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  今后成都的小学生和初中生都会拥有一份电子学籍信息。《办法》还规定,今后成都市的小学和初中不得拒绝接收服务区内学生,不得开除或劝退学生,不得招收复读生。不论学生成绩好坏,义务教育阶段原则上不留级,学习成绩特别优异的学生可申请跳级。 The future of the chengdu school pupils and junior high school students will have a electronic student status information.[way]Also provides,The future of the chengdu city elementary school and junior high school students may not refuse to accept the service,Shall not be dismissed or QuanTui students,Shall not recruit answer read was born.Whether students grades,Compulsory education stage in principle not to repeat a year,Study result special excellent students may apply for advanced placement.


The future obligations education stage of chengdu school register management will unify the electronic management,The new entrance after registration,The school must be for each student to establish electronic student status information.yesterday,Chengdu bureau announced[Chengdu compulsory education stage student registration management measures](Hereinafter referred to as[way]),In chengdu obligation education stage school students/Transfer the specific measures to make specific provision.The future of the chengdu city elementary school and junior high school students may not refuse to accept the service,Shall not be dismissed or QuanTui students,Shall not recruit answer read was born.Compulsory education stage student in principle not to repeat a year,Study result special excellent students may apply for advanced placement,Some students,Three years can finish primary school learning.


This method will from this year on February 1,Is valid for five years.


关键词1:入学 Keywords 1:entrance


学校不得拒绝服务区内学生 The school shall not refuse to service the students


Chengdu compulsory education stage student,To school-age children/Young and legal guardian census register seat consistent,School-age children/Young and legal guardian that household registration and the actual residence based on the agreement,Near the entrance/Fair school.Shall not refuse any excuse this school service area students,Or by the education administrative department of the overall arrangement of school-age children/Young entrance,Including the judicial organ exempt from prosecution/Exempt from criminal punishment or declared probation and remove asylum breeding or in prison expires and the reinstatement of chengdu education stage students household obligations.Private school recruit students at current approval to recruit students to plan for the student.


提示:学校查明未注册原因 tip:The school to find out reasons not registered


A grade/Seven freshman should be in accordance with the provisions in the course(city)County bureau of,According to the"Relative came near to the entrance"Principles for the school register,Not to report for duty or expiry of delay is not registered to school report,The school should be timely find out reason,And submitted to the township(town)The people's government at or above the county level or above and education departments.


关键词2:转学 Key words 2:transfer


毕业年级不办转学 Graduation year not to do transfer


Students for home address migration and changes of census register,Or have other special difficulties,Can apply for transfer to other schools to receive compulsory education.


Students transfer to census register and actual residence agreement,According to the"Elementary school near relative,Relatively concentrated junior high school"principle,The area(city)County education administrative department according to the degree of overall arrangement situation.Because of special circumstances(Shall provide relevant certificates)Need to transfer the,The school education administrative departments confirmed,Shall not be handled until midway through the semester transfer.The students in the period of suspension/During the punishment shall not transfer.Public elementary and secondary school grade six/The second semester grade nine does not deal with transfer.


提示:不能强迫学生转学 tip:You can't force students to transfer


Students into the school did not carry out before,The school shall not produce transfer certificate.To not apply for transfer students shall not force the transfer,The cause of students drop out,The original school responsibility.


关键词3:考核 Key words and:assessment


义务教育不准留级 Compulsory education is not allowed to repeat a year


Compulsory education stage students in the completion of every school year after learning tasks are with class upgrade.Compulsory education stage student in principle not to repeat a year.In accordance with the provisions,Study result especially outstanding/Advance to higher grade professional qualification level of students,The student and the legal guardian present an application in written form,The school comprehensive assessment qualified and approved can allow advanced placement,Graduating class students not to skip a grade.This means that if there is"Performance special excellent,Advance to higher grade professional qualification level of students",Possible elementary school six years for three years and after reading situation.


Primary school shall not recruit has completed elementary education obligations answer read a life,Junior middle school shall not recruit has completed a nine-year compulsory education answer read a life.Chengdu compulsory education stage school to student's evaluation,Will include the students' comprehensive quality and discipline study two aspects.Finish school regulations,The third day after the approval of the school has a student enrollment,After the graduation examination,Sent by the university to chengdu bureau unified print[Chengdu nine years of compulsory education certificate of completion].


提示:外地中考成都备案 tip:Field tests chengdu for the record

  在成都市初中学校就读回原籍参加中考的学生,由原籍地招考办出具中考成绩证明,就读学校教育行政主管部门审核认定,报成都市教育局备案,可领取《成都市九年义务教育完成证书》,在外地就读参加成都市中考的学生,由成都市招考办出具中考成绩证明。 华西都市报记者王迪新闻名词电子学籍

In the junior high school students to participate in an ancestral home examination,The ancestral home land gives public notice issued by the tests results prove,Attend school education administrative departments that audit,Chengdu bureau for record,Can get[Chengdu nine years of compulsory education certificate of completion],In the field tests in chengdu to students,By chengdu gives public notice issued by the tests results prove. West China metropolis daily news reporter WangDi noun electronic student status


Chengdu compulsory education stage student status management will unify the electronic management,namely[Chengdu primary and middle school students' identity management system].In accordance with the provisions,The new entrance after registration,The school must be for each student to establish electronic student status information.School students electronic information must be consistent with the actual situation,And through the students or guardian confirmation.Students after registration,School for each student to establish one's status as students are divided into electronic and paper student status,The information must be consistent.Immediate evaluation of electronic status as a constraint school recruit students


Chengdu primary and secondary schools in implementing electronic registration management,Means that the primary and secondary school recruit students, there will be in strict accordance with the enrollment plan,If one,There will be no school.At the same time,Electronic student status will be an important basis for study,This means that the student id card is,Not the id card,So will not be able to"boarding".This also from another source heat for school"Retire the burn".

  这个政策对降级和跳级的规定也让许多家长有了明确的方向。一直以来,有家长认为,孩子学习成绩不好,索性就降一级重读,但今后“降班头”将成为历史。而“跳级”在《办法》有明确的表述,或者会出现三年就读完小学的情况。(记者 王迪)

The policy on degradation and advanced placement regulations also let many parents have a clear direction.Has been,Have the parents think,Children learn bad grades,Simply sent level of stress,But in the future"JiangBan head"Will become history.and"Advanced placement"in[way]Have a clear statement,Or will appear in three years after the primary school.(Reporter WangDi)
