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网传“父子协议”引围观 家长如何进行物质奖励--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

考试成绩换物质奖励 “父子协议”引网友热议 杨阳 图 Test scores in material rewards "Father and son agreement"Lead net friend of hot debate YangYang diagram
   核心提示 summary


On January 9,,a"Father and son agreement"In the online cause onlookers,"Can't,The father and son signed agreement,Also don't know right."word,Also how many see the post as father's ravel.At present,The primary and middle school students are to meet the final exam and nervous review,Many parents have started to prepare children for various test reward,Happened to such a"Father and son agreement"Emerged on the Internet,Immediately triggered a parent/Teachers and experts for material rewards this kind of practice is to discuss the fierce.

  记者 赵珊

Reporter zhao shan


网友热议“父子协议”是与非 Net friend of hot debate"Father and son agreement"Is not and


Party a:XXX(students)


Party b:XXX(parents)


Party a if all three test scores to the request of party b(Chinese 93 points,English 95 points,Math 97 points),The party a party b to meet a desire(Value is in 2000 yuan of the following);If party a the individual subject test scores is not up to standard,But in the party b bear range(Allow below standard 1.5 points),Party a party b still meet a wish,But in 1000 yuan of the following values;If party a test scores are higher than the standard,Each points reward twenty yuan.If party a any subjects have not reached the minimum standard,Then party a is unconditional obey the arrangement of party b.


On January 9,,Net friend"Cold rain clear autumn"Upload the father and son agreement,Leave a single word:"Son said his mother tube him too much,Negative serious,There is no way,Signed this agreement,Also don't know right."


May be near the final exam,This post has caused great repercussions.Supporters think,"Performance appraisal pilot family,Is worth looking forward to."Many netizens think:"power,Although matter a little,But now the child still understand,Just get the money how usage,Need more parents guide."


And the voice of the opposition is also very strong."If can not satisfy u desire,Continue to improve the reward standard?Father and son relationship is between agreement,After many years can the vision,You give me ten thousand dollars I go home to see you once again,Give me twenty thousand I go home and watch you twice."Netizens outraged.


so,For this very challenging topic,The parents/The teacher,Experts is how to treat?


家长激辩 Parents excitation debate


物质奖励利与弊 Material rewards merits and demerits


Point 1:understandable,Hold good degrees


He is a primary school teacher,Also a nine year old girl's father.He thinks,Material rewards,understandable,The key was to hold good degrees.so,How to grasp the degree?


Wei said,At the beginning of the third grade,He and his daughter grow up together to discuss common writing this diary,She began to don't want to do,Wei said:"Don't write it doesn't matter,But you no money every week,At the same time,You lost a week to realize your dream of a chance."Once she listen to,said"can".He said quickly:"There are two requirements:Common writing diary a have to 1 yuan,Every day to write a,Weekly can earn 7 yuan,The money use to write a spending plan,Have the proposals of our parents,Students suggested,Teacher in charge's advice,His last suggestion,To take this granting;You write diary every week five article can realize a dream,Not less.This dream come true costs must not exceed twenty yuan.Dreams can accumulation,Finally can realize more dream."Daughter also agreed to.


Wei said,The process itself is very interesting,Daughter day meaningful narrative down,And dad with his guidance to learn communication,She is very happy,Adhere to the good,The teacher/The classmate all kua her to write well.Her weekly allowance and weekly to achieve their dreams and learn about spending,It is not important.


Wei said,Start material rewards are children"Material interest"Of primers,Keep a diary for children living circle relevant personnel of praise is the sense of accomplishment,is"Spirit interest"Invisible culture.And both can fundamentally promote the healthy growth of children.


Argument 2:Mainly to wound,An ounce of prevention is worth to award


LiLe is ordinary office worker,But it is also the family education"experts",Daily for child family education question discussion.He sent the journalist tells the story of a just happened in yourself things.


"Just got home from work yesterday afternoon,Daughter come in,Says mysteriously:dad,Have good,You don't prize award?Putting a math test paper gave it to me,I saw that it was bright red 100 points ".At that time a little FanDiGu heart:This unit test is necessary to reward?Besides the primary school is grade three lessons more simple,More than 100 points are more common.She usually grandpa likes to children learning material rewards,Such as,The final exam 100 points,General award fifty yuan.Look at children eager eyes,I love the eyes and exchange,Decided to encourage it:And I love each award 5 yuan.The child satisfied all night hum a tune."


LiLe said,In fact,Now many parents will take material rewards to undertake to the child incentive.The individual feels so I do:Adults do need to reward,How much more will the child?Generally speaking,The child won't for future future worry,And attached great importance to the immediate interests,Such as teachers and parents praise and classmates envy eyes, etc,It belongs to the spiritual level.But the satisfaction of material in the child, is also very important,That contentment is other awards irreplaceable.


But the material rewards also need to pay attention to several aspects:Bonus amount shall not be too high,Also cannot pass over.to"excitation"mainly,to"award"An ounce of prevention is worth a,Focus on the spiritual encouragement,Cannot develop children"venality"habits.In a word,Let the child to have goals,Have hope,Target to have the joy of harvest,This is good for children.


老师观点 The teacher view


奖励效果好与差 Reward effect is good and bad


View 1:Study hard,Not for reward


For the upcoming exam,How much of the family promise the material rewards?Ing small harvard bilingual school psychology consultants WangYi people in our school had a simple survey,According to the results of the survey:two(1)Class there are thirty people,There are 24 people parents promised material rewards,80%;two(2)Class twenty-eight people,There are 24 people parents promised material rewards,86%;A senior class has 45 people,There are 32 people parents promised material rewards,71%.


the,Most students if test to 80 points to 100 points can reap the rewards,Prizes have the travel/Toys and even give money...Make WangYi people feel fortunately,Many students think test is an important than material rewards,Even without material rewards,Students will study hard,To work hard to get the best level.


