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随迁子女在京升学出方案 2014年可参加高职考试--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  原标题 [随迁子女在京升学方案 2014年可参加高职考试] The original title [SuiQian children study in Beijing in 2014 to participate in the scheme can be higher vocational test]

  本报讯(记者 赵颖彦)备受关注的北京市随迁子女在京升学考试工作方案今天正式出台。

Report from our correspondent(Reporter ZhaoYingYan)Beijing SuiQian children of concern in the eleven-plus work plan today formally issued.


Reporters from the city education commission was informed that this morning,2013 conforms to the related condition SuiQian children can participate in secondary vocational school enrollment;2014 conforms to the related condition SuiQian children can participate in the higher vocational school enrollment.

  长效方案争取2013年出台 Long-term plan for 2013 issued


According to the statistics,At present,In the city compulsory education stage in SuiQian children reach 419000,Accounted for 40.9% of the total number of students,At the same time, more than 74.7% of the SuiQian children enrolled in public schools.


The reporter understands,The municipal education commission/The municipal development and reform commission/City human resources social security bureau/The municipal public security bureau and other departments of the set[Migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in Beijing to take part in the eleven-plus work plan](Hereinafter referred to as[scheme])Has already issued.


SuiQian children eleven-plus work,Not only is a education reform,Also related to employment/housing/Social security/The public service/Population management, and many other aspects of the comprehensive reform,Is a complicated social system engineering.


so,According to the capital city function orientation/Distribution of industry structure and urban resources carrying capacity,In further perfecting the rural migrant workers in the city on the basis of service management system,According to the obtain employment of personnel of migrant workers/live/Social security/Family planning, and other comprehensive factors,Clear the SuiQian children in Beijing to take part in the entrance exam qualification conditions and order.


According to,Beijing will strive for in 2013 on the link SuiQian children eleven-plus way,Establishes conforms to the conditions of the SuiQian children in Beijing to take part in the entrance examination of long-term mechanism.

  长效方案出台前将设置“过渡期” Long-term to come before the Settings"transition"


Because of the policy system need to be further perfected,And refining,Beijing set up new system prior to the implementation of the transition period.Transition time period for SuiQian on children in the eleven-plus measures before and after the release of a new way to three years.


Municipal education commission introduces,Is set"transition",In addition to SuiQian children eleven-plus is a social engineering,But also because education resources of preparation and construction planning needs to be improved/Construction began/Equipped with facilities such as work cycle.According to the analysis,Even if they do not consider SuiQian children eleven-plus policy brought about by the new entrance requirements,Only according to"11th five-year plan"The city during the permanent population growth forecast analysis,By 2020,The city primary school need to add 300000 degree,The junior middle school stage need to add 115000 degree;Add new policy was implemented brought about by the incremental demand,The construction of the city education resources more difficult task.


In addition,The relevant departments of the work supporting conditions also need to construction and perfect is also set up"transition"Consideration of.To ensure SuiQian children eleven-plus policy fall to the ground,In addition to the construction of education resources outside,The relevant departments of the construction of supporting conditions is also necessary.Especially the standard clearly/Condition audit/Database management and butt, etc,Need education/Human social security/Housing construction/The public security and other departments of the cooperation,With fine service and management,For SuiQian children in Beijing to take part in the entrance exams provide fair/public/Fair management platform.

  2014年可参加高职考试 2014 can attend vocational test


According to the transition policy,Since 2013,All migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,Have a legal stable residence,Legal stable occupation has full 3 years,In the continuous pay society insurance already full 3 years,The city SuiQian children have school in this city and has continuous study junior middle school three years of the period of schooling,Can participate in the secondary vocational school enrollment.Students after graduation from a vocational school, etc,Can be in accordance with the relevant regulations, to participate in the higher vocational school enrollment.


At the same time,Since 2014,All migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,Have a legal stable residence,Legal stable occupation is full already 6 years,In the continuous pay society insurance already full 6 years,The city SuiQian children have student and has set up a file in the Beijing high school education in continuous 3 years of the period of schooling,Can be in Beijing to participate in the higher vocational school enrollment.


Students from higher vocational school after graduation,Can join outstanding graduates to study undergraduate course paragraph recommended and exam admission.


Municipal education commission officials say,The reason for students of education have provisions,Main consideration this city junior high school and high school education are 3 years,Shall accept complete junior high school education and high school education of the children SuiQian provide selection in Beijing to take part in the eleven-plus opportunity.According to introducing,SuiQian children eleven-plus policy adjustment is the starting point for migrant workers SuiQian children with eleven-plus service,A parent must be strictly social and professional life requirements,At the same time is also in order to prevent"College entrance examination immigrant".

