education and the state grants policy.Students from such as vocational school after graduation,Can be in accordance with the relevant provisions in the enrollment of higher vocational schools.

  (二) (The second)


Since 2014,,All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,A stable and legal residence,Legal stable career has been full booked in 6 years,Successive pay social insurance in Beijing has reached the age of 6 years,The SuiQian children with the city and the university has set up a file in the Beijing high school stage education three consecutive years learning fixed number of year,Can attend the exam of higher vocational school in Beijing.Students from higher vocational school after graduation,May participate in the outstanding graduates into undergraduate study recommend and enrollment.

  (三) (three)


Since 2014,,All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,Legally stable occupation and stable legal residence,The SuiQian children with the city and the university has set up a file in the Beijing high school stage education three consecutive years learning fixed number of year,Can choose JieKao the university entrance exam in Beijing.Beijing related documents according to the ministry of education,With students household province consent to provide students with the university entrance exam of literacy class in Beijing JieKao service,Students back to census register of the province in the enrollment of colleges and universities.

  (四) (four)


All the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,The SuiQian children all can, in accordance with the relevant regulations,Beijing and census register students equal treatment for adult higher education/Higher education self-study exam/Network of higher education/The Open University's enrollment.

  回应 In response to


yesterday,The Beijing municipal education commission official micro bo"Why only allowed SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination, secondary and higher vocational"Of the doubt.Micro bo said in,Beijing will be introduced to research SuiQian children entrance examination method,For in 2013,Began in 2014.In new measures shall be formulated in SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination of average high school and undergraduate course education related measures.Interim measures is to give students increase an entrance examination way.In addition,2013 Beijing SuiQian children entrance examination method in Beijing issued before the transition of measures and introduced the parallel implementation of the new measures will be three years.

  政策 policy

  方案只是过渡具体办法明年出台 Scheme is transition specific measures for the next year


The Beijing municipal education commission said,After well SuiQian children accept compulsory education in local work in entrance examination,Is not only a education reform,It is a related employment/housing/Social security/The public service/The population management, and many other aspects of the comprehensive reform,Is a complex social system project.Due to the policy system needs further innovation and perfect,All relevant work need to be prepared and refined,Beijing set up a new system prior to the implementation of the transition,Adhere to the overall consideration/Distribution of the implementation of the.


Beijing will be according to the urban function/Industrial structure layout and city resources bearing capacity,In further perfecting the service management system on the basis of the migrant workers,Get hold of the research has linked with the SuiQian children entrance examination methods,And strive for in 2013,Qualified SuiQian children can be in Beijing to attend the tests/The university entrance exam.Municipal education commission said,New measures will be implemented in 2014,Will be prescribed SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination of average high school and undergraduate course education of related measures.The transition measures announced,Allow SuiQian children enter oneself for an examination secondary and higher vocational colleges is to examinee increased a entrance examination way.In addition,This transition measures and 2013 on the new measures will be parallel implementation of the three years.

  保证本地高考录取比例不受影响 Ensure that local college entrance examination enrollment ratio shall not be affected


Municipal education committee is introduced,In the[scheme]Formulated in the three aspects of the full consideration of the factors:One is to adapt to urban economic and social resources,To consider the city function/Industrial structure layout and city resources carrying capacity;The second is combined with the conditions of the student's parents,To think about migrant workers in the local legal stable career/Stability and legal residence(Of the lease)And attend social insurance in accordance with state regulations, fixed number of year, and so on;Three is to consider SuiQian children in local fixed number of year of the continuous education, and so on.


At the same time,To overall consideration of census register population and the population of the rights and interests,As far as possible by increasing the education resources to alleviate the pressure of the entrance,To ensure migrant workers fair SuiQian children accept education rights and Beijing proportion tests is admitted to the university entrance exam is not affected.


It is understood,Beijing has always attached great importance to migrant workers SuiQian children accept education problems,Adhere to the"Give priority to with defined,Give priority to with public school reception"the"The two main"The principle of,The SuiQian children accept education work uniformly by the financial budget of the investment and education career development plan shall be guaranteed.


According to statistics,In 2012,,Beijing - Beijing household register 419000 students compulsory education stage,About 40.9% of the whole city compulsory education students,SuiQian children enter the public school to study the proportion of 74.7%.The municipal financial investment more than 1 billion yuan every year,Used for equal protection SuiQian children to receive compulsory education.

  平衡各方利益难度很大 Balance the interests of all parties is very difficult


Beijing SuiQian children entrance examination policy what difficult problem?


Well SuiQian children entrance examination work faced many problems in Beijing.


One is to properly handle the population and resources/The contradiction between environment.At present,,More than 2000 permanent residents in the city,Has far beyond the overall planning of the 2003 official reply of the state council put forward to the 2020 Beijing population control in the control target of 18 million people,Rapid population growth at the same time bring traffic congestion/Problems such as environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious,From the deep level restricts the sustainable development of Beijing.


2 it is to properly handle the contradiction between supply and demand at all levels of education resources.Since last year SuiQian peak peak and the city census register population of school-age children,By the year 2014,Total in the primary school students will increase from the current about 680000 people to 840000 people left and right sides,After a few years will be a sustained growth trend.


3 it is to need to overall consideration Beijing students interests and non - Beijing students entrance examination.The general office of the state council[opinion]Put forward"Local college entrance examination admission proportion not in accord with conditions of SuiQian children attend the local college entrance examination and affected",But owing to the objective limitations of education resources and the current course system,How to effectively balance the Beijing students study interests of students and Beijing,Very difficult.

