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上海异地高考方案:挂钩居住证 后年可高考--亲稳网络舆情监测室


[Migrant workers SuiQian children accept compulsory education after work in Shanghai to attend the entrance exam]30 promulgated by,Shanghai will implement and in 2014[Measures for the administration of Shanghai residence permit]Connected to the migrant workers SuiQian children accept compulsory education in Shanghai after entrance examination of the specific scheme,When qualified SuiQian children can attend in Shanghai corresponding obligation education after the entrance exam.


Scheme is put forward,"Establish a sound management system of Shanghai residence permit,On this basis,Provide a gradient of public service,Pushed forward SuiQian migrant workers children accept compulsory education entrance examination after work".


It is reported,[Measures for the administration of Shanghai residence permit]Has set up a file for the social public opinion,Stay and measures for the administration of the relevant state full cohesion promulgated after the implementation.


Scheme is clear,and[Measures for the administration of Shanghai residence permit]connected,Migrant workers conforming to the provisions of the management system of migrant workers in Shanghai basic requirements and reach a certain point,Their children can participate in the recruitment of students test high school school in Shanghai,Accept high school education,Including ordinary high school education or secondary vocational education;Their children in Shanghai to participate in the recruitment of students test high school school and finish high school after complete learning experience,To participate in the recruitment of students test of common colleges and universities in Shanghai.


Migrant workers conforming to the provisions of the management system of migrant workers in Shanghai basic requirements,Their children in the independent recruitment of students test of full-time secondary vocational school in Shanghai,Accept full-time secondary vocational education,including"Be well versed in vocational training mode"Professional education;Their children in Shanghai to attend full-time secondary vocational schools and complete autonomous enrolment full-time secondary vocational education after complete learning experience,Can attend Shanghai higher vocational school the recruitment of students test independently;Autonomous enrolment for their children to attend full-time higher vocational schools and vocational education complete after learning experience,Can rise to the recruitment of students test of common colleges and universities in Shanghai.


Fails to meet the recruitment conditions of common colleges and universities in Shanghai SuiQian migrant workers children,To the ministry of education issued the relevant documents/The students of census register of the province/area/With the approval of the city,To participate in the recruitment of students test of common colleges and universities in Shanghai JieKao,By the census register of the province/area/The admissions.

  据了解,上海自2002年起已实施人才引进居住证制度,持有人才类《上海市居住证》人员子女等进城务工人员随迁子女可以在上海参加中、高考;上海从2008年开始中等职校开放招收随迁子女,随迁子女中职毕业时可以同沪籍中职学生一样参加上海市高职自主招生。2013年,上述政策仍将继续实施。与此同时,在2012年探索实验的基础上,2013年将正式推出随迁子女参与“中高职贯通培养模式”的自主招生。(记者 仇逸 俞菀)

It is understood,Shanghai since 2002 have been implemented talent introduction residence permit system,A talent of[Shanghai residence permit]SuiQian migrant workers children such as children who can attend in Shanghai/The university entrance exam;Shanghai begin from 2008 secondary schools open recruit SuiQian children,SuiQian children when they graduate from secondary can be the same as Shanghai nationality secondary students to participate in the Shanghai vocational autonomous enrolment.In 2013,,The policy will continue to implement.At the same time,In 2012 to explore the basis of experiment,Will be officially launched in 2013 SuiQian children involved"Be well versed in vocational training mode"The autonomous enrolment.(The reporter QiuYi yu wan)


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广东:分三步四年实现就地高考 guangdong:Three steps to realize four years on the university entrance exam

  新华社广州12月30日电(记者 郑天虹 张建华)广东30日公布异地高考政策,根据城市承载能力,于2013年、2014年、2016年为三个时间节点,分步骤分层次解决外来务工人员随迁子女在广东高考的问题,并同步要求各地市于2013年3月前出台异地中考政策,并于当年开始实施。

Xinhua guangzhou on December 30 report(The reporter ZhengTianHong ZhangJianHua)Guangdong 30 promulgated by the foreign policy of the university entrance exam,According to the carrying capacity of cities,In 2013,/In 2014,/In 2016 for the three time node,Step layered solve migrant workers SuiQian children in guangdong college entrance examination questions,And synchronization requirements issued by march around the city in 2013 different tests,And in the same year started.


Guangdong provincial department of education/Provincial development and reform commission/The provincial public security/Provincial bureau of people club/Save lives built hall and other departments after months of investigation with novelty,Many times solicit opinions from all walks of life,Introduced guangdong foreign college entrance examination.Scheme three steps to implement:Since 2013,,In guangdong integral door of other workers/Children of the talent of high technical ability"Zero threshold"To participate in college entrance examination;


Since 2014,,A stable legal professional/Residence and continuous 3 years have residence permit in guangdong province,Attend social insurance according to the provisions of the state in guangdong accumulated more than 3 years of migrant workers,The SuiQian children in guangdong secondary school complete with three years of the university,Can attend secondary to enter oneself for an examination to the exam,And guangdong examinee admitted to equal;


Since 2016,,A stable legal professional/Residence and continuous 3 years have residence permit in guangdong province,Attend social insurance according to the provisions of the state in guangdong accumulated more than 3 years of migrant workers,The SuiQian children in guangdong for tests and complete high school 3 years of the university,Can enter the university entrance exam,And guangdong examinee admitted to equal.


To enter oneself for an examination in guangdong is not in conformity with the conditions of migrant workers SuiQian children,Since 2014,,Consent of census register seat the admissions office at the provincial level,Can be in guangdong JieKao,But must be returned to the household registration of the province(The city)To admit.


Plan also requires all over guangdong listed on a local level in order to complete 3 years junior high school of the university SuiQian children,According to the local city resources carrying capacity,In March 2013 formulate SuiQian children different ground tests before the implementation of the measures,And started in 2013.


The scheme by guangdong provincial department of education/Provincial development and reform commission/The provincial public security/Provincial bureau of people club/Save lives built hall and other departments after months of investigation with novelty,And solicit opinions from all walks of life and jointly establish many times.


Guangdong provincial department of education concerns chief introduction,Chose the implementing scheme,The decision is according to the actual situation of guangdong province.Guangdong solve the different problem exists four problems in the college entrance examination:One is SuiQian many children,Education resources carrying capacity.Guangdong is expected to more than 200000 each year SuiQian children enter high school,And more than 80% focused on the pearl river delta region,According to current students,Only in the pearl river delta will increase at least more than 200 junior and senior high school,Add all kinds of land needed for school/The teachers/Investment, etc,Guangdong is unbearable;


2 is the existing high-quality university, especially high-level university in guangdong recruitment plan to meet the needs of the guangdong college entrance examination of surge;


3 it is rapid population expansion will impact future development in guangdong province.At present,,Guangdong permanent population, 120 million,With a population of 30.97 million;Permanent population and census register population are the first in the country;


Four is the guangdong education equalization process.Urban and rural education development is not balanced is major problems existing in the process of education development in guangdong,If the unconditional release SuiQian children in guangdong entrance examination conditions,Will be to the guangdong education equalization construction impact and influence.


(Source: Beijing daily)