  北京随迁子女升学考试方案解读 Beijing SuiQian children eleven-plus scheme interpretation

  1. 本市制订随迁子女升学考试方案的依据是什么? 1. The city develop SuiQian children eleven-plus scheme based on what is it?


Main basis in August 2012, the general office of the state council department of the ministry of education and other forward[The preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in local after in the entrance exam work opinion notice].


Requires all scheme"In principle, should be in 2012 issued by the end of the year";Considering Beijing/Shanghai population into concentrated area work particularity,Put forward:"To further understanding base number,Master the local census register population change and SuiQian children's schooling, etc,To establish and perfect the management system of rural migrant workers,The children set out SuiQian eleven-plus solutions."

  2.制订随迁子女升学考试政策考虑的因素是什么? 2. Make SuiQian children eleven-plus policy consideration factor is what?


One is with the city's economic social resources to adapt;The second is the condition with the parents of the students combination,To consider the migrant workers in the local legal stable occupation/Stable legal residence(Including leasing)And according to the provisions of the state to participate in social insurance life, etc;The third is to consider SuiQian children at a local school of continuous, etc.

  3.北京制订随迁子女升学考试方案的指导思想是什么? 3. Beijing SuiQian for children eleven-plus scheme is the guideline of the???????


One is to adhere to the people-oriented/Promote fair.For many years,Migrant workers in Beijing in the construction and development has made important contributions,Municipal government attaches great importance to migrant workers SuiQian children education work,Adhere to the"Give priority to with defined the,In public school receive give priority to"of"Two is"principle,The SuiQian children accept education work unified into the fiscal budget input and education career development plan shall be safeguarded.


At present,In the city compulsory education stage in SuiQian children reach 419000,Accounted for 40.9% of the total number of students,At the same time, more than 74.7% of the SuiQian children enrolled in public schools.


The second is to stick to the active and steady/Whole advancement.SuiQian children eleven-plus work,Not a single education reform,Is a system of social management engineering,Domino.Should give full consideration to Beijing as an extra large city of the population/resources/The bearing capacity of the environment education and public service supply capacity,Overall planning the development of education of all types and at all levels,Coordination promote employment/housing/population/Social security/Student status and social management service system construction,Innovation social management,Raises the service level.


Three is to stick to overall consideration/Implement step by step.Beijing central Beijing resident population by more than 700 population,The system of social management gradually from the household register population primarily to cover the resident population change,With the corresponding public service system are also improved step by step.To overall consideration of census register population and the population census register of rights,As far as possible, by increasing the education resources to ease pressures upon their schoolwork,To ensure migrant workers SuiQian children accept education rights and fair Beijing college entrance examination admission examination proportion is not affected.

  4. 本市制订随迁子女升学考试工作方案开展了哪些工作? 4. The city develop SuiQian children eleven-plus work plan to carry out what kind of work does the?


Municipal government to set up a special working group and research team,The organization carries out the work of obtain employment of personnel of Beijing/Social security/Live and learn SuiQian children such as the baseline survey,Listen to the experts and scholars/Social people/The principal/The education department/National People's Congress/The opinions and proposals of the political consultative conference (CPPCC),Through the network/The newspaper/Parents JieFang a variety of ways such as public opinion fully understand.


On the basis of,Municipal education commission/The municipal development and reform commission/City human resources social security bureau/The municipal public security bureau for the study[Migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in Beijing to take part in the eleven-plus work plan].

  5.北京制订随迁子女升学考试政策有哪些难点问题? 5. Beijing make SuiQian children eleven-plus policy what difficult problem?


One is the need to cope with population and resources/Environmental contradictions.At present,This city permanent population of more than 2000,The state council has far more than 2003 years the overall planning of the reply is put forward,The 2020 Beijing population control in 18 million control target,Beijing's resources and environment is facing serious challenges,The rapid population growth at the same time bring traffic congestion/Environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious problem,From the deep restricts the sustainable development of Beijing.


The second is to properly handle the contradiction between supply and demand of resources at all levels of education.In recent years,Migrant workers SuiQian children the rapid growth,Starting from 2011,SuiQian children rush hour and the registered permanent residence of this municipality school-age population peak superposition.By 2014,A grade primary school admission from the current population about 100000 ballooned to about 180000 people,Growth rate as high as 80%,Elementary school students from the current amount to about 680000 increased to about 840000 people,After a few years will be a sustained growth trend.


