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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.
]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:中欧作为这次年度盛典的获奖者,您如何理解“商学院领军品牌”?它又应该具备什么样的素质?

Central Europe as the annual festival of the winners,How do you understand"Leading brand business"?It should have what kind of quality?


陈杰平(中欧国际工商学院副教务处长): ChenJiePing(China Europe international business school vice dean of studies):我觉得应该做的更具体一点,做中国的商学院的领军品牌,在全世界范围来讲,中国现在还没有做到全世界的领军品牌。领军品牌首先具有很高的品牌价值,既包括它的社会价值,也包括它的学术价值。中欧国际工商学院在中国率先开展MBA和EBMA课程教育,在18年前就开展这两项教育,比教育部早了八年时间。

I think we should do a bit more specific,Do Chinese business leader of the brand,For all over the world,China now has not do the world's leading brand.Leading brand first of all has the very high brand value,Both its social value,Also includes its academic value.China Europe international business school in China in the MBA and EBMA course education,In eighteen years ago in this two education,Earlier than the ministry of education for eight years.


has,We develop nearly more than ten thousand central project,And through them in central Europe, learn the advanced management concept,Set up a very positive filled with positive energy social values,To China's reform and opening-up has made an indelible contribution.I remember that premier wen jiabao has said,General means of China Europe international business school has become a modern Chinese managers a cradle.WuJingLian professor also said,China's reform and opening-up should advocate the mode of central Europe.In central China's reform and opening up achievements twenty years it may be said is climate favourable geographical position and.China's reform and opening up the economic take-off of good situation made great development.This is the first social value.The second,Academic value.


Central Europe have a slogan:China's depth/The global scope.It describes the central academic concept.Our professor has a 60% above is not a Chinese passport,They have been working in China life 11 years.In China has a very deep understanding.This is all a bunch of old China hand,The professor left around in overseas average working life is more than 11 years.The Numbers tell us,Our professor's group is Chinese and western balanced,Is not to say that we are part of the foreign professor,Professor part of China,Chinese professor specialized study of China,The professor specializes in foreign problem.Put the two together is the global scope/China's depth,Is not this.


The second,Will tell from academic value,With its central Europe is famous for its rigorous doing scholarly research.There are many candidates are not too would like to enter oneself for an examination central reason is because think central study too hard/Class too tired,Entrance and very strict test and test.Because if they pass the exam this shut up in front of classmates and colleagues lose face,Precisely because central Europe to have such a strict screening system and rigorous spirit,We put the society and strictly/Positive to attract outstanding entrepreneur to central platform.Here they promote each other,Master the most advanced management concept,And for his own career added new positive energy,Help them later in various fields made outstanding achievements.


finally,As a brand value,Is an objective measure of mark.How do you mark to measure him,I would like to compare the objective should be to supply and demand,Your product or service/quality/A brand,To see if the market demand.In this sense,Central European brand is still very good.Now we will tell from the EMBA,Each year we can recruit more than 700 students,But it is already the world's largest EMBA project.Unfortunately every year there are nearly one thousand very good candidates,Because we can't go into the enrollment quota co., LTD., central Europe,I would also like to take this opportunity to have failed to enter the central candidates say sorry.Can't blame central too strict,Can't blame your own is not good,Can only blame the competition with you too good.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:过去三四年我们看到商学院非常受欢迎,人们扎堆去往商学院求学,有的人说这样做是为了镀金。去年因为长江商学院的事件,引发了无论是企业家层面还是商学院层面的思考。大家都在想中国进入WTO以后,粗放经营和寻租时代已经过去了,中国需要转向依靠创新和能力导向的新时代。所以大家都去补课。但是经济发展至此,在资本密集大项目中,政府主导角色依然没有变化。商学院很长一段时间都是在教中国的企业家如何懂中国的企业家,而不是培养真正具有企业家精神的企业家。您觉得中欧在这一点上做得怎么样,在这个过程中又有何纠结之处?

In the past three or four years we see business school is very popular,People gather together go to business school to study,Some people say it is for gold plated.Last year because of the Yangtze river business school events,Triggered whether entrepreneurs level or business school levels of thinking.Everyone in the want to China's entry into the WTO,Extensive management and rent-seeking time has passed,China needs to rely on innovation and the ability to guide the new era.So everyone to make up a missed lesson.But the economic development so far,In capital intensive big projects,The government leading role is still not change.Business school for a long time in China's entrepreneurs how to understand the Chinese entrepreneurs,Not to develop truly have the spirit of the entrepreneur entrepreneurs.Do you think central at this point do,In this process and what is the place of ravel?


陈杰平(中欧国际工商学院副教务处长): ChenJiePing(China Europe international business school vice dean of studies):我觉得社会上对商学院有一种误解,毕竟商学院规模很小、招收人数有限。不像本科教育普及,大家能够透彻的理解,商学院对公众而言肯定有一层神秘的棉纱。中欧国际商学院直接业务就是教育,我们第一件事情是创造知识,第二件是传播知识。

I think the society to business school there is a misunderstanding,After all, small business/Recruit co., LTD., the number of.Unlike undergraduate education popularization,Everyone can thoroughly understand,Business school in to the public must have a layer of mysterious cotton yarn.China Europe international business school direct business is education,We are the first thing is to create knowledge,The second thing is to spread knowledge.


