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昆明机场旅客滞留:有学生搭不上飞机放弃考研   长水机场运行控制中心显示最后一架延迟航班CZ345X预计在17点整起飞都市时报见习记者林海赵斌 Long water airport operation control center display the last frame delay flights CZ345X is expected to 17 o 'clock take off city times trainee reporter ZhaoBin linhai 昆明机场旅客滞留:有学生搭不上飞机放弃考研 机场工作人员显得非常疲惫 The airport staff is very tired 昆明机场旅客滞留:有学生搭不上飞机放弃考研 顺利办理完行李托运的旅客十分开心 Well deal with luggage of passengers are very happy 昆明机场旅客滞留:有学生搭不上飞机放弃考研 领到赔偿金的旅客露出了笑容 Damages to the passenger smiled


Urban times ZhaoHang


Kunming long water after three days of grounded/Four days after the anxiety,yesterday,Along with the passenger to each shipment through the security check,Fly to their destination,The airport terminal building of passengers a day before already reduce many,Morning, while there is still part of the stranded passengers,And make them to high decibel dialogue,Has the boarding time into a compensation.meanwhile,The stranded passengers reduction and the airport itself to make changes,The order of the airport has basically returned to normal.

  旅客不再有焦虑情绪 Passengers will no longer have anxiety


Domestic departure layer,Unicom and moving two car emergency communication car side by side stops in the side of the airport terminal,They whispered buzzer,Let the airport internal mobile signal is improved.Phone no longer intermittence,Although FaWei bo speed some slow,After all, don't refresh too many times.


At the same time,Domestic departure at the entrance of the gate of electronic screen also appeared"Flight delay announcement",says"Due to the bad weather……According to the working personnel to passenger boarding tips".This electronic display screen,Every dozens of meters will have a.


In terminal,Show flight information electronic screen has returned to normal,No longer appear flight has been away for more than an hour but still display"Urged boarding"situation.But in the morning,There are still a few dial the stranded passengers don't know what's the departure time,But compared with the previous day,anxiety/Panic atmosphere seemed to lift YuChangShui airport yesterday's the wind.Appealing to the passenger although not sure the flight departure time,But they also just sent individual representatives and airlines communication,Others sit together,Gossip a.They said,4,They seldom have time to sit down,They are not very satisfied for board and lodging.

  候机厅广播不再静默 Radio terminal no longer silent


And 4 is different,Individual airlines staff,Willing to stand to the outside of the counter,The patience to listen to a listen to passenger dissatisfaction.A middle-aged man ChaDou skill,A point to the upper body,And stand in the counter outside responsible for consulting staff chatted for nearly twenty minutes,Man even talked about to another city airport dissatisfaction.The middle-aged man is for three days the fog to stay one of the passengers.


"sincerely/Equality and understanding,Is the foundation of communication."For the airline's attitude,He said,"They stand outside,Carefully listen to you,No excuses,No ifs and buts,I will not excited."Talk about his attitude,He said.At the same time,Airport staff standing at the counter,guide/Help problematic passenger.


Airport in KFC,Mr. Wang nibble at the hands of the hamburger will pass through security and board the plane,Once silent airport terminal building radio broadcast a kunming MangShi article to the flight information."Finally recorded the."Mr. Wang a finger refers to the head,Show a significant smile.


Radio terminal no longer silent,This is an important change long water yesterday.The previous dull information,Is thought to cause the stranded passengers group anxiety/panic/One of the main causes of emotional.

  归期已定争论赔偿 Date has been set for debate


Of course,Individual airlines counter there are noisy/Disorder phenomenon.Emotional appealing to passengers,Request media,They want to talk about retention of compensation.


"Fly in xishuangbanna,I was there for 5 star hotel,Because the flight was cancelled last night,Now the loss of the deposit,Other aircraft will upgrade,This shouldn't lose?"The passengers stood in the circle,As it was inclose airlines staff said."We must be in one and a half hours,Before the plane take off is to solve the problem."