Three is to consider to plan as a whole by the students and the students' interests by the entrance exam.The general office of the state council[opinion]Put forward,"Ensure the local college entrance examination admission scale not by the qualified SuiQian children to participate in local college entrance examination and affected",But as a result of education resource supply capacity of the objective limit and the current college entrance examination enrollment system bound,At the same time,Increased college enrollment plan/Provide JieKao service need national competent ministries and commissions and the overall coordination of the places of the provinces and cities coordination,How to effectively balance the cadastral cadastral students and not the students' study interest,Very difficult.

  6.近期实行过渡期升学考试办法,为随迁子女在京升学考试提供多样化服务的主要内容是什么? 6. A recent transition eleven-plus way,For SuiQian children in the eleven-plus provides various services what is main content?


In Beijing on SuiQian children in the eleven-plus measures before and after the release of a new way to three years,In order to facilitate the SuiQian children in the school entrance examination,By providing diversified services,For SuiQian children selection in the eleven-plus provide opportunities.


Conforms to the related condition SuiQian children can choose in Beijing to take part in the secondary vocational school enrollment/The higher vocational school enrollment and the Open University/Network higher education/Higher education self-study exam/Beijing adult the university entrance exam admission test, etc.According to the ministry of education and the relevant documents/By the student census register to the province,To provide students with the university entrance exam of literacy class in Beijing JieKao service.

  7.按照过渡期方案,北京市对随迁子女家长的条件和学生的教育条件做出了相应的年限规定,制订年限条件的考虑是什么? 7. According to the transition scheme,The children of parents SuiQian conditions and students' education condition to make the corresponding provisions of,Make life condition consideration is what?


One is about the provisions of the education of students.Main consideration this city junior high school and high school education are 3 years,Shall accept complete junior high school education and high school education of the children SuiQian provide selection in Beijing to take part in the eleven-plus opportunity.


The second is about can be in Beijing to take part in the secondary vocational school enrollment of SuiQian children parents social security and the provisions of the professional life.Based on the SuiQian children 3 years of education regulations,Sure enough to enter the secondary vocational school enrollment students parents ought to be in Beijing for 3 years and pay social insurance in Beijing for three years have legitimate stable occupation,3 years of service requirements and student education life corresponding.


Three is about can be in Beijing to take part in the higher vocational school enrollment of SuiQian children parents social security and the provisions of the professional life.Qualified students to participate in secondary vocational school after admission,Get the Beijing high school student,Three years later can participate in the higher vocational school enrollment.corresponding,For parents to participate in social security and stability of professional from 3 years increased to 6 years.


SuiQian children eleven-plus policy adjustment is the starting point for migrant workers SuiQian children with eleven-plus service,A parent must be strictly social and professional life requirements,At the same time is also in order to prevent"College entrance examination immigrant",Disturb education order,Affect social stability.(Next turn a03 version)

  京沪粤进展: Beijing-shanghai guangdong progress:

   上海敲定异地高考方案:家长须持居住证A证 Shanghai finalized different college entrance examination plan: parents must hold A residence permit card

   北京异地高考条件:要有五证 需有稳定住所

Beijing different college entrance examination conditions:Must have 5 card one need to have a stable home

  广东出台异地高考方案 不符合报考条件的可借考

Guangdong college entrance examination on different scheme does not comply with the conditions of JieKao can enter oneself for an examination


其他各省市进展: Other provinces progress:


Shenzhen issued 2013 college entrance examination JieKao notice:Different college entrance examination hopeless

  黑龙江启动异地高考报名 已189名考生符合条件

Heilongjiang start different college entrance examination enrollment is 189 candidates to meet the conditions


Chongqing don't allow foreign high candidates and census register JieKao different candidates


Anhui different ZhongGaoKao scheme for the candidates do not set census register threshold

  江西异地高考方案后年实施 外省户籍仍回原籍

Jiangxi college entrance examination the different scheme implementation of provincial census register is still an ancestral home


Liaoning college entrance examination the different time to wait until 2014


Hunan college entrance examination foreign policy:Census register and status as a student is given priority to with conflict


These 15 before the end of the college entrance examination on different conditions


 专题报道: Special report:《异地高考“破冰之旅”倒计时》

[Different college entrance examination"ice-breaking"countdown]
