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    导语:     Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,包括顾明远、钟秉林、梁晓声、毕淑敏、马洪涛、陈晓楠、朱清时、杨东平、于丹、邓飞、张千帆等在内的思想界、教育界、公益界名人参加了论坛,就教育公平、教育体制创新、教育界民间公益以及民营教育机构的未来进行了深度探讨。搜狐教育作为互联网首席教育媒体,呼吁教育人士追寻教育本源坚守最初的理想情怀,让我们有机会把中国教育变得更好。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,Including GuMingYuan/ZhongBingLin/LiangXiaoSheng/BiShuMin/MaHongTao/ChenXiaoNan/Zhu qingshi/YangDongPing/Yu Dan/DengFei/ZhangQianFan, ideological circle/education/Public world celebrities attended the BBS,Education fair is/Education system innovation/Education of public and private education institutions folk of the future in-depth.Sohu education as the Internet chief education media,Calls for education people pursue education source stick to the original ideal feelings,Let us have a chance to make a Chinese education better.

    ]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project
《2012行业白皮书》发布会议现场 The meeting


On January 22,,The sohu education sponsored by the channel"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony was held in Beijing,At the same time issued a[2012 sohu education industry white paper](Hereinafter referred to as"White paper").Including GuMingYuan/LiangXiaoSheng/BiShuMin/Zhu qingshi/YangDongPing/Yu Dan/DengFei/ZhangQianFan, ideological circle/education/Public world celebrities attended the BBS,Education fair is/Education system innovation/Education of public and private education institutions folk of the future in-depth.


"The past year for China's education is very important for a year,On the one hand education reform appear many new weather,Our education funds investment first realize gross national income 4% of proportion,Everyone's attention on the college entrance examination have different solutions,Some education pioneer/Explorer in various fields with their own practice we accumulate valuable experience;On the other hand, the higher education human spirit and the lack of scientific spirit/University frothy function and change/Different college entrance examination and education fairness, etc of these problems,Cause the social from all walks of life to education widely questioned/criticism."Sohu company vice President/Sohu web editor in chief/And sohu video COO LiuChun said.

  刘春表示,在中国教育最有希望的2012年,教育体制在不断破冰,我们呼吁教育的改革之路超越集团利益,我们追寻教育的本源坚守最初的理想情怀,我们有机会把中国教育变得更好。此外,经过长时间行业内专业调查形成《2012搜狐教育行业白皮书》延续了对行业的深入观察,提供了有关国内教育发展现状的详细材料,同时也提供了一份对未来的思考。 LiuChun said,In the Chinese education the most promising in 2012,Education system in the continuous ice,We call on education reform way beyond the group interest,We pursue the origin of education to the original ideal feelings,We have the chance to take China education better.In addition,After a long time in the industry professional survey form[2012 sohu education industry white paper]Continue to look deeply into the industry,Provides information about the current situation of the development of domestic education detailed material,At the same time also provides a thinking about the future.《2012行业白皮书》发布会议现场 The meeting


各界专家聚首搜狐教育盛典 Experts from all walks of life together sohu education grand ceremony


问诊教育改革 Interrogation education reform


Facing the current education system/Education in the current problems,Famous educator/China education society honorary President Mr. GuMingYuan in[Education anxiety]Under the speech said,"The problem of education to analyze,Can't completely put the responsibility on the move to the headmaster/Can not be completely push the responsibility on to teachers,But to share,Play our positive energy,Don't hype what cram school/High number class/College entrance exams,Our media should have such social responsibility,The whole society joint efforts,Want to rely on the whole society/The wisdom of the Chinese nation to solve our education problems."


Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The nature of these topics experts also gave special attention.


Including GuMingYuan/LiangXiaoSheng/BiShuMin/Zhu qingshi/YangDongPing/Yu Dan/DengFei/ZhangQianFan, ideological circle/education/Public world celebrity participate in BBS,And many education industry hotspot problem and industrial lifeline is discussed.the,LiangXiaoSheng famous writer/BiShuMin,Beijing normal university professor yu Dan,"Free lunch"DengFei sponsors who attended"Left-behind children BBS",Pay attention to the vulnerable huge group,Discuss how to avoid left-behind children unattended and tears.


