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1岁孩子读MBA遭质疑 委员:吃喝拉撒睡就是早教--亲稳舆论引导监测室
DongFangWang reporter ChengQi January 29 reports:"Some of the early institutions should set up for 1 year old child MBA course."The education development agency said the mess,Chen lei can't help improve the octave voice.This voice did not fall,All the members of CPPCC laughed.
In this afternoon and the CPPCC held the first session of the 12 special meeting,CPPCC members/China soong ching ling kindergarten offered nursery huashan park Chen lei is the principal commercial development institutions/Part of the mechanism"evaporation"/Education high cost/The training content perpetrate a fraud/Staff no nursery teachers' quality and the mess to speak.
Chen lei said,As a new sunrise industry,In recent years rapid development industry development.But since there is no clear regulation unit,Development agency mess rebirth.The quality of teaching the good and bad are intermingled/The training content perpetrate a fraud/Development mechanism"evaporation"Problems happen from time to tome.
Chen lei think and,Appear afore-mentioned problems reason is"Monk much less meat".She said:"Since 2010,Shanghai new baby nearly 600000,And the government of the intermittent type development service,Can't meet the demand of normalization early."
Chen lei Suggestions for,The government should clear industry supervision responsibility main body,Commercial development can't be supervision blind area.And establish public welfare/Half the welfare and commercial combination of the early market mechanism.
Chen lei also appealed to the parents,Development is not"Elite education",Not simply emphasizes that the early intelligence development,More emphasis is the character and survival skills training,Eat and drink pull scatter sleep is already,Life is the best materials.
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