  方案明确路线图时间表 Plan clear roadmap schedule


The next step will be how to promote Beijing SuiQian children entrance examination scheme to carry out the work?


The Beijing municipal education commission and so on four departments will develop[SuiQian migrant workers children accept compulsory education entrance exam in Beijing after work]Clear the guiding ideology and the work principle of the work,Put forward the schedule and route.


The recruitment of students test of Beijing committee is responsible for the coordination of the ministry of education and other departments and the provinces of the recruitment of students test department.The city/District two levels of education department to strengthen the construction of electronic registration management system of primary and secondary schools,Timely release SuiQian children in Beijing to attend the tests/College entrance examination of the specific measures for registration and enrollment and procedure,Jointly with relevant departments examinee registration organization/Examination and enrollment, etc.


Public security department to provide in time the children of migrant workers and their SuiQian living registration, etc;Human social security/Industry and commerce/Towns and tax departments and so on(Street agency)Will be in accordance with the duties for migrant workers to provide proof of stability of legal profession and payment of social insurance certificate;Living building department and floating population management organization will improve migrant workers legal stable residence registration and management system and provide the corresponding proof.

  升学考试提供多元服务 Entrance examination with multiple services


Recently a transitional entrance examination method,What are the measures studying for SuiQian children in Beijing?


In Beijing on SuiQian children in Beijing before entrance examination measures and new methods after three years,In order to facilitate SuiQian children entrance exam in Beijing,By providing a variety of services,For SuiQian children choose entrance examination in Beijing to provide opportunity.


Qualified SuiQian children can choose to attend the exam of secondary vocational school in Beijing/The enrollment of higher vocational schools, as well as the Open University/Network of higher education/Higher education self-study exam/Beijing adult,College entrance examination enrollment, etc.At the same time, Beijing related documents according to the ministry of education/After the students agree with household province to provide students with the university entrance exam of literacy class in Beijing JieKao service.

  解读 reading

  工程复杂需要有过渡期 Engineering complex need a transition period

  问: q:本市随迁子女升学考试工作为什么要设过渡期?

The city SuiQian children entrance examination work why a transitional period?

  答: answer:一是由于随迁子女升学考试工作是一项综合改革和系统工程,必须进行综合配套的制度设计。在进一步完善本市进城务工人员服务管理制度的基础上,根据进城务工人员的就业、居住、社保等综合因素,明确其随迁子女在京参加升学考试的资格条件和先后顺序,争取在明年出台与之相挂钩的升学考试办法,建立起常态化长效机制。

One is because SuiQian children entrance examination work is a comprehensive reform and system engineering,Must be comprehensive design of the system.In further perfecting the city service management system on the basis of the migrant workers,According to the employment of migrant workers/live/Social security and other comprehensive factors,Clear the SuiQian children in Beijing to take part in the entrance examination qualifications and order,For the next year out and the way to tie the entrance examination,Establish normal of long-term mechanism.


The second is the preparation and construction of education resources needs to be improved/The construction of/Equipped with the cycle of.Even if not consider SuiQian children entrance examination policy brought about by the new entrance requirements,Only in accordance with the"Eleventh five-year plan"During our permanent population growth forecast analysis,By the year 2020,The city primary school need to be added 300000 degree,Junior middle school stage needs to be added 115000 degree;And after the implementation of the New Deal brought about by the incremental demand,The education resources construction in the city more arduous task.


Three is the support of the relevant departments to carry out work conditions need to construction and perfect.Especially the standard clearly/Conditions of audit/Database management and docking the aspects of the work,Need to education/Human social security/Housing construction/Public security cooperation, and other departments,With the fine service and management,For SuiQian children in Beijing to attend the entrance exam to provide fair/public/Fair management platform.It needs a working process.(Zhang ling)

  京沪粤进展: Shanghai yue progress:

   上海敲定异地高考方案:家长须持居住证A证 Shanghai finalize other college entrance examination, parents must hold A residence permit card

   北京异地高考条件:要有五证 需有稳定住所 Beijing beyond the college entrance examination:There should be 5 evidence should be stable residence

   广东出台异地高考方案 不符合报考条件的可借考 Guangdong on different solution does not meet the requirements for the enter oneself for an examination of the university entrance exam JieKao


其他各省市进展: Other provinces and cities:


Shenzhen issued 2013 college entrance examination JieKao notice:Different college entrance examination hopeless

  黑龙江启动异地高考报名 已189名考生符合条件

Heilongjiang start other 189 examinee college entrance examination enrollment is qualified


Chongqing don't allow other candidates and census register examinee JieKao in strange land


Anhui foreign ZhongGaoKao scheme of candidates do not set the threshold

  江西异地高考方案后年实施 外省户籍仍回原籍

Jiangxi college entrance examination in a strange city my clother procure me scheme year provincial census register is still an ancestral home


Liaoning implement different college entrance examination at the earliest time to wait until 2014


Hunan foreign policy of the university entrance exam:Census register conflict with status is given priority to with status

  特别报道: Special report:

  《异地高考破冰倒计时》 [Different college entrance examination ice countdown]


In published scheme in the province,heilongjiang/anhui/chongqing/hebei/hunan/jilin/liaoning/Zhejiang 8 provinces and cities will be officially implemented different college entrance examination in 2013,And Shanghai/shandong/fujian/Jiangxi four provinces will be started in 2014.Compared with other provinces,Shanghai yue of different college entrance examination"The threshold"Significantly higher.Among them,Beijing and guangdong……[详细 detailed]

