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初三男生拒给同学刷饭盒 被打后从3楼摔下(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

初三男生拒给同学刷饭盒 被打后从3楼摔下(图) 李文就是从该教学楼3楼坠下的 记者孙钰 摄本报记者 孙钰 实习生 孙岳 Levin is from the building 3 floor reporter fell SunYu disturbing our reporter SunYue SunYu interns


来源:济南时报 source:Jinan times


    14 and:About 30,Working at home LiuGongMei received a phone call,Levin said her son(alias)Had an accident,"Ask him what also don't say,Afterwards just know the child in the school to fight,From 3 buildings fell down injured."In the hospital to see the son of a coma,She was in tears.


 被打者 没给刷饭盒 被打后从3楼摔下 Did not to brush a lunch box from 3 floor break


21,Reporter in the jinan military region general hospital met levin.He is JiaoBin grade students in high school,The classroom on the third floor.He said the school had a practice:Breakfast with class as the unit,Watch group to the dining room dozen rice to other students.Eat my breakfast,The students on duty will brush clean tableware put back.


Levin told reporters,14,His turn, and several other students take rice.After dinner,He took the tableware to walk outside the classroom,Was XiaoJian students(alias)stopped,"He asked me to help him brush lunch box,I said I could,But he had to help the public tableware moved to the dining room.He is not willing to,Began to hit."Levin memories,XiaoJian punched on his right eye,And fierce pumping his face,Then stuck his neck,At the same time to his hand plug lunch box."I've been playing for twenty minutes,Resolute don't take lunch box,He will kick me out of the classroom,In the corridor and then play.I don't remember how fell,Wake up has been in the hospital."He said,Many of the students at present,No one had,The teacher is not present.


Levin doctor said,In his right leg fracture/Lumbar compression fracture,14 had an operation,At present not life-threatening."If you want to continue to go to school,Will have to wait at least half a year."


 家长 对方给了1.5万就联系不上了 Other parents to contact is not in


After the fall,Levin was sent to JiHeXian people's hospital.As the injury is heavier,The day he was transferred to the jinan military region general hospital for surgery.LiXia levin's sister(alias)To deal with this school."The headmaster took out a piece of paper,It says levin's suicide.Children in school was playing,Many students have seen,How can you say to commit suicide?"LiXia think the school passing the buck.


Levin's father think children injured in school,In the black-and-blue twenty minutes the teacher did not appear,School management are leaky,Should take responsibility."Cure has spent 80000 yuan,The other parents gave 15000 yuan,Then no longer contact up."Levin's father said.


学校 已支付3.6万元 承认打人者违反校规 The school has to pay 36000 yuan DaRenZhe admitted breaking the school rules


21,The reporter comes to JiaoBin middle school.He said the vice President of the school,Kids really from building 3 floor north side the window break,"After the incident we will he sent to hospital,In the people's hospital of JiHeXian paid 3000 yuan;After being turned to jinan military general hospital treatment,We have sent to 33000 yuan.""LiWenTing honest,Is an obedient child."He said,XiaoJian breaking the school rules,Will be affected by relevant punishment.After the,The school has let parents will XiaoJian home.


He said,After he has been to XiaoJian parents make a phone call,In recent days also can not contact,"The school cannot enforce processing,Can only negotiate,Supervise and urge each other for parents.At present,With the child's first priority treatment,The school will continue to raise money."The amount of compensation for,He did not have a clear answer.Asked about whether the school said the child's suicide,He is no response.


 打人者 家里大门紧锁 邻居称已多日无人 DaRenZhe home lock door neighbor says no one has for many days


LiXia said,On the evening of 15th had to XiaoJian home consultation,The family is still in;17 to,The other home nobody."Last night you come,Home open lamp,Outside the gate was locked,Knocking at the door no one should,Make a phone call and did not take."LiXia said.


then,The reporter comes to XiaoJian home,Gate lock,Knocking at the door no one answered.A neighbor said,The family has no one days.


"The child made a mistake,Parents can't always hide,Hope the other parents can bear the responsibility."LiuGongMei said,If the other party didn't respond,They would not rule out legal protection of the rights and interests of oneself.
