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教授:高考375分以下不适合上大学 只能上技校--亲稳网络舆情监测室

南都讯 记者伊晓霞 阳广霞实习生李颖洁 昨日政协分组讨论中,省政协委员、广州大学教授杨木壮建议高考将375分设为“最低录取线”,低于375分不录取。他说,低分考生不适合读书,不是说素质低,而是更适合干其他工作。网友对此赞弹不一。
SMW reporter the XiaoXia YangGuangXia interns LiYingJie CPPCC yesterday in the group discussion,The Chinese people's political consultative conference/Guangzhou university professor YangMuZhuang Suggestions will be set up for the college entrance examination in 375"Lowest to admit",Less than 375 points not admit.He said,Low candidates are not suitable for reading,Not to say that the quality is low,But more suited for other work.Net friend to play different praise.
According to YangMuZhuang explain,For a college entrance examination"Lowest to admit"Based on several aspects.The first,He thinks that low score of students is not suitable for reading,Of course is not to say that quality is low,But he may be more suited for other work,Such as mechanic.The second,Low grade students often only quality is not how high it charges high school,To the family cause too much to bear.The third,Low grade students after graduation from the university,Often do not have a skill,Difficult to deal with the fierce employment competition.finally,A lot of the students easily"above",From the countryside to the city to run,Against social stability.
"I second the."Members of the group LinLunLun said,Now a lot of rural children to come to guangzhou"mixed"One or two years he would not go back again.And if he read in the local vocational education college/Technical secondary school,In the county and town work,Expectation is not so high.Another group of LinHaiLong is opposition.He said,Education no threshold,Who can accept education,Let him to accept education better than outside have no matter to do."Even if learn bad students don't read university,He also to employment."
We are more concerned with,Bad grades for the students,The university entrance exam set minimum admission line will not fair?this,YangMuZhuang said,Low grades only that, not reading,Low grade students can also do other work,To the right position to.Cottonwood feat cases said:"Now a lot of manual labor is still in the post‘Labor shortage’state."
College entrance examination below 375 points,Not suitable for the university?Last night,This view through the @ southern metropolis daily official micro bo after release,On the network also cause net friend of hot debate.
赞 praise
高等教育本该属于精英教育 Higher education should be belong to elite education
Missjollylee @:Have to admit that,Some people are not suitable for study at school,But doesn't mean isn't at school can't learn.Teach students in accordance with their aptitude is right.
@ the ZhiRong:Absolutely agree with.As long as do a fair,Higher education should belong to elite education.
@ blues male -:As college graduates,Feel some sense,Three years time can do what they are interested in,In the school for three years really wasted.
@ lonely Wolf rebel:reasonable,And get some so-called three this school,Wantonly enrollment,And often this kind of school district are for the purpose,Students also learn to be less than the real thing,The graduation is still a question,Is better to learn a technique,Depends on the technology to eat,No pain no gain will not have the repayment!
@ ruin barge:"He who excels in learning"The idea now is still exist.Set a high admission line may be able to force those who failed family rethink the child's life path,Rather than follow blindly.
弹 play
受教育权不能限制只能引导 Education can limit guides
@S usie_淑莹徐徐徐:你们都不懂高中生的感受,早出晚归为了什么?不能因为低分就放弃!那些普遍低分的不就没得救了?你们都不懂厚出薄收的道理。
@ S usie_ accomplishment jade-like stone slowly xu:You don't understand the feelings of high school students,Go out early and return till late for what?Can't just give up because of his low scores!The general who have saved?You don't understand the word of the thickness of the thin.
@ LeiSiLei language:That shouldn't I can choose Chinese colleges and universities or history department yao?Maybe later is mo yan or the historians.
@ little every day:Accept education is man's basic rights,No matter how many grades,Should not be deprived.
@ LiXianWu:Equal right to education is the basic right of citizens,Can limit,Can proper guide.
因 because
争议源自何处?人才观的扭曲+考试制度落伍 Dispute from where?Talent distortion + examination system behind The Times
@ born melon two an egg shaped thing:Low points is no need to go to college,But China's current social without a good system to accept,Now all are inferior only reading high mainstream social values,Let these young people how to survive.The key is not set a fraction line in part from beyond the threshold,But create a college can become multiple values.
@ Oriental rich bamboo:The main problem now is,A lot of people are on to undergraduate course,And are proud of the key undergraduate course,But to vocational and technical schools have discrimination attitude,so,Concept and the realization of occupational equality is a it is urgent to change,In addition,I want to ask put forward the proposal of professor Yang,If you children got 375 points,You will let him a technical school?Answer me!
@ it song of the night:Education is not only refers to the university education,Do not all people are suitable for the university,It's not the threshold and the right things,And in relation to social environment for talents to the concept of cognitive!
@ melon woman yan smile:Is the social and education abnormal.Then points theory,Students will be more into duck,In order to divide and learn.High marks will only be more and more low.
@ QinZiLing:A few days ago I listen to the school a tutors complain,Because some one's deceased father grind specialized households out of the fractional line,Lead to a lot of really high quality scientific research personnel be stopped in the graduate student threshold.I think the low grade students blind before qualitative,Whether should review these broken test some what things.
微两会版统筹:南都记者 阳广霞
Micro lianghui version as a whole:SMW YangGuangXia reporter
南都漫画 张建辉
SMW ZhangJianHui cartoons
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