At the same time,WangYi also suggested that parents,Need to slowly adjust the means of incentive,Reward children,Attention should be paid to reward good behavior,Not award a certain result;To understand the needs of the children,Should not the parents have the final say,Can try to use the way children like to replace the material rewards.Of course,The child does well,Parents also need not too excited,Tell children this is usually the result of efforts,Encourage him to continue to insist on,Put forward the requirement of reward for children,To see whether reasonable,Don't because in a good mood and do not stick to the principle and blindly to meet.


View 2:Material rewards,makeshift


"Believe in each of the final exam,Parents is the most worry and the most confused.Worry is the child's achievement,Confused is how to stimulate children achieve better results."Zhengzhou eighty a principal HeShouGang said,Material rewards are many parents stimulate children the means of learning,The needs of the children was satisfied,There is a kind of happiness and a sense of accomplishment.


but,This kind of happiness and a sense of accomplishment and not from results themselves,But from the material itself.As children the growth of the age,And parents reward again,The child's desire will be more and more inflation,finally,Parents give children no matter how valuable things,In his mind is not satisfied,Instead will make him feel:I took the high,You reward,Is part of the.This kind of practice,Will only let the students get rich quick,Learning objective deformity.Material rewards for learning is a stopgap,And can not fundamentally solve the problem.


"Should from the spiritual support/Encourage your child."HeShouGang said,Because a person in addition to the material demand,More need is spiritual solace.When he get good grades,parents/The teacher and share the happiness with him,Let him know that their efforts and hard work were not in vain;When he has no ideal performance,We share together, and his sorrow,Tell the children,As long as you try to,It is enough to.Sum up lessons,The next test again to prove their strength.


Want to know,The elder spirit encouragement will let the child is very positive/Very optimistic to their studies,Can make children understand that learning is for their own dreams and future,Not for any other reason,Believe that such children will be in the school on the road more walk more far,Until success.


专家建议 Expert advice


Suggestion 1


Education target long and far


Reward experiment,Conclusion amazing


Material rewards in the growing process of children is exactly what kind of work?Zhengzhou education learning to learn psychological research director WangHaiYong about two psychology famous experiment.

  实验一:一位心理学家挑选了一些喜欢绘画的孩子,将他们分为了两组。A组的孩子们得到了一个许诺,即 “画得好,就给奖品”,而B组的孩子们则只是被告知“想看看你们的画”。两个组的孩子都高兴地画了自己喜爱的画。A组的孩子们得到了奖品,B组的孩子们只是得到了几句平常的赞语。

The experiment a:A psychologist chose some like painting children,They will be divided into two groups.A group of children get A promise,namely "Draw well,Give prizes",The B group of children, only to be told"Want to have a look at your picture".Two groups of children are delighted to drew their favorite painting.A group of children get A prize,B group of children just get a few words of praise ordinary.


Three weeks later,The psychologists found,A group of children are not active to painting,Their interest in painting significantly reduced,And the children of group B is still as before happily painting.The experiment,Worked in different countries/Different interest group had,The experimental results has been repeated verification.


The experimental conclusion is:The experiment to tell us,Prize is can strengthen a benign behavior,But it only to have the prize to be interested in behavior itself for the risk of lose interest.


Lab 2:recently,Harvard University researchers also did an experiment,They put more than 30000 students into two groups:A group of according to"output"To reward,Is the test to a certain score to get bonus;Another group of students according to"into"To reward,As long as read a book,Can get two dollars.The results showed that,According to the"into"Reward students not only to improve the learning results,And in the cancel after bonuses,Many students still keep reading.


The experimental conclusion is:The experiment to tell us,People need to be recognized and feel appreciated.For children,They are more eager to get the feeling of approved,Rather than specific material.


Suggest two


Different age,Different reward


How should parents of children material rewards?WangHaiYong said,First of all,Parents should know two facts,The fact a,From child sense perception development point of view,The child yue xiaoyue vulnerable to physical stimulation,As children age grew up gradually,From simple substances stimulation sublimation to society/spirit/Psychological and emotional satisfaction.Fact 2,All the material requirement behind have a psychological demand to meet,See the psychological need might be able to find a way to solve the problem.


In clear the two facts at the same time,Parents will according to the child's age characteristics to undertake to the child the appropriate material and spiritual rewards.General children in 0 ~ 7 years old to what he saw/hear/Think of/Want or want to eat food and have a strong demand,Such as parents said"If you put the rubbish into the trash can,Mother will take you to the park",This way the will produce very strong attraction,He'll be in the mind think happy situation play in the park,So can stimulate he'll do it.


But to six or seven years old,Children have the desire of self-fulfillment,Have your own judgment,If still according to 6 years ago way to stimulate him,He will first of all have their own judgment,Then discuss with their parents even bargain.So parents in this period,Should step up to the child's spiritual encouragement.if"If you will throw rubbish into the trash can,Mother will be very happy,And the house will become very clean,This house would be very happy".


General to 12 years old,The child's spiritual needs will be more,If the parents way no development,Children in turn will continue to give parents ask condition,Through the completion of the parents to meet their own conditions,If the parents can't meet will give up,if"If you don't give me to buy this dress I will not go to learn English",This time,Parents and children will go to equal dialogue,Know the child's intrinsic motivation,Then let the children accept the objective reality.


In a word,If parents use improper material rewards,Will be counterproductive,Will let the kid become short-sighted,Get rich quick,Lack of internal,Even life ravel.


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