Their argument focuses on the amount of compensation,Airlines agreed to pay 200 yuan."Less than 800 we don't boarding,At the same time, you even greater responsibilities,You know?"A passenger said a pair of glasses,Just in the TV interview,She as interview object,Once in applause.And the inside of the airline staff has been in the call,Seem to ask for instructions superior departments.


but,This dial the passenger should be put in 4 long water,Should be regarded as more gentle set.side,Several maintenance of public security police look easy,They carry a hand quarrel at the passengers,Did not set out against the posture.


"We come to maintain order,Yesterday to the,But in contrast,More and more at ease."A policeman said.In 4 days,The layer police station all day long there are 160 on record report.By 2 PM yesterday,This number is 30.

  记者手记 Reporter notes


Three days of the/4 the noisy/5, calm,Long water three days,A pain.


As the events of the onlookers,We listen to the passenger complained of anger,See their tears and helpless,It is strange that,Such helpless,We can also be found in the eyes of the staff;Counter side,People cut in line/quarrel/Strike table/Push computer,chaos,The other side of the staff,Also do not talk to go up in order;Of course,We are in 5th finally saw a long water returned to normal.


but,I still think,Is the plane took 4 long water most anxious and noisy,I am pleased to see long water change.Of course,Overnight change cannot solve all the problems once and for all.


I want to,System and the staff's career spirit should cause the airport management and airline enough attention,For emergency response speed test system,And in emergencies in the process,The test is staff professional spirit.Hold position just all walks of life the most basic professional spirit,For service industry,Professional spirit,Means more.


These days,Hear more is the passenger said"Never again to the kunming",Hope they just at that time of angry words,In 4 days that an environment and group mood,Order to a large extent not by maintaining,But by abide by,Part of the passenger's not calm,Also influence the flight of the normal landing.


Pain after,Need to reflect on and the review,The first is to have no clue/The poor showing airports and airlines.


But those who because be accidentally raged in chaos and improper words and deeds of the people,Whether should also reflect on:In complaining and accused not immediately solve the problem,Abuse and hot blood, there is no better way to rationally deal with difficulties.


 长水56小时被大雾阻隔的那些人和事 Long water 56 hours cut off the fog of those people and things


City times square LiYan practice reporter ZouJiaQi


On January 4,/5 Japan is the first of the New Year/Two days,But 3, a thick fog make long water into an unprecedented chaos,Some people's New Year's day holiday was forced to prolong the.These two days with them in the long water,There are airport health/Security personnel and airline staff,They work in the New Year,In a nobody thinks of the way to start,From 3 day 12 PM canceled flights to 5 days and some flight full recovery,56 hours of experience will be their long water about the most profound memory.

  乘客郑女士机场酒店一日游 Passengers ester one-day tour of airport hotel


Very not easy to save more than a few days off,But zheng lady the next two days at the airport and the hotel is spent in return,No beautiful scenery,Also does not have the delicious food,Hungry eat instant noodles.Even the cell phone also has been hold in the hand,Never put down.She has been waiting for the airline staff notice myself again the departure time.From 4, 8 PM yesterday until half past eleven,After the flight delay - cancel - upgrade - again after the upgrade,Zheng woman and her husband take on the flight home.


On January 1,,Zheng woman and her husband go to lijiang tourism.4,They rode at half past eight in the evening of flight from lijiang to kunming,Ready to 5 days after the morning to kunming,Then from kunming to return to guangzhou.But she didn't think,Originally at half past eight in the evening,From kunming lijiang fly the plane will delay again and again.


Lijiang night abnormal cold,The wind blow constantly blowing,Zheng woman and her husband will be told that the flight delays,But in the airport lounge hall,Holding the phone helplessly waiting for,Till the early hours of the morning about half past twelve,They finally boarded the plane to fly to kunming.


Nearly an hour flight,5, at 2 o 'clock,She and her husband arrived at the kunming long water airport,Want to take to reserve a good 5, at 11 am plane back to guangzhou,Yet received flying to guangzhou flights are cancelled,After the upgrade to notice,Her hand grip the staff give little note,Back to the airport to the hotel arrangement."Note with the contact,Airlines staff said,We will call."


