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大学毕业生“炫父”帖蹿红网络 引无数网友泪奔--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

2月3日,李贺帮父亲将“福”字贴在“三马车”上。本报记者 樊江涛摄 On February 3,,LiHeBang father will"f"Word posted on"Three carriage"on.Our reporter FanJiangTao perturbation
  截至2月3日,在鹿泉贴吧中,网友“无帆也可远航”的网帖《我的父亲是一个收棒子的以此献给天下所有父亲》,已被顶至145楼,回复达234条之多。 By February 3,,In the LuQuan stick,Net friend"No sail also can sail away"Nets for[My father is a charge to stick to all of the father],Has been the crown to the 145 building,Article 234 the reply.


Net friend"Still retain childlike innocence 79"said:In fact have been afraid to open this post,Afraid of control tears,Does not control,See more, tears streaming down her face.LuQuan stick it Lord/Net friend"NiuZiXiao"It seems,the"Dazzle the father"1 and zhu ziqing's prose masterpiece[figure]Shoulder to shoulder,"To read more unforgettable".And net friend"Clouds fly over 3"Is pointed out that,In some"children"Often complain that"Parents have no skill/No money no right"today,this"Dazzle the father"Post more precious.


This article written on the phone with his thumb/Is divided into eight hair over more than 3000 word net post,Although there are wrong character/speak"DaBaiHua",But was of netizens spontaneously turns in shijiazhuang stick/Positive definite stick/Gaocheng stick and micro bo and social platform.


This article wherever,Net friend all big call"Tears ran",Is known as most cow"Dazzle the father"for.


On February 3,,The lunar month, 23,Our correspondent in the swirl of snow and asymptotic in NianWei,Into the river town in hebei province LuQuanShi a farm small courtyard,met"No sail also can sail away"A domestic Marine transportation company 24-year-old practice three engineer LiHe,And his 52-year-old father LiXiuQi farmers.


父亲辛苦一天 收入不到一百 Father hard day income less than one hundred


Until the seventh lunar month,A hard years at home LiXiuQi began to prepare for the festival.LiHe and father together the cob experience also officially ended.


The existing cultivated land shortage 3 mu,The bar is the ordinary peasant twenty years of major economic income.Since primary school LiHe unforgettable summer vacation with his father at a time with to collect bonzi experience.


"The eyes that morning,I heard my father was open‘Three carriage’The yard."To wear vest,Small LiHe caught out.Fast to the village to catch up with his father.Father will LiHe embrace"Three carriage",Take off his vest to cover on the son,His is a stripped to the waist.Is the summer,Early in the morning is quite cool.

  “那件背心真大啊。”李贺回忆说,“从脖子一直套到了我的膝盖!”但长大后的李贺却并不愿意和同学们讲起父亲所做的事。即便是在去年大学毕业、应聘成功后,那段不用到岗的日子,和父亲一起去“收棒子 ”之初,他也依然担心遇见昔日的同学。“担心同学们会想我这个‘优等生’、‘读书人’,怎么混得不好,成了‘卖苦力’的!” 李贺坦言。

"The vest is really huge."LiHe recalls,"From the neck has been set up to my knees!"But when he grew up LiHe is not willing to and students to speak about his father had done.Even in the graduated from the university last year/Apply for after the success,That need not to work day,And his father go together"Accept bonzi "At the beginning of the,He also still worry about meet old classmates."Worry about the classmates will want to me this‘Top student’/‘scholar’,How to mix well,became‘Sell coolie’of!" LiHe said.


But even in with his father on the first day of the Wells,When he had first look at his father's hand,Found that the hands of the joint has been rough variant,Each finger due to the force,Nails are crack near a deep cut……

  李贺说,父亲是个不善于表达感情的人,从不和儿子提起自己的艰辛,更不会对子女说 “我爱你”这样的话……

LiHe said,Father is not good at express feelings of the people,Never mention their son and arduous,Don't say more children "I love you"so……

  “爸爸粜一斤棒子挣两三分钱。” 李贺告诉记者,父亲辛苦一天下来,时常收入不到100元。

"Dad was a catty bonzi make two or three cents." LiHe told reporters,Father hard day down,Often earn less than 100 yuan.


Together with the son when the bonzi,Sometimes the road is the noon can't go home,LiXiuQi and LiHe each ate a bowl of 5 yuan panel.And when his charge when bonzi,He will be"Dry chewing"4 yuan pancake.


"Parents is such use‘Sell coolie’Earned money,For my two sisters and I received a good education,became‘scholar’."LiHe said,"once,I will be busy all day long‘scholar’,Too busy even almost forget where you come from!"


