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内江一小学组织学生列队欢迎领导 校方检讨致歉--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

1月16日,四川省内江市东兴区爱国小学学生夹道欢迎领导。(网友供图) On January 16,,Sichuan province with large area NaJiangShi patriotic elementary school students passageway welcome leadership.(Net friend for map)校方的检讨书 School written self criticism


This month, and,Netizens FaWei bo a source says,A primary school in sichuan province NaJiangShi held"Harmonious school"When opening ceremony,Organization pupils in the cold passageway welcome to the leaders of the municipal women's association.The micro bo immediately caused wide attention and net friend of hot debate.


Micro bo issued the next day,NaJiangShi women's federation and school respectively in a written apology letter,For this one against the central about"Improvement work style"The practice of regulations on the apology and review,Officials said"Feel remorse and contrition".


网友爆料:小学生寒风中夹道欢迎领导 Net friend kept:Primary school students in the passageway welcome leadership

  1月20日晚,微博用户烟云发布了一条题为《四川内江“和谐学校”授牌仪式 学生为何成道具》的微博。

1 month and day night,Micro bo users smoke released a titled[Sichuan minjiang"Harmonious school"Opening ceremony why students into property]Micro bo.


Micro bo wrote in the:"Last December the total acquisition emphasis on leadership travel‘Want to arrive without pomp/Reduce accompanied/Simplified reception,Do not post hanging banners,Don't arrange the visitors...’.January 16, large area rich creek township"NaJiangShi harmonious school"Opening ceremony,The school organization students dressed,Braved the passageway welcome leaders at all levels..."


The micro bo is allotted a piece of photos.In the picture,Dozens of students wearing school uniforms,At the school gate stand in two good disposition,Drum palm passageway welcome are going into the school gate several leadership.


By the 22nd,,This is the micro bo has been read 63000 times,Forward and review article nearly 500.


Micro bo users in the comments CaiZhiGang question:"You wear quilted jacket down,The children wear thin uniforms;You take the bus blow heating,The children will head on the march ahead of you.You don't have children?"


The other a user ZhaoQing said:"On the real officials or characters are not love of BaiPu,It is these to a lot of sesame small officer love something out of the stunt,As we came up a small town a little big officer will make the waste man power and money,What will be closed to traffic,Serious influence your life and work production,despise,General mood of society should really good improvement changed!"

内江市妇联在“微内江”上发布的致歉信 NaJiangShi women's federation in"Micro neijiang"Released on apology letter


内江市妇联致歉:没能制止学校组织欢迎 NaJiangShi women's apology:Failure to stop the school organization welcome


The incident quickly get the official positive response.21 6 a.m.,The events of the NaJiangShi party's office by NaJiangShi official micro bo"Micro neijiang"A letter of apology,Said sincerely accept and thanks to the supervision of the net friend,With deep regret.


This article micro bo allotted a bore NaJiangShi women's federation official seal written apology letter.Wrote in the letter of apology:"1 month and day,Netizens Posting‘Sichuan neijiang harmonious school opening ceremony,Why do students into property’.As the tip of the parties concerned,We hereby sincerely accept and thanks to the supervision of the net friend,With deep regret.


On January 16,,We went to large area rich creek township patriotic elementary school in sympathy activities,to‘Harmonious school’Opening ceremony,The school organizes students passageway welcome,But we can't stop,Against the central about‘Improvement work style’regulations.therefore,We feel deep remorse.Through this matter,We will deep reflection,Sum up lessons,Be strict with oneself,To improve the work style."


The micro bo's review,More than net friend to city women's federation said positive attitude,"Look attitude is really sincere correct","Understanding mistakes is to correct the wrong key.It seems,Now the government department or the change of how well!Can the recant,good!""Can timely initiative admit his mistake,Praise a."


校方检讨:“深感自责和痛悔” The review:"Feel remorse and contrition"


Another onlooker schools in 21 afternoon to respond,A review of the matter and apologize.


The event people support"cloud"In the 21, when 17 and points through the micro bo announced the NaJiangShi large area patriotic elementary school will organize the student rank welcome the leadership of written self criticism.The school said in written self criticism,Organize the student rank welcome is from"Grateful psychological".


The school with the official seal wrote in the written self criticism:"Due to the years of city women's federation and other social charity unit/People love to our school students with great care and help,Out of gratitude psychological,We organized the part of students rank welcome.This procedure has violated the central about"Improvement work style"regulations,therefore,We feel remorse and contrition,Sincere and accepted the criticism and the organization of the survey.Through this matter,We will deep reflection,Recall a painful experience,Learn lessons from the,Enhance understanding,Change the style of work,With a more practical work thank you."