Fear of delay the plane,Morning at half past nine,She and her husband to take a taxi to the airport,check-in,Results after consultation with the staff,Staff reply again ester of heart to douse the."But they told us,We would take the plane is of,Has already left,Once again the only sign of half past eleven.Said will telephone notice,But also had not been notified,Will come in person on the counter asked."Zheng lady sitting on the chair,Helplessly sigh,Now she just want to leave as soon as possible.


After a series of after the twists and turns,Home as soon as possible"desire"Finally to achieve the.11 o 'clock,Zheng woman and her husband to deal with the check-in,Into terminal,They will be in half an hour away from kunming.

  旅行社工作人员刘女士我们想有个地方休息 Travel agency personnel liu we want to have a place to rest


"Thought by Hugh small long vacation,To relax yourself.but,The long water airport fog but let me and the whole group's passengers were stranded.Not only that,After the tour all travel and flight all need to change."Liu is a KangHui travel agency with group staff.


Yesterday morning about half past ten,And all the same stranded passengers,Liu in a crowded crowd jostled each other go to the counter."Delay damages have been got,Our ticket has also endorsed to good.But my passengers from long after ShaFei to kunming,Has not been normal rest,We are here to negotiate with staff arrange the rest things."Liu side a milky white coat to wear women's hand id card/The ticket and mobile phones have been to the airport staff bargaining,From time to time to wipe the tears of canthus.


4 at zero,According to the flight with member liu established time duly came to long water airport,Pick up,Head counting,Arrange hotel……According to the schedule,Everything seems to be in a step by step.In the schedule,Due to the next morning eight point all the people have to catch a plane to MangShi,Visitors entered the hotel began to rest.But after all morning just off the plane,The rest of the natural not long.


5, 6 o 'clock in the morning,After only two hours after the break,Visitors to the members under the leadership of liu in the pack,And from the hotel to the airport on long water.


At 7 o 'clock tour has arrived in long water airport,All people are waiting to handle a boarding pass.Thought is,Until ten o 'clock in the morning,Visitors can't boarding on time,Etc is the airport staff to explain,"Because before the influence of the fog,Your plane has been delayed,Need to upgrade,But now can upgrade time can only be and point."


Helpless under,Visitors have to endorse in succession.however,Filled with excitement was in before the journey tired after replaced,The tourists have started for the airport staff to solve the problem of time to rest.As of yesterday and point,The airport staff could not answer in time,The tourists rest problem is still not solved.

  大学生刘振搭不上飞机无奈放弃考研 College students' LiuZhen missed the plane but give up one's deceased father grind


Yesterday was the first day of the national postgraduate entrance exam,However there are some candidates by long water airport flights are cancelled because of the influence of the test had to give up,Hard to review a year they had to sigh a sound"Way in dealing".


LiuZhen is yunnan university law school senior students,This year the enter oneself for an examination the school's master of law,Wanted to before the New Year holiday go down in xishuangbanna.


"According to the plan,We are in 4 evening plane back to kunming."LiuZhen said,They three days by the airlines told long water airport because of the fog lead to flights are cancelled,The second day go to the airport to upgrade,"Thought after the upgrade can still get home on time to catch up with the exam,So was not consider other way back to kunming.But 4 to the airport,No broadcast announcement,What all want oneself to ask,Staff also don't know what time the plane will take off."Until yesterday morning,They still can't who can return to kunming flight.


"Things couldn't solve,No words no statement,Today one's deceased father grind played hydroplaning."At nine o 'clock yesterday morning,See test has started,LiuZhen reluctantly sent such a micro bo.


More than 3 PM,Tired LiuZhenHe students finally back to kunming."We are all very angry,And until now airports and airlines have not given any statement,They deal with the attitude of the problem let me feel your rights completely didn't get security."LiuZhen said,So don't fight with he is unwilling,Going to continue to one's deceased father grind in the coming year.