"My heart in of target,To the south university's mission is to use the practice to answer‘Of qian xuesen asked’,One pace reachs the designated position,Construction international/High level research universities/Strong scientific research atmosphere."The President of the university of science and technology in zhu qingshi"Education innovation BBS",Tells the story of south university innovation reform on the road experiences and feelings,Said that this year will be the third wheel recruit students.In addition,As the closing speakers,He also Shared the theme[China's education reform trend]speech.


The 21st century education research institute President/Beijing university of science and technology education institute professor YangDongPing, said,Now say to education reform,Always think of the southwest associated university,In the late qing dynasty to the republic of China as the culmination of the education reform,Have proved that a good education system.


"I think a very important aspect is to promote the diversification of higher education/diversification,This one or two years have a batch of new ocean university landing,This is very important,Through the institutional competition to promote the reform of the system of China's higher school."YangDongPing said,If use very brief language university system,It should include the following content:The first,University autonomy;The second,Academic freedom;The third,Research professor;The fourth,Generalist education;The fifth,Student autonomy.


"In 2012,,Let us see the Chinese education the most promising one year.Education system in the dark ice,Education industry in the development of rise after the ebb tide.The south university of science and technology in the social desirability and complex real conflict,Experienced the most difficult long test.The sound‘Become a full member’,Even if not perfect,But at least,Reform will continue to."Industry say.


Participate in the BBS several experts say,School tired/School difficult/Your school is everyone concern,But more important,You should also be concerned about the education on a line"Reform pioneer",In this era of blatant,Pioneer with a rare rigid religious watch,To take action on the example case light up the road,Worth admire.


The grand ceremony announced and presented including education lifetime achievement award/Education responsibility for China's action/China's TOP leaders, including education brand seven awards.All awards are via online voting and the personage inside course of study to recommend,The winners from many candidates and candidate mechanism to the fore.


“留守儿童”问题引发热议: "Left-behind children"Problems caused by hot debate:


留守儿童安全、心理问题需要关注 Left-behind children safety/Psychological problems need to pay attention to


BBS on,As many as 58 million"Left-behind children"The problem has become the hot topic of guests."Left-behind children are confronted with many problems,Especially the safety issue/Psychological problems."[China left-behind children diary]author/Rural teachers YangYuanSong said,On security issues,Left-behind children and old people what all don't understand,The home is very serious security hidden danger,Each year they are going to check,"The children burst disease,From the mountains to the highway to half an hour,Garnish with ambulance first aid,Their lives who to save?The children who will guarantee?"


And on top of it,More serious is psychological problem,YangYuanSong introduced,Because these children's parents work out,Home was about to take the children,Their psychological pressure cans be imagined,"One of my students very like to listen to my class,Always come to school every day,Because I will be in after school and he speaking/Listen to his complain,So visible,Let their parents home/And they communicate is very important."


this,Famous writer BiShuMin agreed,"Left-behind children unattended and tears of the main responsibility is to their parents,Repose in the other people's collection and the help of others was wrong,No one could take the place of parents' position,Since you gave birth to,To shoulder the responsibility of parents,Just a born no matter,Such practices kill the child's childhood and life happiness life."


but,Famous public people/"Free lunch"DengFei sponsors, said,Left-behind children problem is behind the society/political/economic/Culture reason formed a comprehensive problem,So the solution of the problem requires a lot of technique,"From my self-initiated free lunch/I and sohu/Spring table with free of charge by the pair of shoes,To put forward a lot of public people send clothes,I think everyone's ideas are right,We are now doing can also be added/Can be united."


"And parents work in urban areas that migrant workers,Say they are farmers,They have no land,Say they are workers,They didn't enjoy the city welfare treatment,So they anxiety,Their children more anxious."Professor yu Dan is proposed,By the government to the migrant rural workers should provide some reunion fund,The local government out some money/They take part of the money,In some holidays forced off,Let them go home together,"Let the poor parents by self consciousness to a sense of duty is too difficult,So we need to guide,Should have certain support,Again by their own to join."


"I like the children,These children let me very moved,Their crops,Take care of grandpa's grandmother/Brother and sister,This group of children's strong and independent ability these are worth learning."YangYuanSong said.Famous writer LiangXiaoSheng is recommended,"Every village,Should have a school,Children should go to school nearby,Rural teachers also want to have feelings,The children teach,The children take,Calling for the attention of education,To the attention of education."


