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  1月1日,被网友称为“史上最严处罚”的《学位论文作假行为处理办法》(以下简称“《办法》”)正式实施。 On January 1,,Be net friend called"History is the most severe punishment"of[Degree thesis fraud treatment method](Hereinafter referred to as"[way]")Formal implementation.

  之所以称其“史上最严”,是因按照规定,论文造假者3年内将无法再申请学位。不仅如此,《办法》对论文造假者为在职人员这个以往的制度“盲点”也作出明确规定,“若为在职人员,学位授予单位除给予纪律处分外,还将通报其所在单位。” 论文造假者撤销学位

Is called the"The most severe in the history of",Because according to the regulation,The paper fraudsters three years will not be able to apply for degree.Not only that,[way]Paper fraudsters on-the-job personnel for the previous system"Blind spot"Also made specific provision,"If on-the-job personnel,Degree-conferring unit in addition to give the disciplinary action,Will report its place unit." The paper fraudsters degree revoked? ?? ?[相关]论文“造假”者 学位将.. |  教育部称论文“造假”者..

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In the[way]The policy of encouraging more than the,How to put in place,Don't let paper to crack down on counterfeit goods"False play",Becomes the focus of public concern.


“学术繁荣” "Academic prosperity"


还是“造假泛滥” or"Fraud flood"


According to media reports,"China's scientific and technological personnel of published journal articles quantity,Has already surpassed the United States,First in the world".But in baidu search"Write essays",Actually there are 4.79 million results,amazing.Do you understand the paper false situation is what kind of?Harm how to?


GeJianXiong:In colleges and universities/academia,The dissertation false information is already a long time,And has been quite common.


HuYiQing:There are two main types of false papers,A is for others to write,A payment,A writing.The second is"Copy + paste",Especially the liberal arts,Copy to copy to.Others make students to write this article,Then in the published the names of the students take off,Some professors write a year between article,not"water"Is what?Ask what kind of paper can be written in a forty or fifty article?


GeJianXiong:If you don't take measures,This kind of atmosphere once formed,It is difficult to correct in the future.College students/The teacher a pillar of society/Social elite,If a person in the student period of the formation of such style,Not only to its own,And to our country the overall academic quality/The international image will cause undesirable consequence.


Edit comments on:Because the number of papers much more special,Some people have seen"prosperity",Some people have seen"flood".In fact,Seemingly blossoms"Academic prosperity"behind,In fact with countless"Fruitless flower",Even a deadly temptation"poppy".There is a a vigilant digital,Although we have"The paper number first"title,But the average rate of reference papers in the world but row 100 away,The United States[science]Magazine in China from paper draft rate reaches as high as 98%.


“史上最严” "The most severe in the history of"


还是“史上最难” or"The history of"


[way]Academic misconduct to declare war.Outsider praise the"The most severe in the history of",Professional is a way"difficult",Excuse me, two teachers,What do you think?


GeJianXiong:[way]Although issued a,But how to find degree thesis fraud?On the base to come up,Nobody quote.If, by reporting,A large number of reports are anonymous,Nor are accurate,So for anonymous reporting is to deal well with it or not?


HuYiQing:[way]Implementation of the key lies in how to obtain evidence,But does not lie in how to verify the punishment.If the article is a ghost,In the business papers to intellectual property rights to sell together,Buyers and sellers don't say,Difficult to check it out.


GeJianXiong:[way]Difficult to implement,Is the standard is difficult to set,Such as copy,What degree is copy?If the student to copy the article change the appearance,It is hard to find.another,That difficult.To fudan academic standard committee as an example,I can not find the evidence,Some accident investigation one or two years were difficult to make conclusion.There are many areas of article itself similarity is very big,It's difficult to judge.


HuYiQing:Another is the teachers and students"sit".[way]provisions,"Fails to fulfill the academic morality and academic standard education/Thesis guidance and review checks and so on duty,The thesis guidance exist false situation,Degree-conferring unit can be given a warning/gig;If the circumstances are serious,Can reduce the post level until give fire sanctions or terminate the employment contract."In copying this paper,tutor"sit"it,The teacher didn't you know that/Don't work hard;But if the article is written for someone in private,The teacher is hard to find,To the teacher"sit"Just a little too mechanical.


GeJianXiong:Some college/The school will shield students,Don't fit,Do not provide evidence.In order for students to graduate/employment,Some articles and will be involved in the teacher/leadership,This is a very practical problem,To consider the difficulty of implementation.


HuYiQing:If the policy/XiaYouDuiCe,[way]Will become"Paper tiger".


GeJianXiong:We also have rallied"flies"Don't play"The tiger"worry.Such as a suspected of plagiarism in this paper the secretary,Signature is dean and students' offices,so,If students contended is dry,And there is no evidence,It is hard to that who is responsibility.


Edit comments on:because"strict",so"difficult".It is difficult to enforce the law is a lot[way]Even laws and regulations become a mere formality of the root cause,[way]To implement,Still need to concrete operating measures,Reasonable standard law enforcement standard.


“扬汤止沸” "A temporary redress"


还是“釜底抽薪” or"FuDeChouXin"


The thesis fraud flood,One important reason may be out in the evaluation mechanism.Both practical primary and secondary school teachers/Practicing doctors,Or university researchers,The paper a paper of the hero.Excuse me, two teachers,What do you think of the dissertation fraud source in where?


HuYiQing:Now professor evaluation frequently requires 15 article core journal articles,It also requires in foreign periodicals published articles.Education system in education evaluation results have a problem,Only look at"products"The paper,And don't see the invisible,Such as the precept/Model and a.so,Education become commodity production,The students became products on the assembly line.


GeJianXiong:Degree thesis fraud so prevalent,Also have social and institutional reasons.Because in the promotion/When selecting cadres,A one-sided value degree phenomenon.Fudan it'll do very well,The director of the department of Chinese literature, ChenSiHe is bachelor degree,Because fudan in appointing cadres, no degree requirements.Why do some place in the selection and appointment of cadres must make a degree?This shows that the selection and appointment of standard have one-sidedness,This is how the elimination of corruption in the system of the soil.


HuYiQing:Do research,This should be interested in research/talented,Have strong love,Achievement motivation strong talent to write a paper.Got interested in,A study of a powerful driving force,To fundamentally eliminate false degree thesis.


Edit comments on:In the face of the thesis fraud flood,Should be a temporary redress,Or FuDeChouXin?I already knew the answer.Culture academic interest/Reform evaluation system/eliminate"Only XueLiLun",Two professors offer prescription.But medicine is good,Still need to pattern identification and treatment.if,Graduate students can be YouLieLun short-long paper?Professional evaluation can be paper quantity theory hero?Promote cadres can be set in"threshold"?These needs social each department's cooperation.Sincerely hope that[way]Is just a"YaoYinZi",Ill effect a radical cure of"Combination prescription"In the back.

  记者 张 烁

The performance of reporter zhang

  嘉宾:葛剑雄 复旦大学教授

guests:GeJianXiong fudan university professor

  胡翼青 南京大学新闻传播学院副教授

HuYiQing nanjing university institute of journalism and communication, an associate professor
