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虎父无犬子 图揭布什家族“官四代”--亲稳网络舆情监控室(21)

George Prescott bush,The 36 years old.
His grandfather is"Honestly bush",The republican senator;His grandpa is old bush,The 41st President;His great uncle is little bush,43rd President of the United States;His dad is jeb bush,Former governor in Florida.
recently,George Prescott bush officially announced,Texas will run for a government office.Media said,In Texas,The bush family great influence.Prescott run for office statement,Means that the bush family is expected to birth the fourth generation of politicians.
George Prescott bush in Texas fort leavenworth for lawyers.He is jeb bush and Hispanic wife families rumba firstborn.
Prescott in college was the school football star,After the graduation serve concurrently as the real estate business and lawyers.He can speak Spanish,In the Hispanic voters is quite popular with people.
In 2000,,The United States[characters]The magazine named 100 big"Diamond bachelor"of.In 2004,,Prescott and college girlfriend Amanda Williams married.
Two years ago,Prescott to work with people set up political activity mechanism"Texas Hispanic republicans",Aims to promote and support the state run for office Hispanic candidate.
亲戚捐钱助“新人” Relatives give money to help"new"
Although Prescott recently did not give specific campaign Texas which a government office,But in his eight weeks already raise $1.4 million.His father jeb bush to end some subscribers wrote a letter,As a son in politics"paving".
A source says,Prescott may run for Texas land administrator or the state attorney general.Rice university political science department head mark Jones said:"If he is going to become a land administrator,I think not belong to him.At the same time,His election chief procurator opportunity is very big also."
In order to support the Prescott campaign,His father jeb bush and big uncle George Bush were donated 50000 dollars;Prescott two uncle Neil bush and Marvin bush donated $1000 respectively,and"bush"The gift of us $5000.Prescott a nephew/A health care company President bush, Jonathan donated 2000 dollars.
Texas republican President Steven for nice tere said:"have‘President bush’The name,Is a double-edged sword.This will certainly help George Prescott bush to rapidly promote credit,He will have a including fundraising member and political consultant team, to guide him.but,The disadvantage is,Some people will he and his great uncle/Grandfather or father relates in together,With their standards for George Prescott bush."
最成功政治王朝 The most successful political dynasty
George Prescott bush, a top"The bush family"aura.
At the age of 12,Prescott in 1988 the republican national convention the pledge of allegiance.That year,His grandfather old bush was elected President of the United States.
In 2008 two decades before,"President bush"The name appears in the White House for 12 years.The bush family biographer Peter, asher said:"Whether you like it or not,You have to admit,The bush family is the political one of history's most successful political dynasty."
The bush family the first President of the United States is George h. walker bush(bush).He has served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations/The republican national committee chairman, and other job.The mid 1970 s,Old bush volunteered as U.S. ambassador to China, director of the liaison office.In the 1980 s,President Ronald Reagan era as the vice President.In January 1989,bush"More upper floor",As the 41st President.
The bush family the second President of the United States is old bush's eldest son George walker bush,He served as governor of Texas.Old George Bush's second son jeb bush,Served as governor of Florida.
The American media comments,The bush family than the second President of the United States John Adams and his son will succeed.Adams father and son were only when a President,The bush family even more than Kennedy family also to succeed,The latter only in the White House for 1000 days or so.
家族有经商传统 Family is the traditional business
Little bush's grandfather is a steel oil tycoon.The bush family in oil industry/The bank/Military enterprise and sports fields.
Little bush great-grandfather Samuel bush first business iron and steel industry,I later found out that the prospects of the oil industry,And Rockefeller family's company established a cooperative relationship,Developed from.After the end of world war I,Samuel and Wall Street financial tycoon walker form David and Jonathan.
Samuel son Prescott bush,Is the little bush's grandfather,The founder of the bush family is real.He and financial tycoon walker's daughter get married,After the outbreak of the second world war into the military industry,The bush family wealth is rapid and outspread.In order to realize the political ambitions,Prescott and President Eisenhower established private and began to run for the senator.After several setbacks,He finally in 1950 to become the senator.
The eldest son of Prescott bush,Not only served as the President of the United States,Art and business.Just finished the second world war,Bush had with his new wife to the new rising oil big Texas state business.By the uncle,In 1951, bush launched their own oil company.After becoming rich old bush into politics,"lights",Finally to the White House in 1989.
Old Mr Bush a total of four sons,Use of family background,All become a millionaire,And the little bush but also inherited his father's legacy,Won the election,Enters a White House.
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