《2012搜狐教育行业白皮书》聚焦八大领域 [2012 sohu education industry white paper]Focus on the eight areas


早教、创业教育市场大热 民间机构融资需求巨大 early/Entrepreneurship education market big heat folk institutions financing needs huge


The sohu education grand ceremony held at the same time,Have also issued a[2012 sohu education industry white paper].This white paper investigation lasted more than a month,A total of more than 90000 copies of effective sample collection,Cover the instruction after class/Early education/Children's English/Vocational education/Network education/Study abroad/Business school/Immigration service eight areas,More fully reflects the current domestic education market and industry face.Sohu education chief introduction,Can be found from the white paper,In 2012, the Chinese consumer education spending continues to go up,At the same time education consumer rights protection call also gradually tall,Good side is,Industry participants also trains hard the internal strength,Constantly improve the ecological industry.


"China's development the market popular,A quarter of the 45 minutes early class value 200 yuan,Full set of 200 class will spend nearly 30000 yuan,Price with a,But many parents or willing to put can't walk children sent to development."White paper shows,About 70% of the children in English and Olympic math class,Monthly spending outside class in 2000 yuan of above family vote of more than 50% of the total number.


Outside market development,2012 years of special"priority"When the business school education in the course of business,White paper shows,As central Europe and other relevant business entrepreneurship course open,Independent entrepreneurs to enter oneself for an examination the number of business schools than ever before have greatly increased,Increase more than 26%,"Although tuition increases year by year,Still have 60% of people choose business school education,The result is increased last year."


"By folk education in segmentation field constantly subsoil,Private education market the thirst for funds also more intense,We can expect the next few years will have a huge financing tide."Sohu education chief introduction,Can be found in the investigation of many companies have financing needs,Although the previous bedding bag into the circle of VC/PE also has the huge exit pressure,In the coming years to restart again listed will be the inevitable result,But considering the education in the United States after China concept stock market concept profiteering flood/Financial fraud risk/VIE risk/Audit, etc factors,Prospect is not optimistic.


In fact,In 2012 China listed in the United States education concept stock has enjoyed a lot of frustration.The white paper survey,Eight education listed companies(Regardless of the already back to OTC market company)The total market value of $4.632 billion,Compared with $2011 in 5.493 billion fell 18.58%.Of the $4.632 billion in total market value,New Oriental is still in the absolute leading position,Is the other seven companies total market value(1.555 billion dollars)Two times.accordingly,New Oriental $835 million revenue and 2-5 four companies in the same total revenue.


White paper shows,add/beauty/Macau triple occupy 74% of the investment immigrant,To 27.9%/26.8% and 20.3%.Of immigrants,Nearly a quarter of people because of dissatisfied with the current domestic education environment,Emigrated to expect for children looking for a better future,At the other reasons.


Along with market high economic profit output,Industry PinChu mess,[In the first half of 2012 the national disappear assist organization accept complaints situation analysis]display,In the first half of 2012,The national consumer advocates were accepted education training service complaints since 1644,More than the same period last year of 1598 cases.

  自去年开始,搜狐教育开通了“3.15消费者投诉平台”,征集消费者维权案例,梳理出消费者投诉主要问题和集中领域,并推出 “教育培训机构投诉率排行榜”,即“消费维权灰榜”,这也构成了2012年消费者的投诉重点,调查显示,教育培训服务投诉排行中,早教机构、幼儿园、少儿英语、课外辅导、职业培训、留学中介名列前茅。

Since the start of last year,Sohu education opened"3.15 consumer complaints platform",For the case of the consumers,Create the main problems and consumer complaints focus areas,And introduction of "Education training institutions TouSuLv list",namely"Consumer rights protection list of ash",It also constitutes the focus of consumer complaints in 2012,Investigation shows that,Education training service complaints in the rankings,Development mechanism/kindergarten/Children's English/Extracurricular counselling/Vocational training/Study abroad intermediary placed.


And the most let consumers to accept problems including:False propaganda education institution,Optional made up teachers' education/The training content misdirect consumer;Ring the changes on training school fees,The setting is equal terms;Training curriculum change at will,After class and optional change class,Optional combination class,Or even cancel the course,The consumer is not expected education effect;Organizers without running qualification,Training institutions without according to manage or beyond management, etc.
