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家长学生暗战玩高科技 过去偷看日记如今网上盯梢--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

   过去翻抽屉偷看日记如今网上盯梢 In the past over drawer peep diary now Shadowed by online


家长学生“暗战”玩起高科技 Parents students"Dark war"Play high-tech


the,Young people more and more far away from home school work,With their parents have less communication.The past parents to understand the latest trends of children,Turn drawer/See diary,But now have to working"New new mankind",stick/space/blog/everyone/Micro bo a also doesn't fall,Parents children play"Dark war",The children were Shouting"monitoring",But the truth is just care about their parents.


你有没有遭“潜伏”? Have you ever had"latent"?


yesterday,The size of the mountain forest stick,Net friend"Wisdom · breeze wish"Post big call"Stick has been parents penetrate!"It is the net friend in a game slander his hand,Was the injury is not serious,They also didn't intend to tell parents,Afraid of family worry,In the stick with other net friend chat of time it mentioned,Soon the parents he learned that the event,Also be lessons are not careful,It's how I met your mother have been active in the stick,Netizens think parents push yourself too tight,Don't have their own private space,Cause the net friend resonance.Have net friend then echo,Say their own space often visit by parents,My daily dynamic is held in the hands of parents,Can only use"Ma3 jia3"To stick to speak,But not a sense of security."empathy.My dad in the small woods all the level 5",Net friend"Invincible little all the"Reply said.Net friend"CorpseChen"said,"My dad add my QQ and then I space all log state see again,Then I decisive delete friends."


Network is"latent",Students have different reaction his QQ space and stick by parents"latent",Students opinions differ.Netizens think,"Now the ssi is the show","Good love";There are also some net friend call"monitoring,Can't stand"."Netizens,Such a thing or to parents to stipulate,"Jealousy is the biggest damage","Easy to cause the family conflicts".Net friend"Can't have don't forget"Is directly give parents the post said,"Although aiko eager,But I still hope to be able to have yourself a little free space".


Along with the development of the network,Now young people like to use the network to record your own life,With the frequent interaction between users,But neglected the parents.Many parents will"latent"Way to penetrate into the children's lives.


experts:Can understand,But still want to more positive communication education college of shandong normal university associate professor/Psychology doctor DongHuiQin think,Parents do,Purpose is to want to know their children more information,This practice actually can understand.After all, now the child is not very willing to talk with parents,Parents want to know the life of the child/Care for children,This is inevitable.but,Get the information from the Internet after the very key to how to deal with.DongHuiQin professor suggested that parents don't take these"intelligence"As handle,But behind the phenomenon properly deal with the problem,Be tactful way."We still have to advocate and children communication,As a child his friend,Let the child willing to parents talk/conversation."She said.(Reporter XuYuQin RenXiaoMeng interns)
