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两名80后收废品创业年入30万(图)郭将和阮浩,80后破烂王,卖破烂卖出了新意和商机。记者李子云 摄 Guo will and RuanHao,PoLanWang after 80,Sell junk sold new and business opportunities.Reporter LiZiYun perturbation


【毛毛虫时期的过去式】 [The caterpillar period of the past tense]


Two young people born in 1985 RuanHao and guo will,With a college student,Will spearhead"PoLanWang",The waste from lane began,Until now has a nearly of assets of the company.


And old RuanHao is xiaogan people,In 2005, wuhan studying after graduation from the university,Test several times civil servants,Every time is before the interview.He was at home"play"For nearly a year,Parents support he does civil servants,But he did not wish when"Neet group".


In 2008,,RuanHao first job was working site safety officer,Do a few months,Because can't see the future,He will resign left.The second job,RuanHao started,He is in a school contracted for a dining room,Do a year,Is not at a loss,But to dredge various links,Not many social experience he gave up this line.


In 2009,,Unemployment at home he began to collect scrap.He stepped tricycle lane,Collect some from the bottle/Waste paper and other life began,Then only at the site ShouFei steel head.In the process,He met guo will.


Guo will also was born in 1985,Wuhan people,He was tall,National secondary athletes.


Guo will parents are ordinary workers,Home and two sisters."My elementary school and even the final to hand in the tuition."Guo will say,2003 years after participate in college entrance examination,He gave up reading university.


Guo will first job,In a factory assembly line is the operator.To the three years.Monthly salary of 1000 ~ 1500 yuan.


later,Guo will loans and former classmate bought a second-hand car integral car,Due to poor management and failure,Liabilities tens of thousands of yuan.By 2008,Because the job not seek,He was at home after a period of reflection,Resolutely choose to be recycling.The first year,Guo will old father and he together,Drag a scooter every day around the waste."The morning go out every morning,Home after dark."Guo will recall that a year of life,The most feel sorry is the father of the fifties,"Old father and pallet truck,As a son feel feel sad."Guo will say,The day of the waste down the street,For a year.


请不到人 Please no one


十几吨废钢筋头自己搬 More than ten tons of waste steel head his move

  郭将和阮浩的目标很大,在了解废品这一行后,他们决定专接企业的业务。2010年,两人在武大科技园附近租了一间仓库。一天一位年轻人过来问他们,是否收公司废品,那一笔单子,两人赚到第一桶金。“其实也只有几千元。” 业务逐渐展开后,废品回收量开始增大。一次,一个工地有十几吨废钢筋头要处理。对方要求他们派人过去清理,二人便找了几位临时搬运工。谈好了价,对方看他们要得急,就反悔了坐地起价。郭将说,一气之下,他和阮浩,再加另外两名员工,四个人自己动手搬废钢筋。那时正值武汉夏天最热的时候,顶着烈日,他们从上午搬到天黑,装满了一辆七八米长的货车。

Guo will and RuanHao target large,In understanding the line after waste,They decided to only meet enterprise business.In 2010,,Two people in wu3 da4 science park nearby rented a warehouse.One day a young man to come over to ask them,The company is waste,The a list,Two people earn first bucket of gold."In fact only several thousand yuan." Business gradually unfolds,Where waste began to increase.a,A site has more than ten tons of waste steel head to deal with.The other asked them to send the past cleaning,They found several temporary porter.Had talked about the price,Each other to see they will be urgent,Is back with me.Guo will say,In a pet,He and RuanHao,Add two other employees,Four people themselves move waste steel.Then when wuhan when summer is the hottest,Under the scorching sun,They move from the morning until it is dark,With a car eight meters long truck.


"Make money is very happy."Guo will say.


【破茧成蝶的现在式】 [Broken cocoon into butterfly now type]


现在已有五家长期合作公司 Now it has five long-term cooperation company


RuanHao and guo will put recycling business bigger and bigger,It has been five companies long-term fixed will waste products sold to them."Our service do well,subpackage/Clean up we can door-to-door service."Guo will say,Now the company has electric appliance company cooperation/Do measuring instrument company/Electric wire electric cable company, etc.yesterday,Reporters followed them to the two companies' waste warehouse.A is located in the east lake high-tech park of science and technology of a electric company,Waste area area is larger,Is divided into"Waste wood area"/"Waste element area"/"Scrap area"/"Waste area".


"In fact do our business,The most difficult is to safeguard relationship."Guo will say,With their present operating status,Income of about 300000."But a lot of money was spent in the service.RuanHao and guo will hope in the shortest time to let companies have greater scale.end,They have already started planning establishment of a limited liability company.


Guo will and RuanHao have loan to buy a house,Both their established a happy family.


Reporter ceramic alluvial


(Original title:Don't let"On the",Waste business)