3000多字最牛“炫父”帖 More than 3000 words most cow"Dazzle the father"for


In fact in his father LiXiuQi eyes,The son has always been sensible boy.


Two people together at the beginning of the Wells,LiHe was afraid to meet students,Father and son two people are not on a communication,But LiXiuQi cried foul.And in this process,The change of the son,LiXiuQi also see in the eye."To later,Meet his classmates home was bonzi,Even if I am not in students,He will also be active to students family to introduce myself."


But now what is to change yourself to"Accept bonzi"view,It's hard to tell the LiHe??????"landmark"events.He just said,And the father's stick that he no longer for their work"Totally embarassed"And blush;The cob after coming home,And his father and wash your hands face is to fill the rumble was hungry;Now he seems to,Rely on their own hands to eat is worthy of respect……


When he returned to the unit training,A year earlier appointment colleagues Z elder brother told him,His income is good this year,Going to buy a divided around an object.LiHe naturally to Z brother talk about his father's and the cob experience,And tell Z elder brother,If you have the money first"Buyout father two years seniority".


In the net in the post,LiHe tells the story of this brother Z effects.Not long ago,Z elder brother and gave him coming call,Tell LiHe his new plan:Give up a car plan,The sum of income in addition to keep the marriage outside in,Is filial piety the parents.


Is it,Let has always been low-key LiHe deeply touches,Decided to high-profile"Dazzle the father"Hope that through the Internet influence more people.


1 October, 10 at night,Lying in bed,He began to use mobile phones to write down and father together the cob experience.Wrote equal to zero,ended.Is preparing to send to stick,Suddenly cellular phone have no electricity,Cause go down the drain.So he had to one side to cell phone charging side rewrite.


On January 23, when 2 am,LiHe eventually use mobile phones has completed the most cow"Dazzle the father"for.


But it was not until the reporter to interview,LiHeCai and his father"replacement"Write their own network for it.LiXiu at first is nervous,Then I feel a little bit shy,And then began to pick up home,Prepare for the first time with reporters.


"Journalists may interview me?"He asked the son."Then I should say some what?"LiHe are no experience.finally,LiXiuQi and son agreed:Have what he said what it.


To tell you the truth,LiXiuQi cannot calculate a good interview object.Ask the along while,He also speaks out together with the son of the bonzi stories and details.The father is repeated:In this process,Son should be learned"How the most basic".


Reporters asked,What is"How the most basic"of.But this time he answered simply:"integrity!Know old know less!"


网友从关注到行动 Net friend from paying attention to action


Reporter noticed,Most cow"Dazzle the father"For the network effect caused by the continuous fermentation.Users are from the simple attention,Into positive action.


The net friend comment on a micro bo,The father loves the family is to show off the challenge of dazzle rich phenomenon.Netizens also pointed out:"whenever,The truth is better than heart forever material to show off.Sometimes we are showing,Just is we are missing.The kiss,Quick to tell your family's story!"


And most in this article"Dazzle the father"The origin of the post LuQuan stick,Net friend"Y princess y"said:"Like this kind of positive energy!Many have this post is good post it."


Let the users is spontaneous launched"‘Dazzle the father’Essay activities".Activities launched net friend said:Perhaps your father was a builder/The fruit seller sell food,Or farmers/workers/cadres……But no matter what they are career,They are all love to caress you grow father,In the minds of children is great!


For this activity,Net friend"LuQuan zool"DingTie definitely said:"This is for my father the most precious New Year gift".And net friend"Destruction type in accordance with the son"It can't wait to say:"New Year's day, I want to give you see sun photo of the whole family!"


For LiHe to,He gave the parents New Year gift is"Rely on our own efforts to let parents live a good life"commitment.


therefore,He is going to years back to the company,The first sea ocean shall apply"A down 12 months of task".


Sea ocean,Conditions by the limit of the,LiHe can't like college as,Make a phone call to my parents every weekend.But he said,He will work ship Numbers tell his parents,Through the website,Parents can clearly see the location of the son.

  “我要把生活的点点滴滴都通过邮件发给姐姐,让她念给父母听。” 李贺说,他要这样带着从未出过远门的父母来一次环球旅行。“当然,有一天我一定会真的带他们出国旅游!”他补充说。

"I want to put the little drops of life all through the email to my sister,Let her parents to read." LiHe said,He will never had so far with the parents to a journey around the world."Of course,One day I will really take them to travel abroad!"He added.


And beside a face of happiness to hear son talking LiXiuQi,With his son's New Year wishes is only simple eight words:Go in peace,smoothly!