Why in the media/The network will produce negative public opinion to business school and understand it?For ten fingers outstretched are not generally neat.China has so many business school,The ministry of education approval granted EMBA college project has a lot of,We all have different school pursuit,It is not the same.But I can only work from China Europe business school Angle with everyone to do a presentation.EMBA and undergraduate course education is not the same:The biggest place is knowledge is not only from the books/professor,There is another important source are classmates.

  我们中欧EMBA平均年龄40,平均工作经验17年,16%以上都是公司的总经理、总裁、副总经理、副总裁。他们都身经百战,你在跟他们的交谈中可以学到很多在课本上、在课堂上学不到的。所以有人讲, EMBA、商学院就是一个圈子,圈子本身是一个中性的词,不应该是贬义的。现在大家讲到圈子就说它是不好事呢?就是因为圈子往往被形容利用私人关系谋取不正当的利益。中欧国际工商学院的EMBA也有我们的圈子,我们的圈子是一个学习的圈子,我们非常重要的任务就是为大家打造一个学习的平台。在这里大家可以向课本学习、教授学习,也可以在同学间互相学习。我们很多EMBA终生交流,成为互相促进、互相交流的朋友。

Our central EMBA average age forty,An average of 17 years work experience,More than 16% is the general manager of the company/President/Deputy general manager/Vice President.They are well,Are you in love with their conversation can learn a lot in the textbook/In the classroom can not go to school.So someone speak, EMBA/Business school is a circle,Circle itself is a neutral word,Should not be the derogatory sense.Now everybody talked about circle he said it is not good??It is because circles often described using private relations for dishonest gain.China Europe international business school EMBA also have our circle,Our group is a learning circle,We are very important task for us is to build a learning platform.Here you can learn from books/Professor learning,Also can be in between the students to learn from each other.Many of our EMBA lifelong communication,Become promote each other/Communicate with each other friends.


Just host said in the past thirty years,Not only is EMBA,Business school also fire up.There is a point of view that the early reform and opening to the enterprise is mainly through the seize the opportunity,Through the government rent,Can rapid development.Now because of China's reform and opening up to a certain degree later,In the future the rent-seeking opportunities less and less.Enterprise want to develop,Must want to put their own skill practice hard,Want to rely on the development of fine management and efficiency.This trend is right,But unfortunately,We now see the government to the economic of the leading role is very big.In many ways, not only is the government of private enterprises by the restricted access,More important is the government hand holds a lot of resources,A lot of renmin/The scale is very large,In some industries/Some areas become the leading enterprise,Even become monopoly enterprise,You want to be engaged in these aspects of the industry will have to deal with them.I recently found in the survey,Private enterprises have big,But you can't see the private enterprise to do basic chemical doing great.The answer is very simple,It is because China's chemical raw materials is mainly composed of petrochina/Sinopec master.If a private enterprise once is big,Once a product has larger development space,The large state-owned enterprises,Even their subordinate enterprise can see you purchase/Merger off.You don't be they merger and acquisition,You have no raw materials do not go down.


If China's economy will always go on like this?I believe it won't,Because of this development model has come to an end.China's economy if continue to rely on the government leading/Continue to go on of sale,Walk long time will collapse.To China's economic innovation ability/To make China's economy has the vigor,Will rely on private enterprise.The private enterprise is the biggest advantage of competition,In the full competition,The importance of the management reflected.


In this sense,To business school learning,Or less than business school learning,No matter in what way to learn,Must want to learn,Through management to realize the development of the enterprise.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我们这个年度盛典的主题是向教育提问,您对中国的教育有什么期许?

Our annual festival is the theme of education to ask questions,You to China's education what expectations?


陈杰平(中欧国际工商学院副教务处长): ChenJiePing(China Europe international business school vice dean of studies):有,我对中国的教育总的来说是一句话:非常的失望。我们新中国成立六十多年,取得了很多的成绩。但是我依然认为在教育领域我们没有进步,而且还退步了。我们再看西南联大的时候,在没有任何现代化的校场情况下,我们培养了一大批中国科技界、教育界、文化界的领军人物、太师级的人物。现在盖了这么多房子,投入了这么多的钱,我们的数量越来越多了,但是质量越来越差。看不到大师级的人物。为什么?

have,I to China's education in general is a word:Very disappointed.Since the founding of our more than sixty years,Made a lot of achievements.But I still think in the education field we have no progress,But also the setback.We'll see the southwest associated university,Without any modern drill ground situation,We cultivate a large number of Chinese scientific and technological circles/education/The cultural leader/A surname level characters.Now cover so many house,Put so much money,The number of us are more and more,But quality is getting worse.Can't see master characters.why?


I think there are a lot of reasons,The most fundamental one is system:Education is the administrative.You go to any university to see,Your first impression,This is not a university,Is a government.The architecture is one kind of language,University chose this building,That is the idea of university is to take the college into the government's government.University leaders take delight in talking about is not academic achievements,But their own administrative levels.When the school leaders/When all is/School leaders keen pursuit is the administrative levels of the time,What school academic flavor?When school is filled with the stink of money,When the school than even when the government corruption,There is no doubt that,This will not be possible to master the characters.In this sense.I most like to article 1:Want the university to the administrative,First of all want to take the college to scholars to do.Can't let officials do education.No country's government officials can do good education.Must let governance experts/Let professor managing,this,Can be to China's education bring a little hope.