One's deceased father grind review class of Mr Hu also said,He has a student but also because the flight was cancelled and abandon exam.


"My students enter oneself for an examination provincial school graduate student,But continuous for two days can't set out on a journey,Wait until 4, 11 o 'clock in the evening,But give up test.Now have to wait a year,The war again next year."Mr Hu estimate,Because the flight was cancelled,There will be some to field test students abandon exam.


机场清洁员李女士人太多了我扫不到垃圾 Airport cleaner ms. Li too many people I can't sweep rubbish


Only drink a half bottle of mineral water bottle on the ground"roll",A gust of wind blowing,Plastic bags flying in the air,Cleaner ms. Li hand broom and CuoJi quickly went up to him,The scan in CuoJi inside.Ms. Li has not remember this is himself in nearly 3 days and how many times of garbage,In her mind,Flight delay,The counter was stranded passengers jowl,The lobby on the ground of a piece of clutter.In this spacious space,Even if it's just people at the foot of a a scrap of paper,She is weak sweep up in time.


Half past five in the morning,Ms. Li came to his own work,In the face of the lobby floor was blown up in the dust,She quietly came to clean the room,Holding a broom and CuoJi,Into the crowded and emotional people,Her efforts to wield a broom,The rubbish from the crowd clear."Person many of time,Clearly see the ground is garbage,But stand it,I can't clear."


See mineral water bottles to get far,Ms. Li came quickly"after."Back and forth many times the inspection,Will the garbage after clear in time,2 PM,Ms. Li finally can go now,She has straight waist,Gradually disappeared in the crowd.And ms. Li as,There are many airport cleaning workers,They in their own positions and spent a day in silence.

  长水派出所尚警官 Long water station is police officer

  我的很多同事连续执勤3天 Many of my colleagues continuous duty 3 days


Maintain the order,Ease passenger anxiety become the police for homework.According to a large number of passengers were stranded at the airport waiting hall,Long water airport police station ordered extra police,As far as possible in the terminal patrol,Due to the small friction evolution into a quarrel or body conflict.


As lunch time,The police has not repast,But strengthen patrol.look,Can be seen everywhere in police uniform they."We have a lot of police have been in the airport continuous duty for three days,In order to maintain the order,We in each area are ordered extra police,Especially the public security organs after provinces and cities and cooperate with each other,The new more than twenty police car,More than 100 police."Long water airport police station is said the police officer.


meanwhile,The long hours in the airport police not only to the home of his wife and children,Even their rest time also difficult to guarantee,Only in a little a little free time,Can be in the office sofa close your eyes and take a break.Most of the time,The police are hold in their own positions.For as soon as possible to solve the return flight passengers,Some police acted as a volunteer,Provide guidance for boarding.


 航空公司工作人员 Airline personnel

  连续工作30多个小时未休息 Continuous work more than 30 hours without rest


10,The waiting hall very busy,Before ZhiJiTai,Airline employees face passengers patience to answer the question,From time to time, lower the head to help stranded passengers to deal with formalities of 34.Although ZhiJiTai has been surrounded by the passengers,Some passengers can't help swearing,And staff squabble,But he didn't affect the staff work progress.


4, 3 PM,Long water airport departure ushered in the peak,Staff introduced,Because the evacuation passengers need to all night flight,For ground colleagues work continuously more than 30 hours without rest.In the retention to passengers after basic evacuation,We still hold in their own positions.In the face of the stranded passengers questioning and abuse,Workers still patience for passengers, deal with relevant formalities,All staff are hard.


Long water airport since since the operation,The first face so much challenge management and service,As a service industry,In the future should be more summary and discussion,According to the need to do the corresponding improvement.


"At 14 o 'clock,Stranded passengers have basic evacuation."The staff said,Stranded passengers on the way home,Continuous work more than 30 hours are also in the afternoon about half past five leave work go home and rest,About the three days of long water,They left memory is tired.
